Ephemeris handling

Take into account that an SD card is needed for saving ephemeris in Waspmote.

Loading ephemeris

It loads the ephemeris from the FILE_EPHEMERIS file into the GPS.

It returns '1' if success, '0' if error.

Example of use:

    int8_t epehemState;
    epehemState=GPS.loadEphems(); // Load "EPHEM.TXT" and send them to GPS module
    epehemState=GPS.loadEphems("EPHEM2.TXT"); // Load ephemeris from this file

Saving ephemeris

It saves the ephemeris in the system to the FILE_EPHEMERIS file.

It returns 1 for success, 0 for failure.

Example of use:

    int8_t ephemState;
    ephemState=GPS.saveEphems(); // Save ephemeris into "EPHEM.TXT"
    ephemState=GPS.saveEphems("EPHEM2.TXT" ); // Save ephemeris to "EPHEM2.TXT"

Using ephemeris basic example:


Show ephemeris improvement example:


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