LoRaWAN 01b: Configure module US or AU
This example shows how to configure the module and all general settings related to back-end registration process for LoRaWAN US and LoRaWAN AU modules
Required Materials
1 x Waspmote 1 x Battery 1 x LoRaWAN US or LoRaWAN AU module 1 x 900 MHz Antenna
- This example can be executed in Waspmote v12 and Waspmote v15
* ------ LoRaWAN Code Example --------
* Explanation: This example shows how to configure the module
* and all general settings related to back-end registration
* process.
* Copyright (C) 2017 Libelium Comunicaciones Distribuidas S.L.
* http://www.libelium.com
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
* Version: 3.1
* Design: David Gascon
* Implementation: Luismi Marti
#include <WaspLoRaWAN.h>
uint8_t socket = SOCKET0;
// Device parameters for Back-End registration
char DEVICE_EUI[] = "0102030405060708";
char DEVICE_ADDR[] = "05060708";
char NWK_SESSION_KEY[] = "01020304050607080910111213141516";
char APP_SESSION_KEY[] = "000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F";
char APP_KEY[] = "000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F";
// variable
uint8_t error;
void setup()
USB.println(F("LoRaWAN example - Module configuration"));
// 1. switch on
error = LoRaWAN.ON(socket);
// Check status
if( error == 0 )
USB.println(F("1. Switch ON OK"));
USB.print(F("1. Switch ON error = "));
USB.println(error, DEC);
// 2. Reset to factory default values
error = LoRaWAN.factoryReset();
// Check status
if( error == 0 )
USB.println(F("2. Reset to factory default values OK"));
USB.print(F("2. Reset to factory error = "));
USB.println(error, DEC);
// 3. Set/Get Device EUI
// Set Device EUI
error = LoRaWAN.setDeviceEUI(DEVICE_EUI);
// Check status
if( error == 0 )
USB.println(F("3.1. Set Device EUI OK"));
USB.print(F("3.1. Set Device EUI error = "));
USB.println(error, DEC);
// Get Device EUI
error = LoRaWAN.getDeviceEUI();
// Check status
if( error == 0 )
USB.print(F("3.2. Get Device EUI OK. "));
USB.print(F("Device EUI: "));
USB.print(F("3.2. Get Device EUI error = "));
USB.println(error, DEC);
// 4. Set/Get Device Address
// Set Device Address
error = LoRaWAN.setDeviceAddr(DEVICE_ADDR);
// Check status
if( error == 0 )
USB.println(F("4.1. Set Device address OK"));
USB.print(F("4.1. Set Device address error = "));
USB.println(error, DEC);
// Get Device Address
error = LoRaWAN.getDeviceAddr();
// Check status
if( error == 0 )
USB.print(F("4.2. Get Device address OK. "));
USB.print(F("Device address: "));
USB.print(F("4.2. Get Device address error = "));
USB.println(error, DEC);
// 5. Set Network Session Key
error = LoRaWAN.setNwkSessionKey(NWK_SESSION_KEY);
// Check status
if( error == 0 )
USB.println(F("5. Set Network Session Key OK"));
USB.print(F("5. Set Network Session Key error = "));
USB.println(error, DEC);
// 6. Set Application Session Key
error = LoRaWAN.setAppSessionKey(APP_SESSION_KEY);
// Check status
if( error == 0 )
USB.println(F("6. Set Application Session Key OK"));
USB.print(F("6. Set Application Session Key error = "));
USB.println(error, DEC);
// 7. Set retransmissions for uplink confirmed packet
// set retries
error = LoRaWAN.setRetries(7);
// Check status
if( error == 0 )
USB.println(F("7.1. Set Retransmissions for uplink confirmed packet OK"));
USB.print(F("7.1. Set Retransmissions for uplink confirmed packet error = "));
USB.println(error, DEC);
// Get retries
error = LoRaWAN.getRetries();
// Check status
if( error == 0 )
USB.print(F("7.2. Get Retransmissions for uplink confirmed packet OK. "));
USB.print(F("TX retries: "));
USB.println(LoRaWAN._retries, DEC);
USB.print(F("7.2. Get Retransmissions for uplink confirmed packet error = "));
USB.println(error, DEC);
// 8. Set application key
error = LoRaWAN.setAppKey(APP_KEY);
