LoRaWAN P2P 04: Hybrid P2P / LoRaWAN

This example shows how to configure the module for P2P mode and LoRaWAN mode too. In this code, the Waspmote waits for new incoming P2P packets. Then routes the information received to the LoRaWAN gateway.

Required Materials

1 x Waspmote 1 x Battery 1 x LoRaWAN module 1 x 868 MHz antenna


- This is part of a more complex topology. Several nodes should be sending packets to this node. At least one sending Waspmote needs to be used with the related p2p second example in order to see this work - The user must keep in mind that when sending to LoRaWAN gateway, no P2P packets can be received - It is not recommended to work without an antenna screwed to the module. The module could be damaged due to RF reflections. - This example can be executed in Waspmote v12 and Waspmote v15


 *  ------ P2P Code Example -------- 
 *  Explanation: This example shows how to configure the module
 *  for P2P mode and LoRaWAN mode too. In this code, the Waspmote
 *  waits for new incoming P2P packets. Then routes the information
 *  received to the LoRaWAN gateway.
 *  Copyright (C) 2018 Libelium Comunicaciones Distribuidas S.L. 
 *  http://www.libelium.com 
 *  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify  
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  
 *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or  
 *  (at your option) any later version.  
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,  
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of  
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.  
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License  
 *  along with this program.  If not, see .
 *  Version:           3.2
 *  Design:            David Gascon
 *  Implementation:    Luismi Marti

#include <WaspLoRaWAN.h>

uint8_t socket = SOCKET0;

// define radio settings (P2P interface)
uint8_t power = 15;
uint32_t frequency;
char spreading_factor[] = "sf10";
char coding_rate[] = "4/5";
uint16_t bandwidth = 125;
char crc_mode[] = "on";

// Define LoRaWAN settings (LoRaWAN interface)
uint8_t PORT = 3;
char DEVICE_EUI[]  = "0102030405060708";
char DEVICE_ADDR[] = "05060708";
char NWK_SESSION_KEY[] = "01020304050607080910111213141516";
char APP_SESSION_KEY[] = "000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F";

// define
char packet[512];

// variable
uint8_t error;

void setup() 
  USB.println(F("P2P to LoRaWAN gateway\n"));

  // module setup
  error = lorawanModuleSetup();

  // Check status
  if (error == 0)
    USB.println(F("LoRaWAN interface configured OK"));     
    USB.println(F("LoRaWAN interface configured ERROR"));     

  // module setup
  error = radioModuleSetup();

  // Check status
  if (error == 0)
    USB.println(F("Radio interface configured OK"));     
    USB.println(F("Radio interface configured ERROR"));     


void loop() 

  USB.println(F("Listening to packets:"));

  // Set receive mode 
  error = LoRaWAN.receiveRadio(10000);

  // Check status
  if (error == 0)
    USB.println(F("--> Packet received"));
    USB.print(F("data: "));
    USB.println((char*) LoRaWAN._buffer);
    USB.print(F("length: "));
    // copy packet contents into a global buffer
    strncpy( packet, (char*) LoRaWAN._buffer, sizeof(packet));
    USB.println(F("Route data to LoRaWAN gateway:"));

    // switch to LoRaWAN mode

    // join 
    error = LoRaWAN.joinABP();

    // Check status
    if( error == 0 ) 
      USB.println(F("Join network OK"));     
      USB.print(F("Join network error = ")); 
      USB.println(error, DEC);

    // send received packet to LoRaWAN gateway
    error = LoRaWAN.sendConfirmed( PORT, packet);

    // Check status
    if( error == 0 ) 
      USB.println(F("Send Confirmed packet OK"));     
      USB.print(F("Send Confirmed packet error = ")); 
      USB.println(error, DEC);

    // module setup
    error = radioModuleSetup();

    // Check status
    if (error == 0)
      USB.println(F("Radio interface configured OK"));     
      USB.println(F("Radio interface configured ERROR"));     

    // error code
    //  1: error
    //  2: no incoming packet
    USB.print(F("Error waiting for packets. error = "));  
    USB.println(error, DEC);   

