Waspmote API changelog
*** From API v054 to API v055 ***
Date: 2022-09-08
WaspSensorAgr_v30 -
--> Added support for DF4 dendrometer sensor
WaspSensorCitiesPRO -
--> Added Noise Level Sensor V2
--> Internal changes in library
*** From API v053 to API v054 ***
Date: 2022-03-10
WaspSensorCitiesPRO -
--> New sensor Noise Level Sensor Class 2
WaspFrame -
--> New frame for Smart Cities PRO sensor NLS Class 2
WaspSensorXtr -
--> Internal changes in weather station class
*** From API v052 to API v053 ***
Date: 2021-08-19
--> Fixed bugs in library
WaspSensorXtr -
--> Fixed bugs in library
*** From API v051 to API v052 ***
Date: 2021-07-23
--> Fixed bugs in library
WaspSensorXtr -
--> Added the new sensor example SQ-100-X
--> Added the new sensor example Atmos14
*** From API v050 to API v051 ***
Date: 2021-06-22
Industry -
--> Added library for the new Plug&Sense! Industry 4.0
*** From API v049 to API v050 ***
Date: 2021-06-15
Industry -
--> Added library for the new Plug&Sense! Industry 4.0
*** From API v048 to API v049 ***
Date: 2021-05-31
WaspSensorXtr -
--> Added the new Apogee sensor example SO-421
*** From API v047 to API v048 ***
Date: 2021-04-29
--> Added library for the new WIFI_PRO_V3 radio module
*** From API v046 to API v047 ***
Date: 2020-08-04
WaspLoRaWAN -
--> Internal changes in library
--> Supported several new functions for the Murata Module
WaspBG96 -
--> Internal changes in library
WaspXBeeCore -
--> Internal changes to support the XBee 3 802.15.4 EU module
*** From API v045 to API v046 ***
Date: 2020-07-10
WaspSensorXtr -
--> Added the new Stacsense sensor for SAC254
*** From API v043 to API v044 ***
Date: 2020-04-14
WaspBG96 -
--> Internal changes in library
WaspLoRaWAN -
--> Included duty cycle function for Murata module
WaspSensorXtr -
--> Included code for several sensors
Wasp4G -
--> Included several functions related with SSL
*** From API v042 to API v043 ***
Date: 2019-11-04
WaspLoRaWAN -
--> WaspLoRaWAN class, added references to the new LoRaWAN JP / KR
WaspSensorXtr -
--> Internal changes in library
WaspSigfox -
--> Internal changes in library
WiFi PRO -
--> Improved performance of the library
Wasp4G -
--> Internal changes in library
WaspRTC.cpp -
--> Internal changes in library
*** From API v041 to API v042 ***
Date: 2019-07-01
WaspSensorXtr -
--> Internal changes in SDI12 library
WaspXBeeCore -
--> Internal changes to support the XBee ZigBee 3 module
*** From API v040 to API v041 ***
Date: 2019-05-13
WaspBG96 -
--> Added new functions to support MQTT communication
WaspFrame -
--> Internal changes in library
WaspLoRaWAN -
--> Internal changes in library to improve performance
WaspSensorAgr_v30 -
--> WaspSensorAgr_v30::readDendrometer(), internal change in function
WaspSensorXtr -
--> Internal changes in library
Wasp4G -
--> Wasp4G::ON(), internal change in function to improve performance
--> Wasp4G::checkDataConnection(), internal change in function
WaspPWR -
--> Internal changes in library to improve performance
*** From API v039 to API v040 ***
Date: 2019-03-12
WaspBG96 -
--> Internal changes in library to improve performance
--> Added new functions to support FTP communication
WaspSensorXtr -
--> WaspSensorXtr, added functions related to new Datasol sensor
*** From API v038 to API v039 ***
Date: 2019-02-25
WaspBG96 -
--> New library for the new NB-IoT module
WaspFrame -
--> New addSensor() prototype
WaspLoRaWAN -
--> Improved output due to OTAA configuration errors
WaspPM -
--> Renamed OPC_N2 library
WiFi PRO -
--> WaspWiFi_PRO: new function getMAC()
WaspXBeeCore -
--> Fixed bug related to Zigbee modules
WaspSensorXtr -
--> WaspSensorXtr, internal changes in library
*** From API v037 to API v038 ***
Date: 2018-12-21
WaspFrame -
--> WaspFrame.cpp added new code to send frames to the Hive
--> WaspFrame::addSensor(), internal change in all prototype function to limit number of fields
WaspGPS -
--> Improve library performance
WaspLoRaWAN -
--> WaspLoRaWAN::showChannelStatus(), internal changes in function and new prototype
--> WaspLoRaWAN::new internal buffer
WaspOPC_N2 -
--> WaspOPC_N2::new internal buffer
Wasp232 -
--> Wasp232::new internal buffer
WaspSensorXtr -
--> WaspSensorXtr, internal changes in library
--> Sdi12SensorXtr, internal changes in library
WaspSensorCitiesPRO -
--> WaspSensorCitiesPRO::new internal buffer
WaspSigfox -
--> WaspSigfox::new internal buffer
--> WaspWIFI_PRO::new internal buffer
Wasp4G -
--> Wasp4G::new internal buffer
--> WaspEEPROM, sendCommand() internal changes in function
WaspRTC.cpp -
--> WaspRTC, readRTC() internal changes in function
WaspUART.cpp -
--> WaspUART improved debug
main.cpp -
--> bug fixed
*** From API v036 to API v037 ***
Date: 2018-11-13
WaspFrame -
--> AgrXtrFrameConstants.h updated file for new sensors
--> WtrXtrFrameConstants.h new file for Smart Water Xtreme
--> WaspFrame.cpp added references for the new Smart Water Xtreme
WaspLoRaWAN -
--> WaspLoRaWAN:: saveConfig(), bug fixed
--> WaspLoRaWAN:: setChannelStatus(), bug fixed
--> WaspLoRaWAN:: showChannelStatus(), new function to print all channels statuses
WaspConstants -
--> REG_AMBIENT, extended WaspRegisterSensor
main.cpp -
--> main function changed to avoid problems when Xtr sensor boards are connected
WaspSensorAgrXtr -
--> WaspSensorAgrXtr class and files renamed to WaspSensorXtr
--> WaspSensorAgrXtr bug fixed
WaspSensorXtr -
--> WaspSensorXtr class, new functions for the new Smart Water Xtreme
--> ModbusSensor, new cpp and header files
--> Sdi12SensorXtr, new cpp and header files
*** From API v035 to API v036 ***
Date: 2018-10-30
WaspLoRaWAN -
--> WaspLoRaWAN class, added references to the new LoRaWAN ASIA-PAC / LATAM
WaspSensorAgrXtr -
--> WaspSensorAgrXtr class, improved debug in library
--> weatherStation:: sendCommand(), internal changes in function
--> weatherStation:: read(), internal changes in function
WaspSensorCitiesPRO -
--> WaspSensorCitiesPRO:: ON(), internal changes in function
WaspSigfox -
--> WaspSigfox class, changes in constants names
Wasp4G -
--> Wasp4G:: OFF(), internal changes in function
WaspUtils -
--> readWordEEPROM(), new function to read word from EEPROM
--> readDWordEEPROM(), new function to read double word from EEPROM
--> readFloatEEPROM(), new function to read float from EEPROM
--> readBlockEEPROM(), new function to read memory block from EEPROM
--> writeWordEEPROM(), new function to write word from EEPROM
--> writeDWordEEPROM(), new function to write double word from EEPROM
--> writeFloatEEPROM(), new function to write float from EEPROM
--> writeBlockEEPROM(), new function to write memory block from EEPROM
*** From API v034 to API v035 ***
Date: 2018-09-04
WaspFrame -
--> AgrXtrFrameConstants.h header file, updated with more sensor IDs
WaspLoRaWAN -
--> setBatteryLevel(), bug fixed
WaspSensorAgrXtr -
--> WaspSensorAgrXtr::WaspSensorAgrXtr(), internal change in constructor
--> WaspSensorAgrXtr::readSerialNumber(), new function to read the EEPROM memory serial number
--> WaspSensorAgrXtr::writeEEPROM(), new function to write the I2C EEPROM
--> WaspSensorAgrXtr::readEEPROM(), new function to read the I2C EEPROM
--> WaspSensorAgrXtr::isSensor(), internal change in function
--> WaspSensorAgrXtr::isSensor(), internal change in function
--> weatherStation::ON(), internal change in function
--> weatherStation::GPS(), new function to enable/disable GPS
--> weatherStation::sendCommand(), new function to send commands to the weather Station sensor
--> weatherStation::read(), internal changes in function
WaspSensorAgr_v30 -
--> WaspSensorAgr_v30::sleepAgr(), internal change in function
SmartWater -
--> turbidityClass::ON(), bug fixed in fucntion because two stop bits are not used in the sensor configuration
WaspI2C -
--> WaspI2C::close(), function deprecated to avoid I2C issues
WaspPWR -
--> WaspPWR::sleep(), function improved to avoid I2C issues
--> WaspPWR::deepSleep(), function improved to avoid I2C issues
*** From API v033 to API v034 ***
Date: 2018-08-14
BME280 -
--> BME280 class, bug fixed when reading humidity
*** From API v032 to API v033 ***
Date: 2018-06-04
BME280 -
--> BME280 class updated to new I2C library
WaspFrame -
--> AgrXtrFrameConstants.h, new header file for Smart Agriculture Xtreme sensors
--> WaspFrame::addSensor(), internal change in all prototype function to add Smart Agriculture Xtreme frames
LMP9100 -
--> LMP9100 class, library moved to libraries folder
WaspLoRaWAN -
--> showFirmwareVersion(), fix bug
WaspSensorAgrXtr -
--> WaspSensorAgrXtr, new library for Smart Agriculture Xtreme
WaspSensorAgr_v30 -
--> WaspSensorAgr_v30::conversion(), include model
--> pt1000Class, updated to new I2C library
--> dendrometerClass, class updated to new I2C library
--> radiationClass, class updated to new I2C library
WaspSensorAmbient -
--> WaspSensorAmbient, class updated to new I2C library
WaspSensorCitiesPRO -
--> bmeCitiesSensor, class updated to new I2C library
--> luxesCitiesSensor, class updated to new I2C library
WaspSensorGas_Pro -
--> Gas::setAmplifier(), deleted deprecated function
--> Gas::getAmplifier(), deleted deprecated function
--> Gas::read4ElectrodeSensorv100(), deleted deprecated function
--> Gas::read3ElectrodeSensor(), internal change in function
--> Gas::readPellistorSensor(), internal change in function
--> Gas::readNDIR(), internal change in function
--> Gas::getTemp(), internal change in function
--> Gas::getConc(), internal change in function
--> Gas::configureAFE(), internal change in function
--> Gas::zeroPointSet(), internal change in function
--> Gas::readWorkingElectrode3E(), internal change in function
--> Gas::readWorkingElectrode4E(), internal change in function
--> Gas::readAuxiliaryElectrode4E(), internal change in function
--> Gas::readSensorInfo(), updated to new I2C library
--> Gas::ON(), updated to new I2C library
--> Gas::showSensorInfo(), updated to new I2C library
GasSensorClass_v30 -
--> GasSensorClass_v30, class updated to new I2C library
WaspSensorPrototyping_v20 -
--> WaspSensorPrototyping_v20, class updated to new I2C library
TSL2561 -
--> TSL2561, class updated to new I2C library
UltrasoundSensor -
--> UltrasoundSensor, class updated to new I2C library
WaspACC -
--> WaspACC, class updated to new I2C library
--> WaspEEPROM, class updated to new I2C library
WaspI2C -
--> WaspI2C, new class to manage I2C communication
WaspRTC -
--> WaspRTC, class updated to new I2C library
WaspSPI -
--> WaspSPI::close(), internal change in function to support Smart Agriculture Xtreme
--> WaspSPI::setSPISlave(), internal change in function to support Smart Agriculture Xtreme
*** From API v031 to API v032 ***
Date: 2018-05-18
WaspLoRaWAN -
--> WaspLoRaWAN::setBatteryLevel(), new function prototypes to use device status feature
--> WaspLoRaWAN::receiveRadio(), added new answer for the new LoRaWAN IN module
--> WaspLoRaWAN::getMaxPayload(), added LoRaWAN IN module maximum payloads
--> Several functions updated to support the new LoRaWAN IN module
WaspSensorAgr_v30 -
--> watermarkClass::readWatermark(), fix bug
Wasp4G -
--> Wasp4G::configureSMS(), fix bug
--> Wasp4G::sendSMS, fix bug
*** From API v030 to API v031 ***
Date: 2018-04-12
WaspBLE -
--> Improve debug mode
BME280 -
--> Improve debug mode
WaspBT_Pro -
--> Improve debug mode
WaspCAN -
--> Improve debug mode
WaspFrame -
--> Delete macros, now defined in wiring.h
WaspGPS -
--> Improve debug mode
WaspLoRaWAN -
--> WaspLoRaWAN::sendConfirmed(), internal change in function
--> WaspLoRaWAN::sendUnconfirmed(), internal change in function
--> WaspLoRaWAN::sendRadio(), new function prototype for sending arrays of bytes
--> WaspLoRaWAN::setRadioCRC(), fix bug
ModbusMaster -
--> Delete macros, now defined in wiring.h
ModbusMaster232 -
--> Delete macros, now defined in wiring.h
ModbusMaster485 -
--> Delete macros, now defined in wiring.h
WaspOPC_N2 -
--> Improve debug mode
Wasp232 -
--> Improve debug mode
WaspSX1272 -
--> Improve debug mode
WaspSensorAgr_v30 -
--> WaspSensorAgr_v30::getLuxes(), new function prototype with no input params
--> WaspSensorAgr_v30::getLuxes(bool gain), change function internally
--> WaspSensorAgr_v30::getLuxes(bool gain, uint8_t res), change function internally
WaspSensorAmbient -
--> WaspSensorAmbient::getLuxes(), new function prototype with no input params
--> WaspSensorAmbient::getLuxes(bool gain), change function internally
--> WaspSensorAmbient::getLuxes(bool gain, uint8_t res), change function internally
WaspSensorCities_PRO -
--> luxesCitiesSensor::getLuminosity(), new function prototype with no input params
--> luxesCitiesSensor::getLuminosity(bool gain), change function internally
--> luxesCitiesSensor::getLuminosity(bool gain, uint8_t res), change function internally
WaspSensorEvent_v30 -
--> WaspSensorEvent_v30::getLuxes(), new function prototype with no input params
--> WaspSensorEvent_v30::getLuxes(bool gain), change function internally
--> WaspSensorEvent_v30::getLuxes(bool gain, uint8_t res), change function internally
WaspSensorGas_Pro -
