File operations

To store data, files can be created and managed. There are some functions related to files operations.

Creating files

The create() function creates a file.

It returns ‘1’ on file creation and ‘0’ if error and it will mark the flag too.

Example of use

 const char name[] = ”FILE.TXT”;
 boolean fileCreation;
 // It creates a file named “FILE.TXT”
 fileCreation = SD.create(name);
 // It creates a file named “FILE.TXT”
 fileCreation = SD.create(“FILE.TXT”);

Creating and deleting files example:

Deleting files

The del() function deletes a file in the current directory. It returns ‘1’ on file delete and ‘0’ if error.

Example of use

 const char name[] = ”FILE.TXT”;
 boolean fileDelete;
 // It deletes a file named “FILE.TXT”
 fileDelete = SD.del(name);
 // It deletes previously created file named “FILE.TXT”
 fileDelete = SD.del(“FILE.TXT”);

Creating and deleting files example:

Opening files

The openFile() function opens the filepath if available. It is possible to select a bitwise-inclusive OR of flags from the following list:

O_READ - Open for reading. O_WRITE - Open for writing. O_RDWR - Open for reading and writing. O_APPEND - If set, the file offset shall be set to the end of the file prior to each write. O_CREAT - If the file exists, this flag has no effect except as noted under O_EXCL below. Otherwise, the file shall be created O_EXCL - If O_CREAT and O_EXCL are set, open() shall fail if the file exists. O_SYNC - Synchronous writes

Returns '1' on success, '0' otherwise

Example of use

 const char filepath[] = ”FILE.TXT”;
 // declare an SdFile object
 SdFile file;
 // open “FILE” for reading
 SD.openFile( filepath, &file, O_READ);

Closing files

The closeFile() function closes the pointer which pointed to the previously defined file.

Example of use

 // previously declared file
 SdFile file;
 // close file, referencing the previously opened file

Finding files

The isFile() function finds a file path in the current directory.

If it exists and it is a file ‘1’ will be returned, ‘0’ will be returned if it exists but it is not a file and ‘-1’ will be returned if it does not exist.

Example of use

 const char* name = ”FILE.TXT”;
 int8_t fileFound;
 // looks for “FILE.TXT” in the current directory
 fileFound = SD.isFile(name);
 // looks for “FILE.TXT” in the current directory
 fileFound = SD.isFile(“FILE.TXT”);

Reading data

The cat() function stores into the buffer the amount of bytes indicated as input. This function needs three input parameters:

  • filename: string which defines the filename

  • offset: number of bytes skipped from the beginning of the file to start reading

  • scope: number of bytes to read from file from the offset indicated

The catln() function stores into the buffer the amount of lines indicated as input. This function needs three input parameters:

  • filename: string which defines the filename

  • offset: number of lines skipped from the beginning of the file to start reading

  • scope: number of lines to read from file from the offset indicated

The information is returned as a string where each one of the characters are printed one after the next, EOL (‘\n’) will be encoded as EOL, and will be accounted as one byte.

Example of use

 const char name[] = ”FILE.TXT”;
 //It stores in ‘SD.buffer’ 17 characters after jumping 3,3,17);
 //It stores in ‘SD.buffer’ 100 characters from the beginning,0,100);
 //It stores in ‘SD.buffer’ 3 lines after jumping over the 2 first

• Reading files example:

Writing data

There are several ways to write data to a file:

  • Indicating the position to start writing. Function writeSD(). It is possible to indicate the amount of bytes to write.

  • At the end of the file. Function append(). It is possible to indicate the amount of bytes to write.

  • At the end of the file including an EOL character. Function appendln()

It returns ‘1’ on success and ‘0’ if error.

Example of use

   const char* file = ”FILE.TXT”;
uint8_t writeState;
   // It writes “hello” on file at position 0
   writeState = SD.writeSD(file,”hello”,0);
   // It writes “hello” on file at position 5
   writeState = SD.writeSD(file,”hello”,5);
   // It writes “hel” on file at position 10
   writeState = SD.writeSD(file,”hello”,10,3);
   // It writes “hello” at the end of file
   writeState = SD.append(file,”hello”);
   // It writes “hel” on file at end of file
   writeState = SD.append(file,”hello”,3);
   // It writes “hello” at end of file with EOL
   writeState = SD.appendln(file,”hello”);

• Writing and appending data examples:

Number of lines

The numln() function counts the number of lines in a file.

The number of lines are counted as the number of ‘\n’ that are found in a file.

It returns the amount of lines and negative value if an error occurred. If there are no lines in file selected, zero will be returned.

Example of use

const char name[] = ”FILE.TXT”;
 int32_t numberLines;
 // counts number of lines in file named “FILE.TXT”
 numberLines = SD.numln(name);
 // counts number of lines in file named “FILE.TXT”
 numberLines = SD.numln(“FILE.TXT”);

Getting file size

The getFileSize() function gets the size of the selected file.

It returns its size in Bytes or ‘-1’ if an error occurs.

Example of use

 const char name[] = ”FILE.TXT”;
 int32_t sizeFile;
 // gets size of file named “FILE.TXT”
 sizeFile = SD.getFileSize(name);
 // gets size of file named “FILE.TXT”
 sizeFile = SD.getFileSize(“FILE.TXT”);

Available Information

A possible value would be: sizeFile=16 , indicating the size file is 16 Bytes.

Finding patterns

The indexOf() function looks into the file for the first occurrence of the pattern after a certain offset. The algorithm will jump over offset bytes before starting to search for the pattern.

It will return the amount of bytes to the pattern from the offset.

The special characters like ‘\n’ (EOL) are accounted as one byte and files are indexed from 0.

Example of use

 const char name[] = ”FILE.TXT”;
 int32_t pattern;
 // It returns position at which “11” appears on file jumping over first 17 positions
 pattern = SD.indexOf(name,”11”,17);
 // It returns position at which “11” is on file
 pattern = SD.indexOf(“FILE.TXT”,”11”,0);

Example file “FILE.TXT” contains: ‘hola caracola\nhej hej\n hola la[EOF]’

The following table shows the results from searching different patterns:



SD.indexOf(“FILE.TXT”, “hola”, 0);


SD.indexOf(“FILE.TXT”, “hola”, 1);


SD.indexOf(“FILE.TXT”, “hej”, 3)


• Finding patterns example:

Last updated

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