SWI 05: Socket3 Sensor Reading

Turn on the Smart Water Ions Sensor Board and reads the Ion sensor connected in the SOCKET3 printing the result through the USB. In this case we are going to measure Fluoride Ion, but all Ions can be connected in the four available sockets.

Required Materials

1 x Waspmote 1 x Battery 1 x Smart Water Ions Sensor Board 1 x Flouride Sensor Probe 1 x Single Junction Reference Probe 1 x Flouride Calibration Kit (for those sensors which require calibration)


- The Flouride Sensor Probe must be used with the Single Junction Reference Probe. - The Flouride Sensor, can be connected in any of the four available sockets. - The calibration process of the ions sensors is described in the technical guide. - It advisable to measure the temperature of the calibration solution. - This example can be executed in Waspmote v12 and Waspmote v15.


 *  ------ [SWI_05] - SOCKET3 reading for Smart Water Ions-------- 
 *  Explanation: Turn on the Smart Water Ions Sensor Board and reads the Ion sensor
 *  connected in the SOCKET3 printing the result through the USB
 *  In this case we are going to measure Fluoride Ion, but all Ions
 *  can be connected in the four available sockets
 *  Copyright (C) 2016 Libelium Comunicaciones Distribuidas S.L. 
 *  http://www.libelium.com 
 *  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify 
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by 
 *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or 
 *  (at your option) any later version. 
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 
 *  GNU General Public License for more details. 
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License 
 *  along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. 
 *  Version:           3.0
 *  Design:            David Gascón 
 *  Implementation:    Ahmad Saad

#include <smartWaterIons.h>

// Connect the Fluor Sensor in the SOCKET3
// All Ion sensors can be connected in the four sockets
socket3Class FluorSensor;

// Calibration concentrations solutions used in the process
#define point1 10.0
#define point2 100.0
#define point3 1000.0

// Calibration Voltage values
#define point1_volt_F 3.115
#define point2_volt_F 2.834
#define point3_volt_F 2.557

// Define the number of calibration points
#define numPoints 3

float calConcentrations[] = {point1, point2, point3};
float calVoltages[] = {point1_volt_F, point2_volt_F, point3_volt_F}; 

void setup()
  // Turn ON the Smart Water Ions Board and USB

  // Calculate the slope and the intersection of the logarithmic function
  FluorSensor.setCalibrationPoints(calVoltages, calConcentrations, numPoints);

void loop()
  // Reading of the Fluoride sensor
  float fluorVoltage = FluorSensor.read();

  // Print of the results
  USB.print(F(" Fluoride Voltage: "));
  USB.print(F("volts |"));

  float concentration = FluorSensor.calculateConcentration(fluorVoltage);

  USB.print(F(" Fluoride concentration Estimated: "));
  USB.println(F(" ppm / mg * L-1"));



Fluoride Voltage: 3.4332802295volts | Fluoride concentration Estimated: 0.7191700458 ppm / mg * L-1
Fluoride Voltage: 3.4332811832volts | Fluoride concentration Estimated: 0.7191643238 ppm / mg * L-1
Fluoride Voltage: 3.4335939884volts | Fluoride concentration Estimated: 0.7173101425 ppm / mg * L-1
Fluoride Voltage: 3.4338750839volts | Fluoride concentration Estimated: 0.7156479835 ppm / mg * L-1

Last updated

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