--> bmeGasesSensor, new class for BME sensor
--> bmeGasesSensor::ON(), new function to init the BME sensor
--> bmeGasesSensor::OFF(), new function to switch off the BME sensor
--> bmeGasesSensor::getTemperature(), new function to read the temperature value from BME sensor
--> bmeGasesSensor::getHumidity(), new function to read the humidity value from BME sensor
--> bmeGasesSensor::getPressure(), new function to read the presure value from BME sensor
--> ultrasoundGasesSensor, new class for Ultrasound sensor
--> ultrasoundGasesSensor::ON(), new function to init the ultrasound sensor
--> ultrasoundGasesSensor::OFF(), new function to switch off the ultrasound sensor
--> ultrasoundGasesSensor::getDistance(), new function to read the distance from the ultrasound sensor
--> luxesGasesSensor, new class for luminosity sensor
--> luxesGasesSensor::ON(), new function to init the luminosity sensor
--> luxesGasesSensor::OFF(), new function to switch off the luminosity sensor
--> luxesGasesSensor::getLuminosity(), new function to read the luminosity from the luxes sensor
WaspSigfox -
--> WaspSigfox::setRegionRC2(), new function to set up RC2 region in TD1508 modules
--> WaspSigfox::setRegionRC4(), new function to set up RC4 region in TD1508 modules
TSL2561 -
--> Improve debug mode
Wasp4G -
--> Wasp4G::httpRequest(), internal change in function
--> Wasp4G::sendSMS(), internal change in function
--> Wasp4G::httpSetContentType(), new function to set the Content Type for HTTP calls
--> Wasp4G::manageSSL(), fix bug
WaspAES -
--> Improve debug mode
WaspXBeeZB -
--> get_coordinator_ZB, fix bug in AT command definition
Wasp3G -
--> Improve debug mode
WaspSD -
--> Improve debug mode
WaspXBeeCore -
--> Improve debug mode
*** From API v029 to API v030 ***
Date: 2018-01-12
WaspGPS -
--> loadEphems(), function improved in SD management
WaspLoRaWAN -
--> _freq, attribute changed from to uint32_t _freq[16] to uint32_t _freq[72]
ModbusMaster -
--> ModbusMasterTransaction(), internal change in function
Wasp232 -
--> send(), new function prototype for array of bytes
WaspSensorAgr_v30 -
--> dendrometerClass::setReference(), new function for setting the dendrometer sensor reference
--> dendrometerClass::readGrowth(), new function for reading dendrometer sensor offset from reference
SmartWaterIons -
--> adcClass::configure(), internal change in function
Wasp4G -
--> Wasp4G::httpRequest(), internal improvement for V2 modules
--> Wasp4G::sendSMS(), internal improvement for V2 modules
--> Wasp4G::ftpUpload(), internal debug change
WaspSD -
--> WaspSD::format(), function now supports FAT32 format
Wire -
--> TwoWire::secureBegin(), bug fix
*** From API v028 to API v029 ***
Date: 2017-11-13
WaspBLE -
--> scanDevice(), functions prototypes changed for input 'maxTime' parameter
WaspFrame -
--> setFrameSize(), input parameter changed from uint8_t to uint16_t
--> setFrameSize( protocol, linkEncryption, AESEncryption), deprecated function
--> getMaxSizeForXBee(), new function prototypes specifically implemented for XBee modules
--> setFrameSizeForWifi(), new function prototype specifically implemented for WiFi PRO modules
--> getMaxSizeForWifi(), new function prototypes specifically implemented for WiFi PRO modules
--> createFragmentHeader(), new function to init fragmentation
--> generateFragment(), new function to request a fragment from original binary frame
--> isFragmentationNeeded(), new function to detecting fragmentation requirements
--> encryptFragment(), new function to frame fragment encryption
--> setFrameType(), internal changes in function
WaspGPS -
--> init(), bug fixed in function
WaspLoRaWAN -
--> getRX2Parameters(), internal changes in function
--> setSyncWord(), new function to configure the synchronization word
--> getSyncWord(), new function to read the synchronization word
--> uint8_t _syncWord, new class attribute
ModbusMaster -
--> begin(),function prototypes changed. Now a uint8_t value is returned.
--> Debug mode improved in class
ModbusSlave -
--> configure(),function prototypes changed. Now a uint8_t value is returned.
--> Debug mode improved in class
Wasp232 -
--> send(), internal change in function
Wasp485 -
--> ON(), internal change in function
--> Debug mode improved in class
WaspSensorAgr -
--> conversion(), bug fixed in function for dendrometer sensors
--> dendrometerClass(), change in constructor
--> dendrometerClass(uint8_t type), change in constructor
--> readDendrometer(), internal change in function
--> readRadiation(), bug fixed
WaspSensorCities_PRO -
--> WaspSensorCitiesPRO(), several changes in constructor
--> ON(), several changes in function
--> OFF(), several changes in function
--> getTemperature(), deprecated function
--> getHumidity(), deprecated function
--> getPressure(), deprecated function
--> bmeCitiesSensor, new class to manage the BME280 sensor. Several functions implemented.
--> ultrasoundCitiesSensor, new class to manage the Ultrasound sensor. Several functions implemented.
--> luxesCitiesSensor, new class to manage the Luxes sensor. Several functions implemented.
WaspSensorGas_Pro -
--> LMP91000 class, Internal changes in class
--> MCP3421 class, Internal changes in readADC function
--> Gas class, Several changes in Gas class which affect the whole file
WaspSensorSW -
--> turbidityClass, Several changes in class which affect the whole file
TSL2561 -
--> ON(), Internal changes in function
Wasp4G -
--> gprsContextActivation(), new function
--> checkDataConnection(), internal changes in function
--> ftpOpenSession(), new function prototype to support FTP modes (Wasp4G::FTP_PASSIVE or Wasp4G::FTP_ACTIVE)
--> closeSocketClient(), internal changes in function
--> closeSocketServer(), internal changes in function
--> closeSocketSSL(), internal changes in function
--> receiveSSL(), internal changes in function
--> gpsStart(), internal changes in function
--> gpsSendHttpRequest(), new function for AGPS MS-assisted mode
--> gpsSetQualityOfService(), internal changes in function
--> socketConfiguration(), new function
--> setWirelessNetwork(), internal changes in function
--> getWirelessNetwork(), new function
--> requestOTA(), new function prototype to support FTP modes (Wasp4G::FTP_PASSIVE or Wasp4G::FTP_ACTIVE)
--> uint8_t _wirelessNetwork, new class attribute
WaspAES -
--> ECBDecrypt(), new function
--> CBCDecrypt(), new function
--> paddingDecrypt(), new function
--> init(), new function prototype
--> decrypt(), new function prototypes
WaspPWR -
--> switchesOFF(), internal changes in function
--> switchesON(), internal changes in function
--> sleep(), internal changes in function
--> deepSleep(), internal changes in function
WaspSPI -
--> secureBegin(), internal changes in function
--> secureEnd(), internal changes in function
WaspUtils -
--> readTempDS1820(), bug fixed
WaspXBeeCore -
--> receivePacketTimeout(), new function implementation (thanks to Atticus)
Wire -
--> recover(), new function
*** From API v027 to API v028 ***
Date: 2017-05-03
WaspCAN -
--> general internal changes in several WaspCAN class methods
--> getThrottlePosition(), function prototype changed to return uint8_t instead uint16_t
--> getFuelLevel(), function prototype changed to return uint8_t instead uint16_t
--> getBarometricPressure(), function prototype changed to return uint8_t instead uint16_t
WaspFrame -
--> setTinyLength(), improved function to set minimum length to 10 bytes
--> SENSOR_WATER_PH_A, bug fixed in constant definition
--> SENSOR_WATER_PH_E, bug fixed in constant definition
--> SENSOR_WATER_ORP_E, bug fixed in constant definition
--> SENSOR_MODBUS_COILS, new sensor id
--> SENSOR_MODBUS_INPUT_REGS, new sensor id
--> SENSOR_CANBUS_RPM, new sensor id
--> SENSOR_CANBUS_VS, new sensor id
--> SENSOR_CANBUS_FR, new sensor id
--> SENSOR_CANBUS_FL, new sensor id
--> SENSOR_CANBUS_TP, new sensor id
--> SENSOR_CANBUS_FP, new sensor id
ModbusMaster -
--> begin(), forced to use Wasp232 class in module initialization
--> ModbusMasterTransaction(), Wasp232 class used and bug fixed
ModbusSlave -
--> send_reply(), Wasp232 class used instead of basic AVR functions
WaspSensorAmbient -
--> WaspSensorAmbient(), improved constructor for WaspRegisterSensor bitmap
WaspSensorCitiesPRO -
--> general changes for introducing debug mode
--> getTemperature(), new function definition
--> getHumidity(), new function definition
--> getPressure(), new function definition
WaspSensorEvent_v30 -
--> getPressure(), bug fixed in order to disable the I2C line
--> ON(), delay after powering on
--> liquidPresenceClass::readVoltage(), new function definition for LP sensor
--> liquidPresenceClass::readResistance(), new function definition for LP sensor
WaspSensorGas_v30 -
--> CO2SensorClass::CO2SensorClass(), socket attribute initialized in constructor
--> CO2SensorClass::ON(), bug fixed when SOCKET2 is selected
--> setPassword(), bug fixed for WEP64/WEP128 encryption
--> sendFrameToMeshlium(), function improved
--> scan(), function improved
Wasp4G -
--> checkConnection(), bug fixed in variable cast
--> checkConnectionEPS(), bug fixed in variable cast
WaspConstants -
--> REG_AMBIENT, new constant definition
WaspPWR -
--> setSensorPower(), Internal change in function
--> switchesOFF(), Cities PRO I2C line is disabled when library was defined
--> getBatteryVolts(), 5V power line is managed before/after reading battery value
WaspXBeeCore -
--> Several changes in functions to support XBEE_868LP besides XBEE_868
--> getRSSI(), function improved
Wire -
--> secureBegin(), REG_AMBIENT included in power supply management
--> secureEnd(), REG_AMBIENT included in power supply management
*** From API v026 to API v027 ***
Date: 2017-02-07
WaspFrame -
--> setFrameSize() function changed
--> encryptFrame() function changed
--> addSensor() function changed
--> checkFields() function changed
--> encryptionToCloud() new function defined
--> setTinyLength() new function defined
--> generateTinyFrame() new function defined
WaspLoRaWAN -
--> Change '868'/'900' for 'EU'/'US'
ModbusMaster -
--> begin() function changed
Wasp485 -
--> maxRead() function changed
--> maxWrite() function changed
WaspSensorAgr_v20 -
--> readTempDS1820() function changed
WaspSensorAgr_v30 -
--> leafWetnessClass() function changed
--> readDS18b20() function changed
WaspSensorCitiesPRO -
--> readValue() function changed
--> readTempDS1820() function changed
WaspSensorSmart_v20 -
--> readTempDS1820() function changed
WiFi PRO -
--> setCA() function changed
--> getFirmwareVersion() new function defined
--> sslHandshake() new function defined
Wasp4G -
--> printErrorCode(), new errors
WaspAES -
--> sizeOfBlocks() function changed
CurrentLoop -
--> readChannel() function changed
WaspOneWire -
--> read_bit() function changed
WaspRTC -
--> changed date and time formats
--> setAlarm1() function changed
--> setAlarm2() function changed
--> getAlarm1() function changed
--> getAlarm2() function changed
WaspUtils -
--> readTempDS1820() function changed
WaspXBeeCore -
--> added XBEE_868LP flag to functions
WaspXBee802 -
--> sendXBeePriv(), function improved
WaspXBee868 -
--> sendXBeePriv(), function improved
WaspXBee900 -
--> sendXBeePriv(), function improved
Wire -
--> send() function changed
--> readBit() function changed
--> readBits() function changed
--> readByte() function changed
--> readBytes) function changed
*** From API v025 to API v026 ***
Date: 2016-12-05
WaspFrame -
--> Frame size increased to 255
--> Frame fields defined for Ambient Control's BME sensor
WaspLoRaWAN -
--> sendUnconfirmed(uint8_t port, uint8_t* payload, uint16_t length) bug fixed
--> getChannelFreq() bug fixed
--> getMaxPayload() new function defined
--> Several functions with internal changes in buffer dimension
ModbusMaster -
--> ModbusMasterTransaction() function changed
WaspSensorAgr_v30 -
--> readWatermark() function changed
WaspSensorAmbient -
--> getTemperatureBME(), new function defined for BME sensor
--> getHumidityBME(), new function defined for BME sensor
--> getPressureBME(), new function defined for BME sensor
WaspSensorCitiesPRO -
--> noiseSensor(), new function defined for noise level sensor
--> getSPLA(), new function defined for noise level sensor
--> configure(), new function defined for noise level sensor
WaspSensorEvent_v30 -
--> Several internal changes in class
WaspSensorGas_Pro -
--> Several internal changes in class
TurbiditySensor -
--> Several internal changes in class
WaspSigfox -
--> Debug mode updated
Wasp4G -
--> getRSSI(), bug fixed
Wasp868LP -
--> XBEE_868LP, new definition created
--> WaspXBeeCore updated with XBee 868LP constants
Wasp3G -
--> setTimebyURL(), function updated
WaspSPI -
--> setSPISlave(), bug fixed in SD usage with XBee module connected but not powered on
Wire -
--> Constants for I2C components Gases board included in this header file
*** From API v023 to API v025 ***
Date: 2016-10-25
New IDE v05 released -
--> Support for both Waspmote v12 and Waspmote v15
--> New compiler version
--> New features: line number, plotter, etc.