 * radioModuleSetup()
 *   This function includes all functions related to the module setup and configuration
 *   The user must keep in mind that each time the module powers on, all settings are set
 *   to default values. So it is better to develop a specific function including all steps
 *   for setup and call it everytime the module powers on.
uint8_t radioModuleSetup()

  uint8_t status = 0;
  uint8_t e = 0;

  USB.println(F("P2P mode configuration:"));

  // 1. switch on

  e = LoRaWAN.ON(socket);

  // Check status
  if (e == 0)
    USB.println(F("1. Switch ON OK"));     
    USB.print(F("1. Switch ON error = ")); 
    USB.println(e, DEC);
    status = 1;

  if (LoRaWAN._version == RN2483_MODULE || LoRaWAN._version == RN2903_IN_MODULE)
    frequency = 868100000;
  else if(LoRaWAN._version == RN2903_MODULE)
    frequency = 902300000;

  // 2. Enable P2P mode

  e = LoRaWAN.macPause();

  // Check status
  if (e == 0)
    USB.println(F("2. P2P mode enabled OK"));
    USB.print(F("2. Enable P2P mode error = "));
    USB.println(e, DEC);
    status = 1;

  // 3. Set/Get Radio Power

  // Set power
  e = LoRaWAN.setRadioPower(power);

  // Check status
  if (e == 0)
    USB.println(F("3.1. Set Radio Power OK"));
    USB.print(F("3.1. Set Radio Power error = "));
    USB.println(e, DEC);
    status = 1;

  // Get power
  e = LoRaWAN.getRadioPower();

  // Check status
  if (e == 0) 
    USB.print(F("3.2. Get Radio Power OK. ")); 
    USB.print(F("Power: "));
    USB.print(F("3.2. Get Radio Power error = ")); 
    USB.println(e, DEC);
    status = 1;

  // 4. Set/Get Radio Frequency

  // Set frequency
  e = LoRaWAN.setRadioFreq(frequency);

  // Check status
  if (e == 0)
    USB.println(F("4.1. Set Radio Frequency OK"));
    USB.print(F("4.1. Set Radio Frequency error = "));
    USB.println(e, DEC);
    status = 1;

  // Get frequency
  e = LoRaWAN.getRadioFreq();

  // Check status
  if (e == 0) 
    USB.print(F("4.2. Get Radio Frequency OK. ")); 
    USB.print(F("Frequency: "));
    USB.print(F("4.2. Get Radio Frequency error = ")); 
    USB.println(e, DEC);
    status = 1;

  // 5. Set/Get Radio Spreading Factor (SF)

  // Set SF
  e = LoRaWAN.setRadioSF(spreading_factor);

  // Check status
  if (e == 0)
    USB.println(F("5.1. Set Radio SF OK"));
    USB.print(F("5.1. Set Radio SF error = "));
    USB.println(e, DEC);
    status = 1;

  // Get SF
  e = LoRaWAN.getRadioSF();

  // Check status
  if (e == 0) 
    USB.print(F("5.2. Get Radio SF OK. ")); 
    USB.print(F("Spreading Factor: "));
    USB.print(F("5.2. Get Radio SF error = ")); 
    USB.println(e, DEC);
    status = 1;

  // 6. Set/Get Radio Coding Rate (CR)

  // Set CR
  e = LoRaWAN.setRadioCR(coding_rate);

  // Check status
  if (e == 0)
    USB.println(F("6.1. Set Radio CR OK"));
    USB.print(F("6.1. Set Radio CR error = "));
    USB.println(e, DEC);
    status = 1;

  // Get CR
  e = LoRaWAN.getRadioCR();

  // Check status
  if (e == 0) 
    USB.print(F("6.2. Get Radio CR OK. ")); 
    USB.print(F("Coding Rate: "));
    USB.print(F("6.2. Get Radio CR error = ")); 
    USB.println(e, DEC);
    status = 1;

  // 7. Set/Get Radio Bandwidth (BW)

  // Set BW
  e = LoRaWAN.setRadioBW(bandwidth);

  // Check status
  if (e == 0)
    USB.println(F("7.1. Set Radio BW OK"));
    USB.print(F("7.1. Set Radio BW error = "));
    USB.println(e, DEC);

  // Get BW
  e = LoRaWAN.getRadioBW();

