868LP 05: Get RSSI
This program shows how to get RSSI value from the last received packet. For this protocol, there is an API function which shows this information. Before running this example, make sure there is another emitter sending packets to this XBee module in order to receive information.
Required Materials
1 x Waspmote 1 x Battery 1 x MiniUSB wire 1 x XBee 868LP
- The battery has to be connected. - This example can be executed in Waspmote v15
* ------ [868LP_05] - get RSSI from last received packet --------
* Explanation: This program shows how to get RSSI value from the
* last received packet. For this protocol, there is an API function which
* shows this information. Before running this example, make sure there
* is another emitter sending packets to this XBee module in order to
* receive information.
* Copyright (C) 2016 Libelium Comunicaciones Distribuidas S.L.
* http://www.libelium.com
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
* Version: 3.0
* Design: David Gascón
* Implementation: Yuri Carmona
#include <WaspXBee868LP.h>
// define variable
uint8_t error;
// variable to store RSSI
int rssi;
void setup()
// init USB port
USB.println(F("Get RSSI example"));
// init XBee
void loop()
// receive XBee packet (wait for 10 seconds)
error = xbee868LP.receivePacketTimeout( 10000 );
// check answer
if( error == 0 )
// Show data stored in '_payload' buffer indicated by '_length'
USB.print(F("Data: "));
USB.println( xbee868LP._payload, xbee868LP._length);
// Show data stored in '_payload' buffer indicated by '_length'
USB.print(F("Length: "));
USB.println( xbee868LP._length,DEC);
// Getting RSSI using the API function
// This function returns the last received packet's RSSI
// check AT flag
if( xbee868LP.error_AT == 0 )
USB.print(F("getRSSI(dBm): "));
//get rssi from getRSSI function and make conversion
rssi = xbee868LP.valueRSSI[0];
rssi *= -1;
// Print error message:
* '7' : Buffer full. Not enough memory space
* '6' : Error escaping character within payload bytes
* '5' : Error escaping character in checksum byte
* '4' : Checksum is not correct
* '3' : Checksum byte is not available
* '2' : Frame Type is not valid
* '1' : Timeout when receiving answer
USB.print(F("Error receiving a packet:"));
Get RSSI example
Data: <=>#403368500#node_01#0#STR:new_sensor_frame#BAT:83#
Length: 54
Data: <=>#403368500#node_01#1#STR:new_sensor_frame#BAT:83#
Length: 54
getRSSI(dBm): -59
Data: <=>#403368500#node_01#2#STR:new_sensor_frame#BAT:83#
Length: 54
getRSSI(dBm): -54
Last updated
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