New API v25 released -
--> Support for both Waspmote v12 and Waspmote v15
--> All files in library have been updated/improved
--> New class and examples for 4G module
--> New class and examples for WiFi PRO module
--> New class and examples for XBee 868LP module
--> New class and examples for XBee-PRO 900HP module
--> New class and examples for Agriculture v30 board
--> New class and examples for Events v30 board
--> Examples only applied for Waspmote v12 have been deprecated in the new API v25. They remain in API v23 version in the website
--> API functions only applied for Waspmote v12 have been deprecated in the new API v25. They remain in API v23 version in the website
*** From API v022 to API v023 ***
Date: 2016-05-03
WaspLoRaWAN -
--> General changes in whole LoRaWAN class in order to add LoRaWAN 900 MHz
features. Several bug fixes added too.
*** From API v021 to API v022 ***
Date: 2016-03-01
WaspBLE -
--> WaspBLE::writeLocalAttribute(), bug fixed in this function prototypes
WaspFrame -
--> WaspFrame::showFrame(), internal change in function
WaspOPC_N2 -
--> Several changes in class in order to insert more debug modes
Wasp485 -
--> Wasp485::Wasp485(), internal change in constructor
--> Wasp485::ON(), internal change in function
--> Wasp485::OFF(), internal change in function
--> Wasp485::maxWrite(), internal change in function
--> Wasp485::maxRead(), internal change in function
WaspSX1272 -
--> WaspSX1272::showFramefromPacket(), internal change in function
--> WaspSX1272::showReceivedPacket(), internal change in function
WaspConstants -
--> REG_RS485, New constant definition
WaspSPI -
--> WaspSPI::close(), internal change in function to add RS485 checking
--> WaspSPI::setSPISlave(), internal change in function to add RS485 checking
--> WaspSPI::secureBegin(), internal change in function to add RS485 checking
--> WaspSPI::secureEnd(), internal change in function to add RS485 checking
--> WaspSPI::WaspSPI(), internal change in constructor
--> boolean isRS485; new attribute
*** From API v020 to API v021 ***
Date: 2016-01-19
WaspLoRaWAN -
--> WaspLoRaWAN::joinOTAA(), new function defined
--> WaspLoRaWAN::setLinkCheck(), new function defined
--> LORAWAN_INIT_ERROR, new constant defined
--> LORAWAN_LENGTH_ERROR, new constant defined
--> LORAWAN_SENDING_ERROR, new constant defined
--> LORAWAN_NOT_JOINED, new constant defined
--> uint8_t _port, new attribute defined
--> char _data[101], new attribute defined
--> bool _dataReceived, new attribute defined
--> WaspLoRaWAN::joinABP(), internal change in function
--> WaspLoRaWAN::sendConfirmed(), internal change in function
--> WaspLoRaWAN::sendUnconfirmed(), internal change in function
--> WaspLoRaWAN::parseValue(), internal change in function
WaspGPRS_Pro_core -
--> WaspGPRS_Pro_core::sendHTTP(), bug fixed
WaspPWR -
--> WaspPWR::switchesOFF(), bug fixed
WaspUART -
--> WaspUART::parseString(), new function defined
--> WaspUART::parseFloat(), new function defined
--> WaspUART::parseUint(), new function defined
--> WaspUART::parseInt(), new function defined
*** From API v019 to API v020 ***
Date: 2015-11-24
WaspLoRaWAN -
--> New API released for LoRaWAN module
WaspSensorGas_Pro -
--> Gas::Gas(), Internal changes in constructor
--> Gas::ON(), Internal changes in function
--> Gas::configureAFE(), Internal changes in function
--> Gas::getConc(), Internal changes in function
--> Gas::Celsius2Fahrenheit(), Internal changes in function
Wasp3G -
--> Wasp3G::downloadFile(), bug fixed in function
WaspPWR -
--> WaspPWR::ifHibernate(), internal change in function
*** From API v018 to API v019 ***
Date: 2015-10-20
WaspFrame -
--> WaspFrame::addTimestamp(), New function definition
WaspGPRS_SIM928A -
--> WaspGPRS_SIM928A::setRTCTimeFromGPS(), Internal change in function
WaspOPC_N2 -
--> WaspOPC_N2::ON(), Internal change in function
WaspSensorAgr_v20 -
--> WaspSensorAgr_v20::readDendrometer(), Internal change in function
--> WaspSensorAgr_v20::readPT1000(), Internal change in function
--> WaspSensorAgr_v20::readRadiation(), Internal change in function
WaspSensorCities -
--> WaspSensorCities::setAudioGain(), Internal change in function
--> WaspSensorCities::setThreshold(), Internal change in function
WaspSensorEvent_v20 -
--> WaspSensorEvent_v20::setThreshold(), Internal change in function
BME280 -
--> BME280::checkID(), Internal change in function
--> BME280::readCalibration(), Internal change in function
--> BME280::getTemperature(), Internal change in function
--> BME280::getPressure(), Internal change in function
--> BME280::getHumidity(), Internal change in function
--> BME280_I2C_ADDRESS1, Constant redefined in Wire.h
--> BME280_I2C_ADDRESS2, Constant redefined in Wire.h
--> BME280_I2C_ADDRESS, Constant redefined in Wire.h
LMP91000 -
--> LMP91000::check(), Internal change in function
--> LMP91000::lock_reg(), Internal change in function
--> LMP91000::unlock_reg(), Internal change in function
--> LMP91000::getRgain(), Internal change in function
--> LMP91000::setRgain(), Internal change in function
--> LMP91000::getInternalZero(), Internal change in function
--> LMP91000::setInternalZero(), Internal change in function
--> LMP91000::getRefSource(), Internal change in function
--> LMP91000::setRefSource(), Internal change in function
--> LMP91000::getTIAConReg(), Internal change in function
--> LMP91000::getRefConReg(), Internal change in function
--> LMP91000::getModeReg(), Internal change in function
--> LMP91000::setTIAConReg(), Internal change in function
--> LMP91000::setRefConReg(), Internal change in function
--> LMP91000::setModeReg(), Internal change in function
--> LMP91000_ADDR, Constant redefined in Wire.h
MCP3421 -
--> MCP3421::readADC(), Internal change in function
--> MCP3421_ADDR, Constant redefined in Wire.h
Gas -
--> Gas::setAmplifier(), Internal change in function
--> Gas::getAmplifier(), Internal change in function
--> Gas::readSensorInfo(), Internal change in function
--> E2PROM_ADDR, Constant redefined in Wire.h
--> MCP4146_ADDR, Constant redefined in Wire.h
WaspSensorGas_v20 -
--> WaspSensorGas_v20::configureResistor(), Internal change in function
--> WaspSensorGas_v20::configureAmplifier(), Internal change in function
adcClass -
--> adcClass::begin(), Internal change in function
--> adcClass::readADC(), Internal change in function
turbiditySensorClass -
--> turbiditySensorClass::turbiditySensorClass(), Internal change in function
--> turbiditySensorClass::ON(), Internal change in function
--> turbiditySensorClass::readTurbidity(), Internal change in function
--> turbiditySensorClass::getTurbidity(), Internal change in function
--> turbiditySensorClass::resetSensor(), Internal change in function
--> turbiditySensorClass::readTemperature(), Internal change in function
--> turbiditySensorClass::configureSensorAddress(), Internal change in function
--> turbiditySensorClass::digitalSmooth(), Internal change in function
--> SENSOR_ADDRESS, New constant definition (redefines sensorAddress)
--> DEFAULT_ADDRESS, New constant definition
--> int cont, Attribute deleted
WaspSensorSW -
--> WaspSensorSW::OFF(), Internal change in function
WaspSigfox -
--> New API released for Sigfox module
SmartWaterIons -
--> adcClass::begin(), Internal change in function
--> WaspSensorSWIons::OFF(), Internal change in function
--> ionSensorClass::pointToPointCalibration(), New function definition
--> ionSensorClass::calculateConcentrationP(), New function definition
--> MAX_POINTS, New constant definition
--> float voltages[MAX_POINTS], New attribute definition
--> float concentrations[MAX_POINTS], New attribute definition
--> uint8_t numPoints, New attribute definition
WaspWIFI -
--> WaspWIFI::checkAnswer(), Internal change in function
--> WaspWIFI::readData(), Internal change in function
--> WaspWIFI::sendCommand(), Internal change in function
--> WaspWIFI::latencyDelay(), New function definition
--> WaspWIFI::saveReboot(), Internal change in function
--> WaspWIFI::open(), Internal change in function
--> WaspWIFI::openHTTP(), Internal change in function
--> WaspWIFI::ON(), Internal change in function
--> WaspWIFI::scan(), Internal change in function
--> WaspWIFI::sendPing(), Internal change in function
--> WaspWIFI::setTCPclient(), New function definition
--> WaspWIFI::setUDPclient(), New function definition
--> WaspWIFI::read(), Internal change in function
--> WaspWIFI::reset(), Internal change in function
--> WaspWIFI::resolve(), Internal change in function
--> WaspWIFI::getConnectionInfo(), Internal change in function
--> WaspWIFI::getAPstatus(), Internal change in function
--> WaspWIFI::getRSSI(), Internal change in function
--> WaspWIFI::getUpTime(), Internal change in function
--> WaspWIFI::getAdhocSettings(), Internal change in function
--> WaspWIFI::getBroadcastSettings(), Internal change in function
--> WaspWIFI::getComSettings(), Internal change in function
--> WaspWIFI::getDNSsettings(), Internal change in function
--> WaspWIFI::getFTPsettings(), Internal change in function
--> WaspWIFI::getIP(), Internal change in function
--> WaspWIFI::getMAC(), Internal change in function
--> WaspWIFI::getOptionSettings(), Internal change in function
--> WaspWIFI::getSystemSettings(), Internal change in function
--> WaspWIFI::getTime(), Internal change in function
--> WaspWIFI::getWLANsettings(), Internal change in function
--> WaspWIFI::getUARTsettings(), Internal change in function
--> WaspWIFI::getVersion(), Internal change in function
--> WaspWIFI::setRTCfromWiFi(), Internal change in function
--> WaspWIFI::setTCPclient(), Internal change in function
WInterrupts -
--> attachInterrupt(), Internal change in function
WaspACC -
--> WaspACC::ON(), Internal change in function
--> i2cID, Constant redefined in Wire.h
WaspPWR -
--> WaspPWR::switchesOFF(), Internal change in function
--> WaspPWR::deepSleep(), Internal change in function
WaspRTC -
--> WaspRTC::ON(), Internal change in function
--> WaspRTC::readRTC(), Internal change in function
--> WaspRTC::writeRTC(), Internal change in function
--> WaspRTC::writeRTCalarm1(), Internal change in function
--> WaspRTC::writeRTCalarm2(), Internal change in function
--> WaspRTC::writeRTCregister(), Internal change in function
--> WaspRTC::readRTCregister(), Internal change in function
--> RTC_ADDRESS, Constant redefined in Wire.h
WaspSPI -
--> WaspSPI::close(), Internal change in function
--> boolean isSmartWater, New attribute definition
--> boolean isSmartWaterIons, New attribute definition
WaspUSB -
--> WaspUSB::secureEnd(), Internal change in function
WaspXBeeCore -
--> WaspXBeeCore::setRTCfromMeshlium(), Internal change in function
Wire -
--> I2C_ADDRESS_WASP_ACC, New constant definition
--> I2C_ADDRESS_WASP_RTC, New constant definition
--> I2C_ADDRESS_EVENTS_DIGIPOT1, New constant definition
--> I2C_ADDRESS_EVENTS_DIGIPOT2, New constant definition
--> I2C_ADDRESS_EVENTS_DIGIPOT3, New constant definition
--> I2C_ADDRESS_AGR_DENDROMETER, New constant definition
--> I2C_ADDRESS_AGR_PT1000, New constant definition
--> I2C_ADDRESS_AGR_RADIATION, New constant definition
--> I2C_ADDRESS_GASES_SOCKET_1A_1B, New constant definition
--> I2C_ADDRESS_GASES_SOCKET_4, New constant definition
--> I2C_ADDRESS_GASES_SOCKET_2A_2B, New constant definition
--> I2C_ADDRESS_GASES_SOCKET_3_3B, New constant definition
--> I2C_ADDRESS_SENS_CITIES_DUST, New constant definition
--> I2C_ADDRESS_CITIES_LD, New constant definition
--> I2C_ADDRESS_CITIES_AUDIO, New constant definition
--> I2C_ADDRESS_CITIES_AUDIO_GAIN, New constant definition
--> I2C_ADDRESS_CITIES_HUMIDITY, New constant definition
--> I2C_ADDRESS_CITIES_TEMPERATURE, New constant definition
--> I2C_ADDRESS_CITIES_ULTRA_5V, New constant definition
--> I2C_ADDRESS_CITIES_ULTRA_3V3, New constant definition
--> I2C_ADDRESS_CITIES_LDR, New constant definition
--> I2C_ADDRESS_CITIES_CD, New constant definition