  // Check status
  if (e == 0) 
    USB.print(F("7.2. Get Radio BW OK. ")); 
    USB.print(F("Bandwidth: "));
    USB.print(F("7.2. Get Radio BW error = ")); 
    USB.println(e, DEC);
    status = 1;

  // 8. Set/Get Radio CRC mode

  // Set CRC
  e = LoRaWAN.setRadioCRC(crc_mode);

  // Check status
  if (e == 0)
    USB.println(F("8.1. Set Radio CRC mode OK"));
    USB.print(F("8.1. Set Radio CRC mode error = "));
    USB.println(e, DEC);
    status = 1;

  // Get CRC
  e = LoRaWAN.getRadioCRC();

  // Check status
  if (e == 0) 
    USB.print(F("8.2. Get Radio CRC mode OK. ")); 
    USB.print(F("CRC status: "));
    USB.print(F("8.2. Get Radio CRC mode error = ")); 
    USB.println(e, DEC);
    status = 1;

  return status;

 * lorawanModuleSetup()
 *   This function includes all functions related to the module setup for LoRaWAN
 *   performance.
uint8_t lorawanModuleSetup()

  uint8_t status = 0;
  uint8_t e = 0;

  USB.println(F("LoRaWAN mode configuration:"));

  // 1. Switch on

  e = LoRaWAN.ON(socket);

  // Check status
  if( e == 0 ) 
    USB.println(F("1. Switch ON OK"));     
    USB.print(F("1. Switch ON error = ")); 
    USB.println(e, DEC);
    status = 1;


  // 2. Set Device EUI

  e = LoRaWAN.setDeviceEUI(DEVICE_EUI);

  // Check status
  if( e == 0 ) 
    USB.println(F("2.1. Device EUI set OK"));     
    USB.print(F("2.1. Device EUI set error = ")); 
    USB.println(e, DEC);
    status = 1;

  e = LoRaWAN.getDeviceEUI();

  // Check status
  if( e == 0 ) 
    USB.print(F("2.2. Device EUI get OK. "));   
    USB.print(F("Device EUI: "));
    USB.print(F("2.2. Device EUI get error = ")); 
    USB.println(e, DEC);
    status = 1;

  // 3. Set Device Address

  e = LoRaWAN.setDeviceAddr(DEVICE_ADDR);

  // Check status
  if( e == 0 ) 
    USB.println(F("3.1. Device address set OK"));     
    USB.print(F("3.1. Device address set error = ")); 
    USB.println(e, DEC);
    status = 1;

  e = LoRaWAN.getDeviceAddr();

  // Check status
  if( e == 0 ) 
    USB.print(F("3.2. Device address get OK. "));   
    USB.print(F("Device address: "));
    USB.print(F("3.2. Device address get error = ")); 
    USB.println(e, DEC);
    status = 1;

  // 4. Set Network Session Key

  error = LoRaWAN.setNwkSessionKey(NWK_SESSION_KEY);

  // Check status
  if( error == 0 ) 
    USB.println(F("4. Network Session Key set OK"));     
    USB.print(F("4. Network Session Key set error = ")); 
    USB.println(error, DEC);
    status = 1;

  // 5. Set Application Session Key

  error = LoRaWAN.setAppSessionKey(APP_SESSION_KEY);

  // Check status
  if( error == 0 ) 
    USB.println(F("5. Application Session Key set OK"));     
    USB.print(F("5. Application Session Key set error = ")); 
    USB.println(error, DEC);
    status = 1;

  // 6. Save configuration

  error = LoRaWAN.saveConfig();

  // Check status
  if( error == 0 ) 
    USB.println(F("6. Save configuration OK"));     
    USB.print(F("6. Save configuration error = ")); 
    USB.println(error, DEC);
    status = 1;


  return status;


P2P to LoRaWAN gateway

LoRaWAN mode configuration:
1. Switch ON OK
2.1. Device EUI set OK
2.2. Device EUI get OK. Device EUI: 0102030405060708
3.1. Device address set OK
3.2. Device address get OK. Device address: 05060708
4. Network Session Key set OK
5. Application Session Key set OK
6. Save configuration OK
LoRaWAN interface configured OK