// Check status
if( error == 0 )
USB.println(F("8. Application key set OK"));
USB.print(F("8. Application key set error = "));
USB.println(error, DEC);
// 9. For 900MHz US bands with gateways limited
// to 8 channels, disable the unavailable channels
for (int ch = 8; ch <= 64; ch++)
error = LoRaWAN.setChannelStatus(ch, "off");
// Check status
if( error == 0 )
USB.println(F("9. Channel status set OK"));
USB.print(F("9. Channel status set error = "));
USB.println(error, DEC);
// 10. Set Adaptive Data Rate
// set ADR
error = LoRaWAN.setADR("on");
// Check status
if( error == 0 )
USB.println(F("10.1. Set Adaptive data rate status to on OK"));
USB.print(F("10.1. Set Adaptive data rate status to on error = "));
USB.println(error, DEC);
// Get ADR
error = LoRaWAN.getADR();
// Check status
if( error == 0 )
USB.print(F("10.2. Get Adaptive data rate status OK. "));
USB.print(F("Adaptive data rate status: "));
if (LoRaWAN._adr == true)
USB.print(F("10.2. Get Adaptive data rate status error = "));
USB.println(error, DEC);
// 11. Set Automatic Reply
// set AR
error = LoRaWAN.setAR("on");
// Check status
if( error == 0 )
USB.println(F("11.1. Set automatic reply status to on OK"));
USB.print(F("11.1. Set automatic reply status to on error = "));
USB.println(error, DEC);
// Get AR
error = LoRaWAN.getAR();
// Check status
if( error == 0 )
USB.print(F("11.2. Get automatic reply status OK. "));
USB.print(F("Automatic reply status: "));
if (LoRaWAN._ar == true)
USB.print(F("11.2. Get automatic reply status error = "));
USB.println(error, DEC);
// 12. Save configuration
error = LoRaWAN.saveConfig();
// Check status
if( error == 0 )
USB.println(F("12. Save configuration OK"));
USB.print(F("12. Save configuration error = "));
USB.println(error, DEC);
void loop()
// do nothing
LoRaWAN example - Module configuration
1. Switch ON OK
2. Reset to factory default values OK
3.1. Set Device EUI OK
3.2. Get Device EUI OK. Device EUI: 0102030405060708
4.1. Set Device address OK
4.2. Get Device address OK. Device address: 05060708
5. Set Network Session Key OK
6. Set Application Session Key OK
7.1. Set Retransmissions for uplink confirmed packet OK
7.2. Get Retransmissions for uplink confirmed packet OK. TX retries: 7
8. Application key set OK
9. Channel status set OK
9. Channel status set OK
9. Channel status set OK
9. Channel status set OK
9. Channel status set OK
9. Channel status set OK
9. Channel status set OK
9. Channel status set OK
9. Channel status set OK
9. Channel status set OK
9. Channel status set OK
9. Channel status set OK
9. Channel status set OK
9. Channel status set OK
9. Channel status set OK
9. Channel status set OK
9. Channel status set OK
9. Channel status set OK
9. Channel status set OK
9. Channel status set OK
9. Channel status set OK
9. Channel status set OK
9. Channel status set OK
9. Channel status set OK
9. Channel status set OK
9. Channel status set OK
9. Channel status set OK
9. Channel status set OK
9. Channel status set OK
9. Channel status set OK
9. Channel status set OK
9. Channel status set OK
9. Channel status set OK
9. Channel status set OK
9. Channel status set OK
9. Channel status set OK
9. Channel status set OK
9. Channel status set OK
9. Channel status set OK
9. Channel status set OK
9. Channel status set OK
9. Channel status set OK
9. Channel status set OK
9. Channel status set OK
9. Channel status set OK
9. Channel status set OK
9. Channel status set OK
9. Channel status set OK
9. Channel status set OK
9. Channel status set OK
9. Channel status set OK
9. Channel status set OK
9. Channel status set OK
9. Channel status set OK
9. Channel status set OK
9. Channel status set OK
9. Channel status set OK
10. Save configuration OK
Last updated
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