--> I2C_ADDRESS_CITIES_CP, New constant definition
--> I2C_ADDRESS_GASPRO_BME280, New constant definition
--> I2C_ADDRESS_GASPRO_LMP91000, New constant definition
--> I2C_ADDRESS_GASPRO_MCP3421, New constant definition
--> I2C_ADDRESS_GASPRO_E2PROM, New constant definition
--> I2C_ADDRESS_GASPRO_MCP4146, New constant definition
*** From API v017 to API v018 ***
Date: 2015-08-24
WaspBLE -
--> WaspBLE::OFF, Internal change in function
--> WaspBLE::wakeUp, Internal change in function
WaspBT_Pro -
--> WaspBT_Pro::ON, Internal change in function
--> WaspBT_Pro::OFF, Internal change in function
WaspFrame -
--> SENSOR_TYPE_TABLE, Flash string table changed for 'str_LW' sensor
--> SENSOR_TYPE_TABLE, Flash string table changed for 'str_SPEED' sensor
--> SENSOR_TYPE_TABLE, Flash string table changed for 'str_COURSE' sensor
--> SENSOR_TYPE_TABLE, Flash string table changed for 'str_ALTITUDE' sensor
--> SENSOR_TYPE_TABLE, Flash string table changed for 'str_HDOP' sensor
--> SENSOR_TYPE_TABLE, Flash string table changed for 'str_VDOP' sensor
--> SENSOR_TYPE_TABLE, Flash string table changed for 'str_PDOP' sensor
--> DECIMAL_TABLE, Flash string table changed for 'str_LW' sensor
WaspRFID -
--> WaspRFID::ON, Internal change in function
--> WaspRFID::OFF, Internal change in function
Wasp232 -
--> Wasp232::ON, Internal change in function
--> Wasp232::OFF, Internal change in function
--> Wasp232::baudRateConfig, Internal change in function
--> Wasp232::receive, New function definition
--> Wasp232::parityBit, Function prototype chaned to admite multiple inputs not just boolean
--> Wasp232::stopBitConfig, Internal change in function
--> enum ParityModes, New enumerate type
--> enum StopBitModes, New enumerate type
WaspSensorAgr_v20 -
--> WaspSensorAgr_v20::readValue, Internal change in function
--> WaspSensorAgr_v20::lwsConversion, Internal change in function
BME280 -
--> General changes in class for debug mode improvement
LMP91000 -
--> General changes in class for debug mode improvement
WaspSensorGas_Pro -
--> General changes in class for debug mode improvement
WaspWIFI -
--> WaspWIFI::ON, Internal change in function
--> WaspWIFI::OFF, Internal change in function
WaspPWR -
--> WaspPWR::switchesOFF, Set down SOCKET0 SPI SS pin to avoid extra consumption
--> WaspPWR::sleep, Internal change in function
--> WaspPWR::deepSleep, Internal change in function
WaspRTC -
--> WaspRTC::WaspRTC, Internal change in construcotr for variable initialization
WaspUART -
--> WaspUART, New class for UART-devices management
WaspUSB -
--> WASPUSB, General changes to improve USB performance vs SOCKET0 devices when connected
WaspXBeeCore -
--> WaspXBeeCore::ON, Internal change in function
--> WaspXBeeCore::OFF, Internal change in function
--> WaspXBeeCore::gen_frame_ap2, Bug fixed in function
*** From API v016 to API v017 ***
Date: 2015-06-29
WaspFrame -
--> SENSOR_PH_A, new sensor field definition
--> SENSOR_PH_B, new sensor field definition
--> SENSOR_PH_C, new sensor field definition
--> SENSOR_ORP_A, new sensor field definition
--> SENSOR_ORP_B, new sensor field definition
--> SENSOR_ORP_C, new sensor field definition
OPC_N2 -
--> WaspOPC_N2::checkStatus(), Internal change in function
--> WaspOPC_N2::ON(), Internal change in function
--> WaspOPC_N2::OFF(), Internal change in function
--> WaspOPC_N2::setDigitalPot(), Internal change in function
--> WaspOPC_N2::getHistogramData(), Internal change in function
--> WaspOPC_N2::getPM(), Internal change in function
WaspRFID -
--> General changes to improve the library
SensorGas_PRO -
--> Gas::Gas(), Internal change in function
--> Gas::ON(), Internal change in function
--> Gas::configureAFE(), Internal change in function
--> Gas::getConc(), Internal change in function
--> BME280::ON(), Internal change in function
--> BME280::checkID(), Internal change in function
--> BME280::readCalibration(), Internal change in function
WaspXBeeCore -
--> WaspXBeeCore::treatScan(), Internal change in function
--> char NI[21], Class attribute changed in size
*** From API v015 to API v016 ***
Date: 2015-06-08
WaspBLE -
--> WaspBLE::setScanningParameters(), bug fixed
WaspBT_Pro -
--> bt_string_10, flash string changed from "Bluegiga" to "THOR" to internally change reset()
WaspFrame -
--> SENSOR_SWI_CA, new sensor field definition
--> SENSOR_SWI_FL, new sensor field definition
--> SENSOR_SWI_FB, new sensor field definition
--> SENSOR_SWI_NO, new sensor field definition
--> SENSOR_SWI_BR, new sensor field definition
--> SENSOR_SWI_CL, new sensor field definition
--> SENSOR_SWI_CU, new sensor field definition
--> SENSOR_SWI_IO, new sensor field definition
--> SENSOR_SWI_PB, new sensor field definition
--> SENSOR_SWI_AG, new sensor field definition
--> SENSOR_SWI_PH, new sensor field definition
WaspFrameConstants -
--> str_SWI_CA[], new flash string definition
--> str_SWI_FL[], new flash string definition
--> str_SWI_FB[], new flash string definition
--> str_SWI_NO[], new flash string definition
--> str_SWI_BR[], new flash string definition
--> str_SWI_CL[], new flash string definition
--> str_SWI_CU[], new flash string definition
--> str_SWI_IO[], new flash string definition
--> str_SWI_PB[], new flash string definition
--> str_SWI_AG[], new flash string definition
--> str_SWI_PH[], new flash string definition
WaspGPRS_SIM928A -
--> New API released for SIM928A GPRS module
WaspSensorAgr_v20 -
--> WaspSensorAgr_v20::pressureConversion(), internal change in function
WaspSensorAmbient -
--> WaspSensorAmbient::readValue(), internal change in function
SmartWaterIons -
--> New API released for Smart Water Ions board
WaspWIFI -
--> str_get_time_unix, new flash string definition
--> WaspWIFI::setRTCfromWiFi(), new function
WaspXBee802 -
--> WaspXBee802::init(), internal change in function
--> WaspXBee802(), internal change in constructor
WaspXBee868 -
--> WaspXBee868::init(), internal change in function
--> WaspXBee868(), internal change in constructor
WaspXBee900 -
--> WaspXBee900::init(), internal change in function
--> WaspXBee900(), internal change in constructor
WaspXBeeDM -
--> WaspXBeeDM::init(), internal change in function
--> WaspXBeeDM(), internal change in constructor
WaspXBeeZB -
--> WaspXBeeZB::init(), internal change in function
--> WaspXBeeZB(), internal change in constructor
Wasp3G -
--> XMODEM_ACK, constant renamed (former ACK constant)
--> XMODEM_NAK, constant renamed (former NAK constant)
--> XMODEM_SOH, constant renamed (former SOH constant)
--> XMODEM_EOT, constant renamed (former EOT constant)
--> XMODEM_CAN, constant renamed (former CAN constant)
WaspACC -
--> WaspACC(), internal change in constructor
--> WaspACC::ON(void), internal change in function
--> WaspACC::setFF(uint16_t ths), new function prototype
--> WaspACC::setIWU(uint16_t ths), new function prototype
--> WaspACC::calculateThreshold( uint16_t ths ), new function definition
--> uint8_t _int1_ths, new attribute definition
--> uint16_t _threshold, new attribute definition
WaspConstants -
--> REG_WATER_IONS, new definition
WaspGPRS_Pro_core -
--> New internal comments
WaspPWR -
--> WaspPWR::sleep(), internal change in function
WaspRTC -
--> rtc_string_19, new flash string definition
--> WaspRTC::WaspRTC(), internal change in constructor
--> WaspRTC::setTime(), internal change in function prototypes
--> WaspRTC::clearAlarmFlag(), internal change in function to check alarm id
--> WaspRTC::getAlarmTriggered(), new function
--> WaspRTC::setGMT(), new function
--> WaspRTC::getGMT(), new function
--> int8_t _gmt, new attribute
--> int8_t alarmTriggered, new attribute
WaspSD -
--> New internal comments
WaspSPI -
--> WaspSPI::setSPISlave(), internal change in function
--> SMART_WATER_SELECT, new 'spi_selection' enum type
--> SMART_IONS_SELECT, new 'spi_selection' enum type
WaspXBeeCore -
--> WaspXBeeCore::setOwnNetAddress(), internal change in function
--> WaspXBeeCore::getRSSI(), internal change in function
--> WaspXBeeCore::getSoftVersion(), internal change in function
--> WaspXBeeCore::getDestinationAddress(), internal change in function
--> WaspXBeeCore::ON(), internal change in function
--> WaspXBeeCore::sendXBee(), internal change in function
--> WaspXBeeCore::gen_frame_ap2(), internal change in function
--> WaspXBeeCore::parse_message(), internal change in function
--> WaspXBeeCore::txZBStatusResponse(), internal change in function
--> WaspXBeeCore::getChecksum(), internal change in function
--> WaspXBeeCore::receivePacketTimeout(), internal change in function
--> WaspXBeeCore::send(), new function prototype and internal changes in existing prototypes
--> WaspXBeeCore::setSendingRetries(), new function
--> MAX_DATA, definition changed
--> struct rxPacket90_t, struct changed
--> WaspXBeeCore(), internal change in constructor
--> linkKey, attribute changed in size
--> softVersion, attribute changed in size
--> uint8_t _srcMAC[8], new attribute
--> uint8_t _srcNA[2], new attribute
--> int _rssi, new attribute
--> uint8_t _send_retries;, new attribute
--> uint8_t nextIndex1, attribute deleted
--> uint8_t indexNotModified, attribute deleted
*** From API v014 to API v015 ***
Date: 2015-04-29
WaspFrame -
--> SENSOR_VAPI, new sensor field definition
--> SENSOR_VPROG, new sensor field definition
--> SENSOR_VBOOT, new sensor field definition
--> SENSOR_GP_CL2, new sensor field definition
--> SENSOR_GP_CO, new sensor field definition
--> SENSOR_GP_ETO, new sensor field definition
--> SENSOR_GP_H2, new sensor field definition
--> SENSOR_GP_H2S, new sensor field definition
--> SENSOR_GP_HCL, new sensor field definition
--> SENSOR_GP_HCN, new sensor field definition
--> SENSOR_GP_NH3, new sensor field definition
--> SENSOR_GP_NO, new sensor field definition
--> SENSOR_GP_NO2, new sensor field definition
--> SENSOR_GP_O2, new sensor field definition
--> SENSOR_GP_PH3, new sensor field definition
--> SENSOR_GP_SO2, new sensor field definition
--> SENSOR_GP_CH4, new sensor field definition
--> SENSOR_GP_O3, new sensor field definition
--> SENSOR_GP_CO2, new sensor field definition
--> SENSOR_GP_TC, new sensor field definition
--> SENSOR_GP_TF, new sensor field definition
--> SENSOR_GP_HUM, new sensor field definition
--> SENSOR_GP_PRES, new sensor field definition
--> SENSOR_OPC_TC, new sensor field definition
--> SENSOR_OPC_TF, new sensor field definition
--> SENSOR_OPC_PM1, new sensor field definition
--> SENSOR_OPC_PM2_5, new sensor field definition
--> SENSOR_OPC_PM10, new sensor field definition
--> SENSOR_OPC_PART, new sensor field definition
--> addSensor(), new function prototype for two unsigned long type inputs
OPC_N2 -
--> New library for Particle sensor OPC-N2
SX1272 -
--> WaspSX1272::getNodeAddress(), internal change in function
--> WaspSX1272::setNodeAddress(), internal change in function
WaspSensorEvent_v20 -
--> _intEnabled, new private class attribute for indicating enabled interruptions
--> WaspSensorEvent_v20::readValue(), internal change in function
--> WaspSensorEvent_v20::attachInt(), internal change in function
--> WaspSensorEvent_v20::detachInt(), internal change in function
SensorGas_PRO -
--> New library for Gas Pro Sensor Board. Includes several files and classes
WaspSensorSW -
--> DIClass::setCalibrationPoints(), function declaration to fix the bug in previous API version
WaspWIFI -
--> WaspWIFI::sendCommand(), new function prototype to check several possible answers
--> WaspWIFI::find(), new function definition to find pattern in array of bytes
WaspXBee802 -
--> WaspXBee802::sendXBeePriv(), internal change in function
WaspXBee868 -
--> WaspXBee868::sendXBeePriv(), internal change in function
WaspXBee900 -
--> WaspXBee900::sendXBeePriv(), internal change in function
WaspXBeeDM -
--> WaspXBeeDM::sendXBeePriv(), internal change in function
WaspXBeeZB -
--> WaspXBeeZB::sendXBeePriv(), internal change in function
currentLoop -
--> Fixed software bug on channel definition.