P2P mode configuration:
1. Switch ON OK
2. P2P mode enabled OK
3.1. Set Radio Power OK
3.2. Get Radio Power OK. Power: 15
4.1. Set Radio Frequency OK
4.2. Get Radio Frequency OK. Frequency: 868100000
5.1. Set Radio SF OK
5.2. Get Radio SF OK. Spreading Factor: sf12

6.1. Set Radio CR OK
6.2. Get Radio CR OK. Coding Rate: 4/5
7.1. Set Radio BW OK
7.2. Get Radio BW OK. Bandwidth: 125
8.1. Set Radio CRC mode OK
8.2. Get Radio CRC mode OK. CRC status: 1
Radio interface configured OK

Listening to packets:
--> Packet received
data: 0102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F
length: 30

Route data to LoRaWAN gateway:
Join network OK
Send Confirmed packet OK

P2P mode configuration:
1. Switch ON OK
2. P2P mode enabled OK
3.1. Set Radio Power OK
3.2. Get Radio Power OK. Power: 15
4.1. Set Radio Frequency OK
4.2. Get Radio Frequency OK. Frequency: 868100000
5.1. Set Radio SF OK
5.2. Get Radio SF OK. Spreading Factor: sf12

6.1. Set Radio CR OK
6.2. Get Radio CR OK. Coding Rate: 4/5
7.1. Set Radio BW OK
7.2. Get Radio BW OK. Bandwidth: 125
8.1. Set Radio CRC mode OK
8.2. Get Radio CRC mode OK. CRC status: 1
Radio interface configured OK

Listening to packets:
--> Packet received
data: 0102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F
length: 30

Route data to LoRaWAN gateway:
Join network OK
Send Confirmed packet OK

P2P mode configuration:
1. Switch ON OK
2. P2P mode enabled OK
3.1. Set Radio Power OK
3.2. Get Radio Power OK. Power: 15
4.1. Set Radio Frequency OK
4.2. Get Radio Frequency OK. Frequency: 868100000
5.1. Set Radio SF OK
5.2. Get Radio SF OK. Spreading Factor: sf12

6.1. Set Radio CR OK
6.2. Get Radio CR OK. Coding Rate: 4/5
7.1. Set Radio BW OK
7.2. Get Radio BW OK. Bandwidth: 125
8.1. Set Radio CRC mode OK
8.2. Get Radio CRC mode OK. CRC status: 1
Radio interface configured OK

Listening to packets:
--> Packet received
data: 0102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F
length: 30

Route data to LoRaWAN gateway:
Join network OK
Send Confirmed packet OK

P2P mode configuration:
1. Switch ON OK
2. P2P mode enabled OK
3.1. Set Radio Power OK
3.2. Get Radio Power OK. Power: 15
4.1. Set Radio Frequency OK
4.2. Get Radio Frequency OK. Frequency: 868100000
5.1. Set Radio SF OK
5.2. Get Radio SF OK. Spreading Factor: sf12

6.1. Set Radio CR OK
6.2. Get Radio CR OK. Coding Rate: 4/5
7.1. Set Radio BW OK
7.2. Get Radio BW OK. Bandwidth: 125
8.1. Set Radio CRC mode OK
8.2. Get Radio CRC mode OK. CRC status: 1
Radio interface configured OK

Listening to packets:
--> Packet received
data: 0102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F
length: 30

Route data to LoRaWAN gateway:
Join network OK
Send Confirmed packet OK

P2P mode configuration:
1. Switch ON OK
2. P2P mode enabled OK
3.1. Set Radio Power OK
3.2. Get Radio Power OK. Power: 15
4.1. Set Radio Frequency OK
4.2. Get Radio Frequency OK. Frequency: 868100000
5.1. Set Radio SF OK
5.2. Get Radio SF OK. Spreading Factor: sf12

6.1. Set Radio CR OK
6.2. Get Radio CR OK. Coding Rate: 4/5
7.1. Set Radio BW OK
7.2. Get Radio BW OK. Bandwidth: 125
8.1. Set Radio CRC mode OK
8.2. Get Radio CRC mode OK. CRC status: 1
Radio interface configured OK

Listening to packets:
--> Packet received
data: 0102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F
length: 30

Route data to LoRaWAN gateway:
Join network OK
Send Confirmed packet OK


Last updated