4G 19: Send email SMTP
This example shows how to set up the module to send e-mails
Required Materials
1 x Waspmote 1 x Battery 1 x 4G module 1 x 4G antenna 1 x SIM card
- The battery has to be connected. - This example can be executed in Waspmote v15
--------------- 4G_19 - Sending e-mail ---------------
Explanation: This example shows how to set up the module to send
Copyright (C) 2016 Libelium Comunicaciones Distribuidas S.L.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see .
Version: 3.0
Design: David Gascón
Implementation: Luis Miguel Martí
#include <Wasp4G.h>
// APN settings
char apn[] = "movistar.es";
char login[] = "movistar";
char password[] = "movistar";
// E-mail sender parameters
char sender_address[] = "test1@libelium.com";
char sender_user[] = "test1@libelium.com";
char sender_password[] = "eHr73j";
// E-mail SMTP parameters
char smtp_server[] = "smtp.libelium.com";
uint8_t smtp_security = Wasp4G::EMAIL_NONSSL;
uint16_t smtp_port = 25;
// E-mail to send
char receiver_address[] = "receiver@email.box.com";
char subject[] = "Subject of email"; // maximum: 100 bytes
char message[] = "This is an e-mail message from Waspmote";
// variable
uint8_t error;
void setup()
USB.println(F("Start program"));
// Set operator parameters
_4G.set_APN(apn, login, password);
// Show APN settings via USB port
// 1. Switch on the 4G module
error = _4G.ON();
if (error == 0)
USB.println(F("1. 4G module ready..."));
// 1.1. Reset e-mail parameters
error = _4G.emailReset();
if (error == 0)
USB.println(F("1.1. Reset e-mail parameters OK"));
USB.print(F("1.1. Error reset configuration. Code: "));
USB.println(error, DEC);
// 1.2. Set SMTP server
error = _4G.emailSetServerSMTP(smtp_server);
if (error == 0)
USB.println(F("1.2. SMTP server set OK"));
USB.print(F("1.2. Error set server. Code: "));
USB.println(error, DEC);
// 1.3. Configure SMTP server security and port
error = _4G.emailConfigureSMTP(smtp_security, smtp_port);
if (error == 0)
USB.println(F("1.3. Configure SMTP server OK"));
USB.print(F("1.3. Error configuring SMTP server. Code: "));
USB.println(error, DEC);
// 1.4. Set sender address
error = _4G.emailSetSender(sender_address, sender_user, sender_password);
if (error == 0)
USB.println(F("1.4. Sender addres set OK"));
USB.print(F("1.4. Error set address. Code: "));
USB.println(error, DEC);
// 1.5. Save e-mail configuration settings
error = _4G.emailSave();
if (error == 0)
USB.println(F("1.5. Save configuration OK"));
USB.print(F("1.5. Error saving configuration. Code: "));
USB.println(error, DEC);
USB.print(F("1. Error starting module. Code: "));
USB.println(error, DEC);
USB.println(F("*** Setup done ***\n\n"));
void loop()
// 1. Switch ON
error = _4G.ON();
if (error == 0)
USB.println(F("1. 4G module ready..."));
// 2. Send e-mail
error = _4G.emailSend(receiver_address, subject, message);
if (error == 0)
USB.println(F("2. Sending e-mail OK"));
USB.print(F("2. Error sending e-mail. Code: "));
USB.println(error, DEC);
// Problem with the communication with the 4G module
USB.print(F("1. 4G module not started. Error code: "));
USB.println(error, DEC);
// 3. Powers off the 4G module
USB.println(F("3. Switch OFF 4G module"));
// 4. Sleep
USB.println(F("4. Enter deep sleep..."));
PWR.deepSleep("00:00:10:00", RTC_OFFSET, RTC_ALM1_MODE1, ALL_OFF);
USB.println(F("5. Wake up!!\n\n"));
Start program
APN: movistar.es
LOGIN: movistar
PASSWORD: movistar
1. 4G module ready...
1.1. Reset e-mail parameters OK
1.2. SMTP server set OK
1.3. Configure SMTP server OK
1.4. Sender addres set OK
1.5. Save configuration OK
*** Setup done ***
1. 4G module ready...
2. Sending e-mail OK
3. Switch OFF 4G module
4. Enter deep sleep...
Last updated
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