WaspSD -
--> internal change in SD utilities (Sd2Card.cpp)
WaspConstants -
--> REG_DUST_GASES_PRO, new definition
WaspSPI -
--> DUST_SENSOR_CS, new definition
--> DUST_SENSOR_POWER, new definition
--> DUST_SENSOR_SELECT, new element in enum type 'spi_selection'
--> WaspSPI::close(), internal change in function
--> WaspSPI::setSPISlave(), internal change in function
--> WaspSPI::secureBegin(), internal change in function
--> WaspSPI::secureEnd(), internal change in function
WaspUSB -
--> WaspUSB::printHex(), new function to show array of bytes in HEX format
--> WaspUSB::printHexln(), new function to show array of bytes in HEX format adding EOL
WaspUtils -
--> WaspUtils::blinkRedLED(), several new function prototypes to blink the red LED
--> WaspUtils::blinkGreenLED(), several new function prototypes to blink the green LED
--> WaspUtils::readSerialChip(), new function definition
--> WaspUtils::readSerialID(), internal change in function to improve it
WaspVariables -
--> pwrGasPRORegister, new register definition for Gases PRO board
Wire -
--> TwoWire::writeBit(), new function to write a bit via I2C
--> TwoWire::writeBits(), new function to write some bits via I2C
--> TwoWire::writeBytes(), new function to write bytes via I2C
--> TwoWire::readBit(), new function to read a bit via I2C
--> TwoWire::readBits(), new function to read some bits via I2C
--> TwoWire::readBytes(), new function to read bytes via I2C
*** From API v013 to API v014 ***
Date: 2015-02-20
WaspFrame -
--> Bug fixed, now SENSOR_TX_PWR and SENSOR_DM_SP are correctly defined
--> SENSOR_TST, new sensor field definition
--> SENSOR_TURB, new sensor field definition
--> Internal changes in some functions
SX1272 -
--> WaspSX1272::ON(), prototype changed from 'void' to 'uint8_t'
--> WaspSX1272::setLORA(), Internal change in function to set default values in config registers
--> WaspSX1272::receivePacketTimeout(), input variable type changed to uint32_t
--> WaspSX1272::receivePacketTimeoutACK(), input variable type changed to uint32_t
--> WaspSX1272::receiveAll(), input variable type changed to uint32_t
--> WaspSX1272::getPacket(), input variable type changed to uint32_t
--> WaspSX1272::sendWithTimeout(), input variable type changed to uint32_t
--> WaspSX1272::sendPacketTimeout(), input variable type changed to uint32_t
--> WaspSX1272::sendPacketTimeoutACK(), input variable type changed to uint32_t
--> WaspSX1272::getACK(), input variable type changed to uint32_t
--> WaspSX1272::sendPacketTimeoutACKRetries(), input variable type changed to uint32_t
--> MAX_WAIT, constant type changed to uint32_t
WaspSensorCities -
--> Add comments
WaspSensorEvent_v20 -
--> SENS_FLOW_YFS401, new sensor definition
--> SENS_FLOW_FS300, new sensor definition
--> SENS_FLOW_YFG1, new sensor definition
--> WaspSensorEvent_v20::readValue(), added reading for new sensors
--> WaspSensorEvent_v20::flowReading(), added reading for new sensors
WaspSensorSW -
--> DIClass::setCalibrationPoints(), internal change in function
--> DIClass::setCalibrationPoints(), new function prototype
WaspSensorSmart_v20 -
--> SENS_FLOW_YFS401, new sensor definition
--> SENS_FLOW_FS300, new sensor definition
--> SENS_FLOW_YFG1, new sensor definition
--> WaspSensorSmart_v20::readValue(), added reading for new sensors
--> WaspSensorSmart_v20::flowReading(), added reading for new sensors
WaspWIFI -
--> WaspWIFI::commandMode(), internal change in function
--> WaspWIFI::checkAnswer(), internal change in function
--> WaspWIFI::sendCommand(), new function prototype waits for pattern reponse during a given timeout
--> WaspWIFI::sendCommand(), new function prototype waits for pattern reponses OK or ERROR during a given timeout
--> WaspWIFI::setAutojoinAuth(), internal change, use of new sendCommand() function
--> WaspWIFI::setJoinMode(), internal change, use of new sendCommand() function
--> WaspWIFI::setAuthKey(), internal change, use of new sendCommand() function
--> WaspWIFI::join(), internal change, use of new sendCommand() function
--> WaspWIFI::setDHCPoptions(), internal change, use of new sendCommand() function
--> WaspWIFI::setConnectionOptions(), internal change, use of new sendCommand() function
--> WaspWIFI::isConnected(), new function prototype
--> WaspWIFI::isConnected(), internal change, use of new sendCommand() function
WaspConstants -
--> WASPMOTE_API_VERSION, new constant definition for API version
WaspUSB -
--> WaspUSB::print(), new function prototype for printing buffers
--> WaspUSB::println(), new function prototype for printing buffers adding EOL
WaspUtils -
--> WaspUtils::readSerialID(), internal change in function read Serial from EEPROM if fails
WaspXBeeCore -
--> timestamp_packet, new flash string definition
--> timestamp_rtc, new flash string definition
--> WaspXBeeCore::ON(), internal change in function
--> WaspXBeeCore::setDestinationParams(), input variable type changed to uint16_t
--> WaspXBeeCore::receivePacketTimeout(), new function for receiving packets
--> WaspXBeeCore::send(), new function for sending packets
--> WaspXBeeCore::setRTCfromMeshlium(), new function to set RTC time from Meshlium timestamp
--> struct rxPacket80_t, new struct definition
--> struct rxPacket81_t, new struct definition
--> struct rxPacket90_t, new struct definition
--> struct rxPacket91_t, new struct definition
--> uint8_t _payload[MAX_DATA], new buffer definition for new sending/receiving functions
--> uint16_t _length, new variable definition for '_payload' length
wiring_serial.c -
--> Internal changes in file to delete useless operations
*** From API v012 to API v013 ***
Date: 2015-01-19
WaspFrame -
--> WaspFrame::decryptFrame, function deleted
--> SENSOR_FSM, new sensor field definition
--> SENSOR_PLV1, new sensor field definition
--> SENSOR_PLV2, new sensor field definition
--> SENSOR_PLV3, new sensor field definition
--> SENSOR_SOIL_C, new sensor field definition
--> SENSOR_SOIL_D, new sensor field definition
--> SENSOR_SOIL_E, new sensor field definition
--> SENSOR_SOIL_F, new sensor field definition
--> SENSOR_SOIL1, new sensor field definition
--> SENSOR_SOIL2, new sensor field definition
--> SENSOR_SOIL3, new sensor field definition
--> SENSOR_TCC, new sensor field definition
--> SENSOR_US_3V3, new sensor field definition
--> SENSOR_US_5V, new sensor field definition
--> SENSOR_LUM_D, new sensor field definition
--> SENSOR_LUM_E, new sensor field definition
--> SENSOR_LUM_F, new sensor field definition
--> SENSOR_LP_D, new sensor field definition
--> SENSOR_LP_E, new sensor field definition
--> SENSOR_LP_F, new sensor field definition
--> SENSOR_LL_D, new sensor field definition
--> SENSOR_LL_E, new sensor field definition
--> SENSOR_LL_F, new sensor field definition
--> SENSOR_HALL_D, new sensor field definition
--> SENSOR_HALL_E, new sensor field definition
--> SENSOR_HALL_F, new sensor field definition
--> SENSOR_WF_C, new sensor field definition
--> SENSOR_WF_E, new sensor field definition
WaspSX1272 -
--> WaspSX1272::setACK, internal change in function
--> WaspSX1272::availableData, internal change in function
--> WaspSX1272::setTimeout, internal change in function
--> WaspSX1272::timeOnAir, new function
--> WaspSX1272::setPacket, internal change in function
--> WaspSX1272::sendWithTimeout, internal change in function
--> WaspSX1272::sendPacketTimeoutACK, internal change in function
--> WaspSX1272::getACK, internal change in function
--> WaspSX1272::setRTCfromMeshlium, internal change in function
--> WaspSX1272::cadDetected, internal change in function
--> MAX_TIMEOUT, timeout definition changed to 10 seconds
WaspSensorAgr_v20 -
--> struct pluviometer_st, new structure definition for pluviometer sensor
--> plv_array, new class attribute for pluviometer sensor
--> WaspSensorAgr_v20::storePulse, new function
--> WaspSensorAgr_v20::readPluviometerHour, new function
--> WaspSensorAgr_v20::readPluviometerCurrent, new function
--> WaspSensorAgr_v20::readPluviometerDay, new function
--> WaspSensorAgr_v20::readPluviometer, new function prototype
--> WaspSensorAgr_v20::WaspSensorAgr_v20, internal change in class constructor
--> WaspSensorAgr_v20::setBoardMode, internal change in function
--> WaspSensorAgr_v20::sleepAgr, internal change in function
--> WaspSensorAgr_v20::readDendrometer, internal change in function
--> WaspSensorAgr_v20::readTempDS1820, internal change in function
WaspSensorAmbient -
--> SENS_AMBIENT_LUX_PWR, delete redefined definition
--> WaspSensorAmbient::begin, internal change in function
--> WaspSensorAmbient::setSensorMode, internal change in function
WaspSensorCities -
--> WaspSensorCities::WaspSensorCities, internal change in class constructor
--> WaspSensorCities::setBoardMode, internal change in function
--> WaspSensorCities::readTempDS1820, internal change in function
WaspSensorEvent_v20 -
--> WaspSensorEvent_v20::WaspSensorEvent_v20, internal change in class constructor
--> WaspSensorEvent_v20::setBoardMode, internal change in function
WaspSensorGas_v20 -
--> WaspSensorGas_v20::WaspSensorGas_v20, internal change in class constructor
--> WaspSensorGas_v20::setBoardMode, internal change in function
WaspSensorParking -
--> WaspSensorParking::WaspSensorParking, internal change in class constructor
WaspSensorPrototyping_v20 -
--> WaspSensorPrototyping_v20::WaspSensorPrototyping_v20, internal change in class constructor
--> WaspSensorPrototyping_v20::setBoardMode, internal change in function
--> WaspSensorPrototyping_v20::readADC, internal change in function
turbiditySensorClass -
--> turbiditySensorClass::readTurbidity, internal change in function
--> turbiditySensorClass::getTurbidity, internal change in function
--> turbiditySensorClass::typeMeasurementConfiguration, internal change in function
--> turbiditySensorClass::startMeasurment, internal change in function
--> turbiditySensorClass::readTemperature, internal change in function
--> turbiditySensorClass::readCompensationTemperature, internal change in function
WaspSensorSmart_v20 -
--> WaspSensorSmart_v20::WaspSensorSmart_v20, internal change in class constructor
--> WaspSensorSmart_v20::setBoardMode, internal change in function
--> WaspSensorSmart_v20::readTempDS1820, internal change in function
WaspWIFI -
--> WaspWIFI::setTCPclient, internal change in function. Deleted HELLO default string when connecting
--> WaspWIFI::setUDPclient, internal change in function. Deleted HELLO default string when connecting
WaspAES -
--> WaspAES::ECBDecrypt, function deleted
--> WaspAES::CBCDecrypt, function deleted
--> WaspAES::paddingDecrypt, function deleted
--> WaspAES::decrypt, function deleted
WaspRSA -
--> WaspRSA::decrypt, function deleted
--> WaspRSA::renewall, function deleted
WaspStackEEPROM -
--> WaspStackEEPROM::WaspStackEEPROM, internal change in class constructor
--> WaspStackEEPROM::setFrontPointer, new function
--> WaspStackEEPROM::setBackPointer, new function
--> WaspStackEEPROM::getFrontPointer, new function
--> WaspStackEEPROM::getBackPointer, new function
--> WaspStackEEPROM::isFull, internal change in function
--> WaspStackEEPROM::initBlockSize, internal change in function
--> WaspStackEEPROM::initStack, internal change in function
--> WaspStackEEPROM::push, internal change in function
--> WaspStackEEPROM::push_front, new function
--> WaspStackEEPROM::push_back, new function
--> WaspStackEEPROM::pop, internal change in function
--> WaspStackEEPROM::pop_front, new function
--> WaspStackEEPROM::pop_back, new function
--> WaspStackEEPROM::getStoredFrames, new function
--> WaspStackEEPROM::getMaxFrames, new function
--> enum stack_modes_enum, new enum definition for stack mode: FIFO or LIFO
--> _max_blocks, new private class attribute
--> _mode, new private class attribute
--> WaspStackEEPROM::isFull, function changed from private to public
--> WaspStackEEPROM::isEmpty, function changed from private to public
WaspXBee802 -
--> Add comments in flash memory string definitions
WaspOneWire -
--> General changes in class functions
WaspPWR -
--> WaspPWR::switchesOFF, internal change in function
--> WaspPWR::reboot, internal change in function. Use watchdog timer to reboot
WaspRTC -
--> SECS_PER_MIN, new constant definition
--> SECS_PER_HOUR, new constant definition
--> SECS_PER_DAY, new constant definition
--> DAYS_PER_WEEK, new constant definition
--> SECS_PER_WEEK, new constant definition
--> SECS_PER_YEAR, new constant definition
--> SECS_YR_2000, new constant definition
--> LEAP_YEAR, new constant definition
--> monthDays, new constant definition
--> timestamp_t, new struct definition
--> epoch, new class attribute definition
--> WaspRTC::getEpochTime, new function
--> WaspRTC::breakTimeAbsolute, new function
--> WaspRTC::breakTimeOffset, new function
--> WaspRTC::ON, internal change in function. The I2C bus is not initialized
--> WaspRTC::readRTC, internal change in function. The I2C bus is initialized when used
--> WaspRTC::writeRTC, internal change in function. The I2C bus is initialized when used
--> WaspRTC::writeRTCalarm1, internal change in function. The I2C bus is initialized when used
--> WaspRTC::writeRTCalarm2, internal change in function. The I2C bus is initialized when used
--> WaspRTC::writeRTCregister, internal change in function. The I2C bus is initialized when used
--> WaspRTC::readRTCregister, internal change in function. The I2C bus is initialized when used
--> WaspRTC::setAlarm1, bug fixed
--> WaspRTC::setAlarm2, bug fixed
WaspSD -
--> WaspSD::WaspSD, internal change in constructor. flag initialization.
