Bluetooth device parameters

Some Bluetooth device parameters have been already described. This section will describe how they are saved and how the can be managed.

Due to limited memory of Waspmote microcontroller, all discovered devices are stored in an SD card. By default, a file called "DEVICES.TXT" is created in the root directory of the SD card containing data of all inquiry. This file is deleted every Waspmote reset.

Remember that the Bluetooth module requires an SD card to save all data of discovered devices. Please be sure that an SD card is inserted before using the module.

The way of storing inquiry data is quite simple. First of all, a header is written to provide information of the inquiry carried out. The header contains date and time, identifier of the Waspmote node and scan type according to executed function.

After the header, all discovered devices are shown, being each line a different device with MAC address, CoD, RSSI and device type. At the end of the inquiry, the number of discovered devices during the inquiry is also shown. Next lines show an example of an inquiry saved into the Waspmote SD card.

As shown in previous figure, the header contains date and time, followed by the Bluetooth node identifier and the inquiry type (normal, limited, specific or with friendly name). Besides that, each discovered device is show as a MAC address, followed by the Class of Device (CoD), the RSSI value and the device type (pedestrian as "P", car as "C" and other as "O").

Moreover, the next inquiry will be stored below the previous one in the same way, allowing to save data of a big amount of different inquiries. This data can be managed later for other purposes.

It has to be remarked that data file is deleted every Waspmote reset.

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