900HP 01: Configure XBee
This program shows how to set the basic networking parameters to a XBee module.
Required Materials
1 x Waspmote 1 x Battery 1 x MicroUSB wire 1 x XBee-PRO 900HP
- The battery has to be connected. - This example can be executed in Waspmote v15
------ [900HP_01] - configure basic XBee parameters --------
Explanation: This program shows how to set the basic networking
parameters to a XBee module.
Copyright (C) 2017 Libelium Comunicaciones Distribuidas S.L.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see .
Version: 3.1
Design: David Gascón
Implementation: Yuri Carmona
#include <WaspXBee900HP.h>
// Define the PANID (Personal Area Network Identifier)
uint8_t panID[2] = {0x7F, 0xFF};
// Define the Frequency Channel Mask
// This is a bitmap to enable frequency channels:
// Bit 0 – 902.400 MHZ
// Bit 1 – 902.800 MHZ
// ...
// Bit 31 – 914.800 MHZ
// ...
// Bit 63 – 927.600 MHZ
// Bitfield per region:
// US/Canada 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF (Channels 0-63)
// Australia 0xFFFFFFFE00000000 (Channels 33-63)
// Brazil 0xFFFFFFFE00000FFF (Channels 0-11,33-63)
// Even if you try to enable forbidden channels via sw, the radio will refuse
// to activate them, keeping wireless operation within regulations. The radio
// uses a hard-coded bit mask for validating channels.
uint8_t channelMask[8] = { 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF};
// Define Preamble ID: from 0x00 to 0x07
uint8_t preambleID = 0x00;
// Define the Encryption mode: 1 (enabled) or 0 (disabled)
uint8_t encryptionMode = 0;
// Define the AES 16-byte Encryption Key
char encryptionKey[] = "WaspmoteLinkKey!";
void setup()
// init USB
// init XBee
USB.println(F("Configure XBee900 HP"));
USB.print(F("XBee900HP uses a bitmap to enable frequency channels:\n"\
"Bit 0: 902.400 MHz\n"\
"Bit 1: 902.800 MHz\n" \
"Bit 2: 903.200 MHz\n" \
"Bit 3: 903.600 MHz\n" \
"Bit 4: 904.000 MHz\n" \
"Bit 5: 904.400 MHz\n" \
"Bit 6: 904.800 MHz\n" \
"Bit 7: 905.200 MHz\n" \
"Bit 8: 905.600 MHz\n" \
"Bit 9: 906.000 MHz\n" \
"Bit 10: 906.400 MHz\n" \
"Bit 11: 906.800 MHz\n" \
"Bit 12: 907.200 MHz\n" \
"Bit 31: 914.800 MHz\n" \
"...\n" \
"Bit 63: 927.600 MHz\n"));
// 1. Query available frequency channels
// check at commmand execution flag
if (xbee900HP.error_AT == 0)
USB.print(F("1. Available Frequency bitmap is: 0x"));
USB.printHex( xbee900HP._availableFreq[0] );
USB.printHex( xbee900HP._availableFreq[1] );
USB.printHex( xbee900HP._availableFreq[2] );
USB.printHex( xbee900HP._availableFreq[3] );
USB.printHex( xbee900HP._availableFreq[4] );
USB.printHex( xbee900HP._availableFreq[5] );
USB.printHex( xbee900HP._availableFreq[6] );
USB.printHex( xbee900HP._availableFreq[7] );
USB.println(F("1. Error calling 'getAvailableFreq()'"));
// 2. Set Channel Mask for frequency bands
xbee900HP.setChannelMask( channelMask );
// check at commmand execution flag
if (xbee900HP.error_AT == 0)
USB.print(F("2. Channel Mask bitmap is set to: 0x"));
USB.printHex( xbee900HP._channelMask[0] );
USB.printHex( xbee900HP._channelMask[1] );
USB.printHex( xbee900HP._channelMask[2] );
USB.printHex( xbee900HP._channelMask[3] );
USB.printHex( xbee900HP._channelMask[4] );
USB.printHex( xbee900HP._channelMask[5] );
USB.printHex( xbee900HP._channelMask[6] );
USB.printHex( xbee900HP._channelMask[7] );
USB.println(F("2. Error calling 'setChannelMask()'"));
// 3. Get Minimum Frequency Count
// check at commmand execution flag
if (xbee900HP.error_AT == 0)
USB.print(F("3. Minimum Frequency Count:"));
USB.println(xbee900HP._minFreqCount, DEC);
USB.println(F("3. Error calling 'getMinFreqCount()'"));
// 4. set PANID
xbee900HP.setPAN( panID );
// check the AT commmand execution flag
if (xbee900HP.error_AT == 0)
USB.print(F("4. PAN ID set OK to: 0x"));
USB.printHex( xbee900HP.PAN_ID[0] );
USB.printHex( xbee900HP.PAN_ID[1] );
USB.println(F("4. Error calling 'setPAN()'"));
// 5. Set Preamble ID
xbee900HP.setPreambleID( preambleID );
// check at commmand execution flag
if (xbee900HP.error_AT == 0)
USB.print(F("5. Preamble set to:"));
USB.println(xbee900HP._preambleID, DEC);
USB.println(F("5. Error calling 'setPreambleID()'"));
// 6. set encryption mode (1:enable; 0:disable)
xbee900HP.setEncryptionMode( encryptionMode );
// check the AT commmand execution flag
if (xbee900HP.error_AT == 0)
USB.print(F("6. AES encryption configured (1:enabled; 0:disabled):"));
USB.println( xbee900HP.encryptMode, DEC );
USB.println(F("6. Error calling 'setEncryptionMode()'"));
// 7. set the encryption key
xbee900HP.setLinkKey( encryptionKey );
// check the AT commmand execution flag
if (xbee900HP.error_AT == 0)
USB.println(F("7. AES encryption key set OK"));
USB.println(F("7. Error calling 'setLinkKey()'"));
// 8. write values to XBee module memory
// check the AT commmand execution flag
if (xbee900HP.error_AT == 0)
USB.println(F("8. Changes stored OK"));
USB.println(F("8. Error calling 'writeValues()'"));
void loop()
// Do nothing
Configure XBee900 HP
XBee900HP uses a bitmap to enable frequency channels:
Bit 0: 902.400 MHz
Bit 1: 902.800 MHz
Bit 2: 903.200 MHz
Bit 3: 903.600 MHz
Bit 4: 904.000 MHz
Bit 5: 904.400 MHz
Bit 6: 904.800 MHz
Bit 7: 905.200 MHz
Bit 8: 905.600 MHz
Bit 9: 906.000 MHz
Bit 10: 906.400 MHz
Bit 11: 906.800 MHz
Bit 12: 907.200 MHz
Bit 31: 914.800 MHZ
Bit 63: 927.600 MHZ
1. Available Frequency bitmap is: 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
2. Channel Mask bitmap is set to: 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
3. Minimum Frequency Count:25
4. PAN ID set OK to: 0x7FFF
5. Preamble set to:0
6. AES encryption configured (1:enabled; 0:disabled):0
7. AES encryption key set OK
8. Changes stored OK
Last updated
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