--> WaspSD::numln, bug fixed in flag error case
WaspSPI -
--> enum spi_selection, new enum type for SPI bus selection
WaspUtils -
--> WaspUtils::setSerialEEPROM, new function
--> WaspUtils::getSerialEEPROM, new function
--> WaspUtils::readTempDS1820, internal change in function
--> WaspUtils::checkNewProgram, internal change in function
--> SD_SELECT, constant deleted (moved to SPI class)
--> SOCKET0_SELECT, constant deleted (moved to SPI class)
--> SOCKET1_SELECT, constant deleted (moved to SPI class)
--> ALL_DESELECTED, constant deleted (moved to SPI class)
--> EEPROM_PROG_VERSION, new constant definition
--> EEPROM_PROG_VERSION_BACKUP, new constant definition
--> EEPROM_SERIALID_START, new constant definition
WaspXBeeCore -
--> WaspXBeeCore::treatData, internal change in function. error_RX flag initialization
--> WaspXBeeCore::parse_message, bug fixed
Wire -
--> General changes in Wire class
main.cpp -
--> main function changed to add delays for SX1272 module init
twi -
--> General changes in twi C file for I2C bus communication
*** From API v011 to API v012 ***
Date: 2014-11-14
WaspSX1272.cpp -
--> New API for SX1272 Released!!
main.cpp -
--> main function changed to prepare Waspmote in the case of SX1272 use
WaspXBeeCore -
--> WaspXBeeCore::getPowerLevel(), Bug fixed
WaspUtils -
--> WaspUtils::setSPISlave(), function moved to WaspSPI class
WaspUSB -
--> WaspUSB::printFloat(), function declared as public
WaspSPI -
--> Class files global changes to be used with all SPI components in Waspmote
WaspSD -
--> WaspSD::close(), function deleted
WaspRTC -
--> WaspRTC::begin(), function deleted
--> Some SD utilities files deleted and other changed in /utilities
WaspPWR -
--> WaspPWR::sleep(), internal change in function
--> WaspPWR::deepSleep(), internal change in function
WaspPWR -
--> WaspGPRS_Pro_core::createSocket(), Internal change to improve TCP server
WaspConstants.h -
--> REG_SX, new definition for SX1272 module
Wasp3G -
--> CAMERA_FUSE, Default value switched to 0 (it avoids issues with other
Sensor Boards)
--> General changes in 2 functions for Videocamera Sensor Board. The feature
allowing photo or video transmission via XBee was discontinued.
WaspAES -
--> WaspAES::encrypt(), bug fixed
WaspSW -
--> DIClass::setCalibrationPoints(), new function defined
--> DIClass::calculateConcentration(), new function defined
--> DIClass::setCalibrationPoints(), new function defined
--> float slope; New class attribute
--> float intersection; New class attribute
WaspSensorAgr_v20 -
--> WaspSensorAgr_v20::WaspSensorAgr_v20(), internal change in constructor
--> General changes in class functions to delete compiler warnings
Wasp232 -
--> Wasp232::stopBitConfig(), Internal change in function
WaspFrame -
--> WaspFrame::encryptFrame(), New function defined
--> WaspFrame::decryptFrame(), New function defined
--> SENSOR_FIELD_TABLE fixed to include 'str_HDOP', 'str_VDOP' and 'str_PDOP'
--> AES128_ECB_FRAME, new frame type definition
--> AES192_ECB_FRAME, new frame type definition
--> AES256_ECB_FRAME, new frame type definition
--> ENCRYPTED_FRAME, new frame mode
--> _waspmoteID, new class buffer for Waspmtoe ID
*** From API v010 to API v011 ***
Date: 2014-09-08
WaspAES -
--> Global changes in all library functions. Files changed from Core to
Libraries folder inside the API structure. Now it is necessary to include the
proper library when used
WaspHASH -
--> Global changes in all library functions. Files changed from Core to
Libraries folder inside the API structure. Now it is necessary to include the
proper library when used
WaspRSA -
--> Global changes in all library functions. Files changed from Core to
Libraries folder inside the API structure. Now it is necessary to include the
proper library when used
Wasp3G -
--> Wasp3G::set_APN, New function added
WaspBLE -
--> WaspBLE::sendCommand, Internal change in function
--> WaspBLE::readCommandAnswer, Internal change in function
--> WaspBLE::parseScanEvent, Internal change in function
--> WaspBLE::parseName, Internal change in function
--> WaspBLE::saveDevice, Internal change in function
--> WaspBLE::setTXPower, Internal change in function
--> WaspBLE::scanDevice, Internal change in function
--> WaspBLE::scanNetwork, Internal change in function
--> WaspBLE::getScanningParameters, Internal change in function
--> WaspBLE::getTemp, Internal change in function
--> WaspBLE::ADCRead, Internal change in function
--> WaspBLE::printInquiry, Internal change in function
--> WaspBLE::whiteListAppend, Internal change in function
--> WaspBLE::waitEvent, Internal change in function
--> WaspBLE::readLocalAttribute, Internal change in function
--> WaspBLE::writeLocalAttribute, Internal change in function
--> WaspBLE::attributeRead, Internal change in function
--> WaspBLE::attributeWrite, Internal change in function
WaspBT_Pro -
--> WaspBT_Pro, Several internal changes in class methods
WaspFrame -
--> WaspFrame::addSensor(uint8_t type, unsigned long value), Bug fixed
--> SENSOR_SPEED, New sensor tag definition
--> SENSOR_COURSE, New sensor tag definition
--> SENSOR_ALTITUDE, New sensor tag definition
--> SENSOR_HDOP, New sensor tag definition
--> SENSOR_VDOP, New sensor tag definition
--> SENSOR_PDOP, New sensor tag definition
--> SENSOR_DM_ST, New sensor tag definition
--> SENSOR_DM_SP, New sensor tag definition
--> SENSOR_TX_PWR, New sensor tag definition
--> SENSOR_LUX, New sensor tag definition
WaspGPRS_SIM908 -
--> New library Released!!!
WaspGPS -
--> WaspGPS, Internal changes in several functions
WaspRFID13 -
--> GETGENERALSTATUS, Redefined constant is deleted
--> SAMCONFIGURATION, Redefined constant is deleted
--> INLISTPASSIVETARGET, Redefined constant is deleted
--> INDATAEXCHANGE, Redefined constant is deleted
WaspSensorAgr_v20 -
--> WaspSensorAgr_v20::readPT1000, Internal change
--> WaspSensorAgr_v20::readRadiation, Internal change
WaspSensorAmbient -
--> Global changes in library
WaspSW -
--> Global changes in library
WaspWIFI -
--> WaspWIFI::getRSSI, Internal change in function to store the RSSI level
--> int rssi, New class attribute
--> WaspWIFI::sendHTTPframe, New function to send Frames from Waspmote to Meshlium
WaspXBeeCore -
--> WaspXBeeDM::getRFerrors, Function deleted
--> WaspXBeeDM::getChannelRSSI, Function deleted
--> WaspXBeeDM::setNetworkRouteRequests, Function deleted
--> WaspXBeeDM::getNetworkRouteRequests, Function deleted
--> WaspXBeeDM::setRetries, New function
--> WaspXBeeDM::getRetries, New function
--> errorsRF, Attribute deleted
--> channelRSSI, Attribute deleted
--> netRouteRequest, Attribute deleted
--> temperature, Attribute deleted
--> supplyVoltage, Attribute deleted
--> retries, New attribute
WaspXBeeZB -
--> WaspXBeeZB::sendXBeePriv, Internal change in function
WaspGPRS_Pro_core -
--> New parent class created for both GPRS_Pro and GPRS_SIM908 derived classes
WaspRTC -
--> WaspRTC::setMode, Internal change in function. Add stabilization time
--> WaspRTC::readRTC, Internal change in function. Add timeout to avoid infinite
--> WaspRTC::readRTCregister, Internal change in function. Add timeout to avoid
infinite loops
WaspUSB -
--> WaspUSB::print(const __FlashStringHelper *ifsh), Internal changes
WaspSD -
--> SD utilities, Internal changes in utilities files to avoid any chance of
infinite while loop
--> WaspSD::print_disk_info, Internal change in function
--> WaspSD::indexOf, Internal change in function
--> WaspSD::writeSD, Change one of the function prototypes
--> WaspSD::cd, Internal change in function
--> WaspSD::numFiles, Internal change in function
WaspPWR -
--> WaspPWR::deepSleep, RTC checking after setting the alarm to wake up
--> WaspPWR::hibernate, RTC checking after setting the alarm to wake up
wiring_analog.c -
--> Changed 'analogRead' function to configurate ADC only when needed
wiring_pulse.c -
--> Changed 'pulseIn' prototype and inner calculation to improve the detection
of pulses with Waspmote
*** From API v009 to API v010 ***
Date: 2014-06-17
currentLoop -
--> New library Released!!!
WaspCAN -
--> New library Released!!!
Wasp232 -
--> New library Released!!!
Wasp485 -
--> New library Released!!!
TurbiditySensor -
--> New library Released!!!
WaspAES -
--> WaspAES::printMatrix, internal change in function
--> WaspAES::printMessage, internal change in function
WaspConstants.h -
--> New REG_SD definition for WaspRegister
WaspOneWire -
--> WaspOneWire::write_bit, internal change in function
WaspPWR -
--> WaspPWR::switchesOFF, internal change in function
--> WaspPWR::setLowBatteryThreshold, deprecated function (not in use)
--> WaspPWR::ifHibernate, internal change in function. Bug fixed
--> BAT_MIN, deprecated definition
--> BAT_MAXIN, deprecated definition
--> Changed definition of WaspRegister to "unsigned long" type
WaspRTC -
--> New 'rtc_string_18' Flash string for error messages
--> WaspRTC::getTimestamp, internal change in function
--> WaspRTC::getAlarm1, internal change in function
--> WaspRTC::getAlarm2, internal change in function
--> Changed definition of RTC_DATA_SIZE to 0x13. Bug fixed
WaspSD -
--> WaspSD::ON, internal change in function
--> WaspSD::OFF, internal change in function
--> WaspSD::print_disk_info,internal change in function
--> WaspSD::mkdir,internal change in function
--> WaspSD::cat,internal change in function
--> WaspSD::catBin,internal change in function
--> WaspSD::catln,internal change in function
--> WaspSD::indexOf, internal change in function
--> WaspSD::create, internal change in function
--> WaspSD::writeSD, internal change in function
--> WaspSD::numln, internal change in function
--> WaspSD::numFiles, internal change in function
--> WaspSD::showFile, New function
WaspUtils -
--> WaspUtils::muxOFF, internal change in function
--> WaspUtils::writeEEPROM, internal change in function
--> WaspUtils::setID, internal change in function
--> WaspUtils::str2hex, internal change in function
--> WaspUtils::checkNewProgram, internal change in function
WaspUtils -
--> Changed definition of WaspRegister to "unsigned long" type
WaspXBeeCore -
--> WaspXBeeCore::clearCommand, internal change in function
wiring.c -
--> delayMicroseconds, internal change in function. Adapted to real clock freq
Wasp3G -
--> All Wasp3G Library, Internal changes in whole library.
--> int8_t Wasp3G::readHTTPresponse(int8_t parse), New private function added. It reads the response from the server
--> int8_t Wasp3G::sendHTTPrequest, New private function added. It sends the HTTP request to the server
--> int8_t Wasp3G::initHTTP, New private function added. It configures the operator parameters
--> int16_t Wasp3G::sendHTTPframe, New function added. Sends a frame to the Meshlium parser.
--> int16_t Wasp3G::readURL, Internal changes into the function. Added parse functionality for debug.
