BLE 13: Characteristic indication slave

This example shows how indicate processes works. The program first make itself discoverable and connectable, waiting for incoming connections. Once connected, waits for indication subscribing events and, when they are found, the subscribed attribute is written five times to allow the master receive indication events. Then, it waits till the indication acknowledge event from the written value. Finally, it keeps waiting events till the connection is over.

Required Materials

1 x Waspmote 1 x Battery 1 x Bluetooth Low Energy module 1 x Bluetooth module antenna 1 x Expansion board (if socket 1 is used) 1 x SD card 1 x BLE node to act as master (can be another Waspmote + BLE module or a smartphone).


- Socket 0 is used by default - EEPROM is used in this example by default. - Never unplug module while Waspmote is turned ON. - Bluetooth module antenna should be connected. - The battery must be connected in ANY example. - This example can be executed in Waspmote v12 and Waspmote v15


 *  ------------------ [BLE_13] - Characteristic notification - Slave ----
 *  Explanation: This example shows how indicate processes works.
 *  The program first make itself discoverable and connectable, waiting 
 *  for incoming connections. Once connected, waits for indication 
 *  subscribing events and, when they are found, the subscribed attribute is 
 *  written five times to allow the master receive notification events.
 *  Then, it waits till the indication acknowledge event fro the written value.
 *  Finally, it keeps waiting events till the connection is over.
 *  Copyright (C) 2016 Libelium Comunicaciones Distribuidas S.L.
 *  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 *  (at your option) any later version.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *  along with this program.  If not, see .
 *  Version:		1.0
 *  Design:			David Gascón
 *  Implementation:	Javier Siscart

#include <WaspBLE.h>

// Auxiliary variables
uint8_t flag = 0;
uint16_t handler = 0;

void setup() 
  USB.println(F("BLE_13 Example"));  

  // 0. Turn BLE module ON


void loop() 

  // 1. Make Waspmote visible to other BLE modules

  // 2. Make Waspmote connectable to any other BLE device
  USB.println(F("Waiting for incoming connections..."));

  // 3. Wait for connection status event during 30 seconds. 
  flag = BLE.waitEvent(30000);
    USB.println(F("Now Waspmote is connected as slave.")); 

    // 3.1 Parse the status event to find MAC of master device who initiated the connection.
    // NOTE: The event captured is stored in BLE.event array.
    uint8_t b = 5;
    for(uint8_t a = 0; a < 6 ; a++)
      BLE.BLEDev.mac[a] = BLE.event[b+6];

    // 3.2 Print MAC of the Master device.
    USB.print(F("MASTER MAC Address: "));
    for(uint8_t i =0; i<6; i++)

    // 3.3 Parse connection handler. other information about status not used in this example.
    BLE.connection_handle = BLE.event[4];

    // 4 Now wait to other events forever. If disconnection is detected, exit loop and start again
    flag = 0;

      // 4.1 Wait for indication event 
      USB.println(F("Waiting events..."));
      flag = BLE.waitEvent(5000);

        USB.println(F("Status event found"));

        // 4.2 look if one attribute has been indicated. flag = 2 means that indications are enabled.
        /* status event structure:
         Field:   | Message type | Payload| Msg Class | Method |  Handle | Flags |
         Length:  |       1      |    1   |     1     |    1   |    2    |    1  |
         Example: |      80      |   10   |     02    |   02   |    00   |   02  |

        if(BLE.event[6] == 2)
          // 4.3 Subscription received.
          handler = ((uint16_t)BLE.event[5] << 8) | BLE.event[4];
          USB.print(F("The master has suscribed to indications of the attribute with handle: "));
          USB.println(handler, DEC);

          // 4.4 Change the attribute value 5 times each 5 seconds 
          USB.println(F("Change the attribute 5 times each five seconds"));        
          for (uint8_t a = 1; a <= 5; a++)
            // 4.4.1 Write the local attribute which is indicated, automatically waiting for indicate event
            flag = BLE.writeLocalAttribute(handler, BLE_INDICATE_ENABLED, &a, 1);

            if (flag == 1)
              // parse handler
              handler = ((uint16_t)BLE.event[6] << 8) | BLE.event[5];
              USB.print("Attribute ");
              USB.print(handler, DEC);
              USB.println(" Indicated!");

              /* NOTE: if the master unsubscribes during this loop, then the event will be missed.
               This is not managed by this example and the user should add his own code to handle it.
              USB.print("Error writing. flag = ");
              USB.println(flag, DEC);

            // 4.4.3 Wait 5 seconds till change the attribute value

          } // End for loop.

          flag = 0;
          // 4.2.1 Indicate subscription not received
          USB.println(F("Master not subscribed"));
        // 4.1.1 Maybe Other event found
        if (flag != 0)
          // Other event received from BLE module
          USB.print(F("Event found. flag = "));
          USB.print(flag, DEC);
          // no event received. 
          USB.println(F("No event received"));


      //4.5 get status. If not connected, exit.
      if (BLE.getStatus(BLE.connection_handle) == 0)

    } // end while

    // 4. if here, disconnected.

    if (flag == 0)
      // If there are no events, then no one tried to connect Waspmote
      USB.println(F("No events found. No devices tried to connect Waspmote."));
      // Other event received from BLE module
      USB.print(F("Other event found. flag = "));
      USB.println(flag, DEC);




BLE_13 Example

Waiting for incoming connections...

Now Waspmote is connected as slave.
Address: 000780789EBF
Waiting events...

Status event found
The master has suscribed to indications
of the attribute with handle: 48
Change the attribute 5 times each five seconds
1 - Attribute changed
Attribute 48 Indicated!

2 - Attribute changed
Attribute 48 Indicated!

3 - Attribute changed
Attribute 48 Indicated!

4 - Attribute changed
Attribute 48 Indicated!

5 - Attribute changed
Attribute 48 Indicated!


Waiting for incoming connections...

Now Waspmote is connected as slave.
Address: 000780789EBF
Waiting events...

Last updated

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