WaspBLE -
--> WaspBLE::sendCommand, Improved
--> WaspBLE::readEvent, Removed
--> WaspBLE::reset, Improved
--> WaspBLE::setAdvData,New prototype
--> WaspBLE::whiteListAppend, Improved
--> WaspBLE::whiteListRemove, Improved
--> WaspBLE::disconnect, Improved
--> WaspBLE::wakeUp, Improved
--> WaspBLE::waitEvent, Improved
--> WaspBLE::writeLocalAttribute, New prototypes
--> WaspBLE::writeLocalAttribute, Improved
--> WaspBLE::attributeRead, Improved
--> WaspBLE::attributeWrite, New prototype
--> WaspBLE::parseEvent, Created
--> WaspBLE::getStatus, Created
--> Event list, List of Constants created
--> eventLength, attribute deleted
--> i, attribute changed to uint16_t
WaspBT_Pro -
--> WaspBT_Pro::waitInquiryAnswer, Changed function internally
--> WaspBT_Pro::getSetDateID, Changed function internally
--> WaspBT_Pro::parseBlock, Changed function internally
--> WaspBT_Pro::sendCommand, Changed function internally
--> WaspBT_Pro::changeInquiryPower, Changed function internally
--> WaspBT_Pro::setOwnName, Changed function internally
--> WaspBT_Pro::scanNetwork, Changed function internally
--> WaspBT_Pro::scanDevice, Changed function internally
--> WaspBT_Pro::scanNetworkName, Changed function internally
--> WaspBT_Pro::createConnection, Changed function internally
--> WaspBT_Pro::removeConnection, Changed function internally
--> WaspBT_Pro::getRSSI, Changed function internally
--> WaspBT_Pro::pair, Changed function internally
WaspFrame -
--> SENSOR_PH, New sensor tag definition
--> SENSOR_ORP, New sensor tag definition
--> SENSOR_DINA, New sensor tag definition
--> SENSOR_DICA, New sensor tag definition
--> SENSOR_DIF, New sensor tag definition
--> SENSOR_DICL, New sensor tag definition
--> SENSOR_DIBR, New sensor tag definition
--> SENSOR_DII, New sensor tag definition
--> SENSOR_DICU2, New sensor tag definition
--> SENSOR_DIK, New sensor tag definition
--> SENSOR_DIMG2, New sensor tag definition
--> SENSOR_DINO3, New sensor tag definition
--> SENSOR_DO, New sensor tag definition
--> SENSOR_COND, New sensor tag definition
--> SENSOR_WT, New sensor tag definition
--> _maxSize, Attribute definition changed
--> WaspFrame::setCloudCompatibility, Deprecated function
--> WaspFrame::createFrame, Internal change in function
--> WaspFrame::addSensor(uint8_t type, double value, int N), Internal change in function
--> WaspFrame::addSensor(uint8_t type, double val1, double val2), Internal change in function
--> WaspFrame::addSensor(uint8_t type, double val1,double val2,double val3), Internal change in function
WaspGPRS -
--> Internal changes in whole library
WaspGPS -
--> WaspGPS::init, internal change in function
--> WaspGPS::sendCommand, internal change in function
WaspSensorSmart_v20 -
--> WaspSensorSmart_v20::currentConversion, internal change in function
WaspWIFI -
--> Internal changes in whole library
WaspXBee802 -
--> WaspXBee802::sendXBeePriv, internal change in function
*** From API v008 to API v009 ***
Date: 2014-04-15
WaspBLE -
--> RELEASE of the new Bluetooth Low Energy library!!
WaspXBeeCore.cpp -
--> WaspXBeeCore::checkNewProgram, internal change in function
WaspUtils.cpp -
--> WaspUtils::checkNewProgram, internal change in function
WaspConstants.h -
--> New definitions for WaspRegister: REG_WATER and REG_OTA
main.cpp -
--> main, internal change in function for using WaspRegister for OTA
WaspWIFI.cpp -
--> WaspWIFI::getFile, internal change in function to improve the reception of
OTA binaries
WaspSensorSW.cpp -
--> WaspSensorSW::WaspSensorSW, internal change in constructor. WaspRegister has
been added to know when the board is used
WaspGPS.h -
--> GPS_DEBUG definition is commented. Thus, debug mode is disabled.
*** From API v007 to API v008 ***
Date: 2014-03-14
twi.c -
--> twi_init, internal change in function
--> twi_close, internal change in function
WaspPWR -
--> WaspPWR::switchesOFF, internal change in function
--> WaspPWR::sleep, internal change in function
--> WaspPWR::deepSleep, internal change in function
--> WaspPWR::ifHibernate, internal change in function
WaspUtils -
--> WaspUtils::getBootVersion, new function to get the bootloader version
Wasp3G -
--> Deep changes in whole library. Only internal changes. Function prototypes
WaspGPRS_Pro -
--> WaspGPRS_Pro::readHTTP, internal change
--> WaspGPRS_Pro::manageIncomingData, internal change
--> WaspGPRS_Pro::readURL, internal change
--> BUFFER_SIZE, buffer size changed to 500 bytes
WaspSensorGas_v20 -
WaspSensorGas_v20::calculateConcentration, internal change
WaspSensorSmart_v20 -
WaspSensorSmart_v20::WaspSensorSmart_v20, bug fixed in constructor
WaspSensorCities -
WaspSensorSmart_v20::WaspSensorSmart_v20, internal change in constructor
*** From API v006 to API v007 ***
Date: 2014-02-11
SensorSW -
--> Release of Smart Water libraries!
WaspRTC -
--> WaspRTC::configureAlarmMode, internal change in function
WaspConstants.h -
--> Comments added
WaspWIFI -
--> WaspWIFI::checkAnswer, internal change in function
--> WaspWIFI::readData, internal change in function
--> WaspWIFI::openHTTP, internal change in function
--> WaspWIFI::scan, internal change in function
--> WaspWIFI::sendPing, internal change in function
--> WaspWIFI::uploadFile, internal change in function
--> WaspWIFI::getURL, internal change in function
--> WaspWIFI::read, internal change in function
--> WaspWIFI::reset, internal change in function
--> WaspWIFI::resolve, internal change in function
--> WaspWIFI::isConnected, internal change in function
--> WaspWIFI::getConnectionInfo, internal change in function
--> WaspWIFI::getAPstatus, internal change in function
--> WaspWIFI::getRSSI, internal change in function
--> WaspWIFI::getStats, internal change in function
--> WaspWIFI::getUpTime, internal change in function
--> WaspWIFI::getAdhocSettings, internal change in function
--> WaspWIFI::getBroadcastSettings, internal change in function
--> WaspWIFI::getComSettings, internal change in function
--> WaspWIFI::getDNSsettings, internal change in function
--> WaspWIFI::getFTPsettings, internal change in function
--> WaspWIFI::getIP, internal change in function
--> WaspWIFI::getMAC, internal change in function
--> WaspWIFI::getOptionSettings, internal change in function
--> WaspWIFI::getSystemSettings, internal change in function
--> WaspWIFI::getTime, internal change in function
--> WaspWIFI::getWLANsettings, internal change in function
--> WaspWIFI::getUARTsettings, internal change in function
--> WaspWIFI::getVersion, internal change in function
--> WaspWIFI::getVersion, internal change in function
WaspRFID1356 -
--> WaspRFID::ON, internal change in function
--> WaspRFID::getFirmware, internal change in function
--> WaspRFID::read, internal change in function
--> WaspRFID::print, internal change in function
--> WaspRFID::configureSAM, internal change in function
WaspGPRS_Pro -
--> #define GET, new definition
--> #define POST, new definition
--> #define HEAD, new definition
--> WaspGPRS_Pro::setPOSTdata, new function
--> AT_FTP_WAIT_CONNEC, changed constant
--> AT_HTTP_ACTION_R, changed flash string
--> AT_HTTP_DATA, new flash string definition
--> AT_HTTP_DATA_R, new flash string definition
--> AT_HTTP_PARA_CONT, new flash string definition
--> WaspGPRS_Pro::sendHTTP, changed prototype and internal change in function
--> WaspGPRS_Pro::readURL, new prototype and internal change in function
*** From API v005 to API v006 ***
Date: 2014-01-20
WaspSD -
--> SD utilities have been updated to the last release of 'sdfatlib' by William
Greiman. url: http://code.google.com/p/sdfatlib/. The utilities have been
gathered within the 'sd_utilities' subdirectory.
Some WaspSD methods have changed:
--> WaspSD::setFileDate, new function
--> WaspSD::create, internal change in function
--> WaspSD::rmRfDir, internal change in function
--> WaspSD::catBin, internal change in function
--> WaspSD::openFile, internal change in function
--> WaspSD::getDir, bug fixed
--> WaspSD::mkdir, internal change in function
--> WaspSD::close, internal change in function
--> WaspSD::ON, internal change in function
--> callback_rmRfdir, internal change in function
--> callback_rmdir, internal change in function
--> callback_remove, internal change in function
--> callback_makeDirPath, internal change in function
--> callback_pathExists, internal change in function
--> walkPath, internal change in function
--> dateTime, new inner class function
--> WaspSD::format, New function
--> #define SD_DEBUG, new definition
WaspPWR -
--> WaspPWR::setSensorPower, internal change in function
--> WaspPWR::switchesOFF, internal change in function
--> extern volatile uint16_t WaspRegister; New variable
WaspConstants -
--> #define REG_5V, new definition
--> #define REG_3V3, new definition
--> #define REG_SOCKET0, new definition
--> #define REG_SOCKET1, new definition
--> #define REG_METERING, new definition
--> #define REG_AGRICULTURE, new definition
--> #define REG_GASES, new definition
--> #define REG_EVENTS, new definition
--> #define REG_CITIES, new definition
--> #define REG_RADIATION, new definition
--> #define REG_PROTOTYPING, new definition
--> #define REG_PARKING, new definition
--> #define REG_VIDEO_CAMERA, new definition
--> #define DELAY_TIME, deleted definition
WaspVariables -
--> volatile uint16_t WaspRegister; New variable
WaspXBeeCore -
--> const char get_power_level, new flash string definition
--> WaspXBeeCore::getPowerLevel, new function
--> WaspXBeeCore::getRSSI, Internal change in function
--> WaspXBeeCore::getHardVersion, Internal change in function
--> WaspXBeeCore::getSoftVersion, Internal change in function
--> WaspXBeeCore::setRSSItime, Internal change in function
--> WaspXBeeCore::getRSSItime, Internal change in function
--> WaspXBeeCore::applyChanges, Internal change in function
--> WaspXBeeCore::reset, Internal change in function
--> WaspXBeeCore::resetDefaults, Internal change in function
--> WaspXBeeCore::setSleepOptions, Internal change in function
--> WaspXBeeCore::getSleepOptions, Internal change in function
--> WaspXBeeCore::scanNetwork, Internal change in function
--> WaspXBeeCore::setDurationEnergyChannels, Internal change in function
--> WaspXBeeCore::getDestinationAddress, Internal change in function
--> WaspXBeeCore::new_firmware_received, Internal change in function
--> WaspXBeeCore::new_firmware_packets, Internal change in function
--> WaspXBeeCore::new_firmware_end, Internal change in function
--> WaspXBeeCore::upload_firmware, Internal change in function
--> WaspXBeeCore::request_bootlist, Internal change in function
--> WaspXBeeCore::checkNewProgram, Internal change in function
--> WaspXBeeCore::delete_firmware, Internal change in function
--> WaspXBeeCore::checkOtapTimeout, Internal change in function
wiring.c -
--> millis(), bug fixed in function
WaspGPRS_Pro -
--> WaspGPRS_Pro::sendCommand1, Internal change in function.
--> WaspGPRS_Pro::sendCommand2, Internal change in function.
--> WaspGPRS_Pro::downloadFile, Internal changes in function.
--> WaspGPRS_Pro::configureGPRS_TCP_UDP, Internal changes in function.
--> WaspGPRS_Pro::requestOTA, Bug fixed
WaspSensorAgr_v20 -
--> WaspSensorAgr_v20::WaspSensorAgr_v20, Internal change in function
--> WaspSensorAgr_v20::setBoardMode, Internal change in function
--> WaspSensorAgr_v20::sleepAgr, Internal change in function
WaspSensorCities -
--> WaspSensorCities::WaspSensorCities, Internal change in function
--> WaspSensorCities::setBoardMode, Internal change in function
--> WaspSensorCities::setAudioGain, Internal change in function
--> WaspSensorCities::readValue, Bug fixed
--> WaspSensorCities::loadInt, Internal change in function
--> WaspSensorCities::readTempDS1820, Internal change in function
WaspSensorEvent_v20 -
--> WaspSensorEvent_v20::WaspSensorEvent_v20, Internal change in function
--> WaspSensorEvent_v20::setBoardMode, Internal change in function
WaspSensorGas_v20 -
--> WaspSensorGas_v20::WaspSensorGas_v20, Internal changes in function
--> WaspSensorGas_v20::setBoardMode, Internal changes in function
--> WaspSensorGas_v20::calculateConcentration, New function
WaspSensorParking -
--> WaspSensorParking::WaspSensorParking, Internal change in function
--> WaspSensorParking::setBoardMode, Internal change in function
WaspSensorPrototyping_v20 -
--> WaspSensorPrototyping_v20::WaspSensorPrototyping_v20, Internal change in function
--> WaspSensorPrototyping_v20::setBoardMode, Internal change in function
WaspRadiationBoard -
--> WaspRadiationBoard::WaspRadiationBoard, Internal change in function
--> WaspRadiationBoard::ON, Internal change in function
--> WaspRadiationBoard::OFF, Internal change in function
WaspSensorSmart_v20 -
--> WaspSensorSmart_v20::WaspSensorSmart_v20, Internal change in function
--> WaspSensorSmart_v20::setBoardMode, Internal change in function
*** New IDE v03 to IDE v04 ***
--> New IDE only compiles with API v005 and so on.
--> New toolchain for IDE:
> avr-gcc 4.7.2 compiler
> avr-libc 1.8.0
*** From API v004 to API v005 ***
Date: 2013-12-12
New compiler changes -
--> Changed the following files due to changes in the IDE toolchain:
wiring.c, WInterrupts.c, WaspXBeeCore.cpp, WaspUSB.cpp, WaspRTC.cpp, Printable.h,
twi.c, aes/aes_invsbox.c, aes/aes_keyschedule.c, aes/aes_sbox.c, WaspXBeeZB.cpp,
WaspXBee802.cpp, WaspXBee868.cpp, WaspXBeeDM.cpp, WaspXBee900.cpp, WaspWIFI.cpp,
wiring_analog.c -
--> multiplexer switched on
wiring_serial.c -
--> Changed 'puthex' function to permit the selection of the UART
WaspUtils.cpp -
--> Changed WaspUtils::readSerialID function to set to zeros the wrong id values
WaspUSB.cpp -
--> Changed WaspUSB::printHex function
WaspSD.cpp/WaspSD.h -
--> Changed 'WaspSD::cat' function
--> Changed 'WaspSD::writeSD' function
--> Bug fixed in 'WaspSD::numFiles'
WaspRTC.cpp -
--> Bug fixed in 'WaspRTC::dow' function
WaspOneWire -
--> Fixed 'WaspOneWire::write_bit' to make better serial id readings
HardwareSerial -
--> Deleted class. It is better to use the common functions to manage the UARTs
WaspRadiationBoard.cpp -
--> Changed 'WaspRadiationBoard::OFF' function
WaspSensorPrototyping_v20.cpp -
--> Changed 'WaspSensorPrototyping_v20::readADC' function
WaspSensorEvent_v20.cpp -
--> Bug fixed in 'WaspSensorEvent_v20::readValue' function
WaspSensorAmbient.cpp -
--> Changed 'WaspSensorAmbient::readSensirion' function
--> Changed 'WaspSensorAmbient::temperatureConversion' function
--> Changed 'WaspSensorAmbient::TSL2561' function
--> Changed 'WaspSensorAmbient::readLUMINOSITYbright' function
--> Changed 'WaspSensorAmbient::readLUMINOSITYmedium' function
--> Changed 'WaspSensorAmbient::readLUMINOSITYdim' function
--> New SENS_AMBIENT_DEBUG definition so as to print messages
WaspSensorAgr_v20.cpp -
--> Changed 'WaspSensorAgr_v20::readAnemometer' function
--> New 'WaspSensorAgr_v20::getVaneFiltered' function
--> Changed Vane sensor definition values in WaspSensorAgr_v20.h
--> New attribute: float gustWind;
WaspGPS.cpp -
--> Changed 'WaspGPS::setCommMode' function
--> Changed 'WaspGPS::init' function
--> Bug fixed in usage of DEBUG mode
--> New table_GPS[] to save strings into flash memory.
--> New initialization parameters added on init()
--> New Ephemerids support. The below functions are related.
--> New 'WaspGPS::saveEphems' function
--> New 'WaspGPS::loadEphems' function
--> New 'WaspGPS::showRawData' function
--> New 'WaspGPS::showOSPRawData' function
--> New 'WaspGPS::showNMEARawData' function
--> New 'WaspGPS::getFirmwareVersion' function
--> New 'WaspGPS::disableOSPMsg' function
--> New 'WaspGPS::sendCommand' function
WaspGPRS_Pro.cpp -
--> Deep changes in the whole class.
WaspBT_Pro.cpp -
--> Changed class constructor: 'WaspBT_Pro::WaspBT_Pro'
--> Changed 'WaspBT_Pro::waitInquiryAnswer' function
--> Changed 'WaspBT_Pro::sendCommand' function
--> New 'WaspBT_Pro::pair' function
--> New 'WaspBT_Pro::removePairedDevices' function
--> New 'WaspBT_Pro::isPaired' function
Wasp3G.cpp -
--> Deleted XBee and WiFi libraries from 3G folder so as to compile more little
*** From API v003 to API v004 ***
Date: 2013-09-11
--> Deleted unnecessary files: address.h, confdescparser.h, enum_data.h,
hidboot.cpp, hidboot.h, hid.cpp, hid.h, hidusagestr.h, message.cpp, message.h,
parsetools.cpp, parsetools.h, pgmstrings.h, usb_ch9.h, Usb.cpp, Usb.h,
usbhost.cpp, usbhost.h, usbhub.cpp, usbhub.h
pins_waspmote.h -
--> Modified contant definitions 'MUX0' and 'MUX1' to 'MUX_0' and 'MUX_1' to
avoid multiple definition warning
Sd2Card.cpp -
--> Introduced 'millis' overflow control inside do-while loop
WaspACC -
--> Changed '6DMovement' and '6DPosition' thresholds. Some comments are changed
WaspAES -
--> Modified some 'if' conditions to use a correct variable type
--> Deleted some unused variables
WaspClasses.h -
--> Deleted includes to unused classes
WaspConstants.h -
--> Created, modified and deleted some definitions
WaspPWR -
--> Changed 'switchesOFF' function. I2C bus is now switched off. Besides,
UART0_OFF, UART1_OFF, RTC_OFF and BAT_OFF options have been deleted. Now, UART0
and UART1 are always switched off. SOCKET1's power supply is always switched off.
RTC is always switched off (remains the backup battery supply line) and Battery
monitor circuit is switched off.
--> Changed both 'sleep' functions.
--> Changed 'deepSleep' function.
--> Modified the 'clearInt' function name to 'clearInterruptionPin'
WaspRTC -
--> Deleted 'getRTCarray' function
--> Created 'disableAlarm1' and 'disableAlarm2' functions to disable the RTC
alarm and prevent to be caused.
--> Changed 'detachInt' function to include the RTC alarm disabling
WaspSD -
--> Changed all appendln functions to make sure to write the '\r' and '\n'
--> New 'writeEndOfLine' function
WaspSPI -
--> Deleted the 'SPI_CLOCK_DIV64' multiple definition
WaspUSB -
--> Changed 'ON' function to ensure the XBee interruption pin is set to zero
after switching ON the USB port (and the shared UART0's multiplexer too)
--> Changed 'OFF' function to ensure the XBee interruption pin is set to zero
WaspUtils -
--> Changed 'WaspUtils::readTempDS1820' function. Unused variable definition deleted
--> Changed 'WaspUtils::checkNewProgram' function. Unused variables definition deleted
--> Changed 'MUX0' and 'MUX1' to 'MUX_0' and 'MUX_1' in 'setMux', 'setMuxGPS',
'setMuxSocket1', 'setMuxAux1' and 'setMuxAux2' functions
--> New WaspUtils::str2hex function to convert a hexadecimal ASCII string to hexadecimal values array
WaspVariables.h -
--> Changed the definition of 'intFlag', 'intConf' and 'intArray' variables
WaspXBeeCore -
--> Changed the definition of all variables related to the 'millis' function. It
is better to define as unsigned long in order to match the 'millis' function
output type
--> Changed 'parse_message' function. 'millis' overflow checking is introduced
and/or changed
--> Changed 'upload_firmware' function. 'millis' overflow checking is introduced
and/or changed
--> Changed 'request_bootlist' function. 'millis' overflow checking is introduced
and/or changed
--> Changed 'delete_firmware' function. 'millis' overflow checking is introduced
and/or changed
--> Changed 'checkOtapTimeout' function. 'millis' overflow checking is changed
--> All typedef structures have been shortened to structs to avoid Warning
compilation advice
Winterrupts.c -
--> Commented unused INT6 and INT7 interruption pins attaching
--> Changed 'onHAIwakeUP' subroutine. 'HAI_INT' interruption deleted. 'PLV_INT'
interruption changed.
--> Changed 'onLAIwakeUP' subroutine. 'UART1_INT' and 'LAI_INT' interruptions
--> Changed 'enableInterrupts' function. 'HAI_INT', 'UART1_INT' and 'LAI_INT'
interruptions have been deleted.
--> Changed 'disableInterrupts' function. 'HAI_INT', 'UART1_INT' and 'LAI_INT'
interruptions have been deleted.
Wire.cpp -
--> Changed 'begin' function. Bug has been fixed.
Wiring.c -
FRACT_MAX, timer0_millis and timer0_fract
--> Changed 'millis' function
--> Changed 'delay' function
Wiring.h -
--> Deleted 'abs' definition
WaspBT_Pro -
--> Introduced all strings into Flash memory
--> Changed all functions which use 'millis' so as to ensure robustness
WaspFrame -
--> Bug fixed in one of the 'addSensor' functions
WaspGPS -
--> NEW GPS module released!!
WaspSensorAgr_v20 -
--> Changed 'enableInterrupts' calling in attachPluvioInt and detachPluvioInt
--> Changed 'sleepAgr' function
--> Changed 'readAnemometer' function
--> Changed 'readPluviometer' function
WaspSensorEvent_v20 -
--> Changed 'readValue' function. New way to calculate the temperature and
humidity sensor values
--> New 'SENS_SENSIRION' definition
WaspSensorRadiation -
--> Changes related to the 'millis' function calling. Unsigned variables are
used instead of signed variables
WaspSensorSmart -
--> Changes in 'flowReading' fucntion. millis overflow control
WaspWIFI -
--> Changes to control millis overflow in several functions
--> Deleted unused variables
WaspXBee802 -
--> Deleted unused variables
--> Changes to control millis overflow in several functions
WaspXBee868 -
--> Deleted unused variables
WaspXBee900 -
--> Deleted unused variables
WaspXBeeDM -
--> Deleted unused variables
*** New IDE v02 to IDE v03 ***
--> New IDE IDE v02 released 8th April 2013. This new IDE only compiles API v003
APIv002 is not valid for this IDE.
*** From API v002 to API v003 ***
Date: 2013-04-08
main.cpp -
--> main.cxx changes to main.cpp (new IDE requirements)
WaspACC -
--> New definitions so as to indicate the enabled interruption in the
accelerometer module
Waspmote.h -
--> WProgram.h changes to Waspmote.h (new IDE requirements)
WaspOneWire.cpp -
--> while loops controlled by millis function
WaspPWR.cpp -
--> Changed 'switchesOFF', 'sleep' and 'deepSleep' function
--> New 'clearInt' function so as to clean the RXD1 interruption pin
WaspRTC.cpp -
--> Changes in 'getAlarm1' and 'getAlarm2' functions
WaspSD.cpp -
--> Changes in 'ON' and 'close' functions
WaspUSB.cpp -
--> Function now use a parameter for the baudrate
WaspUtils.cpp -
--> New 'setExternalLED', 'getExternalLED' functions related to Plug & Sense!
No there is a unique API for both Waspmote OEM and P&S! lines
--> Change in 'readSerialID' function. Better reading of the serial ID
--> New common functions related to OTA via WiFi/3G/GPRS
WaspVariables.h -
--> New definition of intArray and intCounter
WaspXBee.cpp -
--> Bug fixed in 'parse_message' function
WInterrupts.c -
--> Pluviometer treatment changed in onHAIwakeUP subroutine
--> Added Radiation board disabling option in 'disableInterrupts' function
wiring_serial.c -
--> UART1 RX buffer size changed from 128 to 512 bytes
Wasp3G.cpp -
--> Multiple changes in this class so as to make it more robustness
--> New OTA functions
WaspFrame.cpp -
--> Change in 'createFrame' function. Serial ID is expressed in binary mode in
order to waste less memory inside the Frame
WaspGPRS_Pro.cpp -
--> Multiple changes in this class so as to make it more robustness
--> New OTA functions
WaspRFID13.cpp -
--> Changes in some functions to print some variables.
WaspSensorAgr_v20.cpp -
--> New 'readTempDS1820' function
--> Changed 'setSensorMode' function to set the 'SENS_AGR_TEMP_DS18B20' sensor
supply ON and OFF
--> Changed 'readValue' function to read the 'SENS_AGR_TEMP_DS18B20' sensor
--> Changed 'sleepAgr' function
--> Changed 'getVaneDirection' function
WaspSensorAmbient -
--> New class for Plug & Sense! line
WaspSensorAmbient -
--> New 'SENS_CITIES_TEMP_DS18B20' sensor setting in 'setSensorMode' function
--> New 'SENS_CITIES_TEMP_DS18B20' sensor reading in 'readValue' function
--> New 'readTempDS1820' function
WaspSensorEvent -
--> Changes in 'flowReading' function
--> New 'readSensirion' function
--> New 'temperatureConversion' function
--> New 'humidityConversion' function
WaspSensorGas -
--> Changes in 'calculateResistance' function
WaspSensorRadiation -
Changes in 'getCPM' function
WaspSensorSmart -
--> New 'SENS_CITIES_TEMP_DS18B20' sensor setting in 'setSensorMode' function
--> New 'SENS_CITIES_TEMP_DS18B20' sensor reading in 'readValue' function
--> New 'readTempDS1820' function
WaspWIFI -
--> New WiFi library so as to make it more robust
*** New API v001 ***
Date: 2013-02-11
Last updated
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