WiFi PRO 18: FTP download

This example shows how to perform FTP download. The file transferred has previously been created in the server. The file is downloaded into the Waspmote's SD card.

Required Materials

1 x Waspmote 1 x Battery 1 x WiFi PRO Module


- The battery has to be connected. - This example can be executed in Waspmote v15


 *  ------ WIFI Example -------- 
 *  Explanation: This example shows how to perform FTP download.
 *  The file transferred has previously been created in the server. 
 *  The file is downloaded into the Waspmote's SD card.
 *  Copyright (C) 2016 Libelium Comunicaciones Distribuidas S.L. 
 *  http://www.libelium.com 
 *  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify  
 *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  
 *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or  
 *  (at your option) any later version.  
 *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,  
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of  
 *  GNU General Public License for more details.  
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License  
 *  along with this program.  If not, see .  
 *  Version:           3.0
 *  Design:            David Gascon 
 *  Implementation:    Yuri Carmona

// Put your libraries here (#include ...)
#include <WaspWIFI_PRO.h> 

// choose socket (SELECT USER'S SOCKET)
uint8_t socket = SOCKET0;

// choose FTP server settings
char SERVER[]   = "pruebas.libelium.com";
char PORT[]     = "21";
char USER[]     = "w@libelium.com";
char PASSWORD[] = "ftp1234";
//char SERVER[]   = "speedtest.tele2.net";
//char PORT[]     = "21";
//char USER[]     = "anonymous";
//char PASSWORD[] = "anonymous";
//char SERVER_FILE[] = "100KB.zip";
//char SD_FILE[] = "100KB.zip";

// Define filenames for SD card and FTP server:
//  - If the file is in the root directory: "FILE.TXT" or "/FILE.TXT" 
//  - If the file is inside a folder: "/FOLDER/FILE.TXT"
char SD_FILE[]     = "/FILE1.TXT";
char SERVER_FILE[] = "/FILE2.TXT";

// define variables
uint8_t error;
uint8_t status;
unsigned long previous;
uint16_t ftp_handle = 0;

void setup() 
  USB.println(F("Start program"));  
  USB.println(F("Once the module is set with one or more"));
  USB.println(F("AP settings, it attempts to join the AP"));
  USB.println(F("automatically once it is powered on"));    
  USB.println(F("Refer to example 'WIFI_PRO_01' to configure"));  
  USB.println(F("the WiFi module with proper settings"));

void loop()

  // get actual time
  previous = millis();  

  // 1. Switch ON
  error = WIFI_PRO.ON(socket);

  if (error == 0)
    USB.println(F("1. WiFi switched ON"));
    USB.println(F("1. WiFi did not initialize correctly"));

  // 2. Check if connected

  // check connectivity
  status =  WIFI_PRO.isConnected();

  // Check if module is connected
  if (status == true)
    USB.print(F("2. WiFi is connected OK"));
    USB.print(F(" Time(ms):"));    
    USB.print(F("2. WiFi is connected ERROR")); 
    USB.print(F(" Time(ms):"));    

  // 3. FTP

  // Check if module is connected
  if (status == true)
    // 3.1. Open FTP session
    error = WIFI_PRO.ftpOpenSession( SERVER, PORT, USER, PASSWORD );

    // check response
    if (error == 0)
      // get FTP handle
      ftp_handle = WIFI_PRO._ftp_handle;
      USB.println(F("3.1. Open FTP session OK"));   

      // 3.2. get File Size
      error = WIFI_PRO.ftpFileSize(ftp_handle, SERVER_FILE);

      // check response
      if (error == 0)
        USB.print(F("3.2. File size: "));  

        // 3.3. download file
        USB.print(F("3.3. Downloading file: "));
        error = WIFI_PRO.ftpDownload(ftp_handle, SERVER_FILE, SD_FILE);

        // check response
        if (error == 0)
          USB.println(F("Show file contents:"));
        USB.println(F("3.2. fileSize error")); 

      // 3.4. Close FTP session
      error = WIFI_PRO.ftpCloseSession(ftp_handle);

      // check response
      if (error == 0)
        USB.println(F("3.4. Close FTP session OK"));   
        USB.println(F("3.4. Error calling 'closeSessionFTP' function"));
      USB.println(F("3.1. Error calling 'ftpOpenSession' function"));


  USB.print(F("Time from OFF state (ms):"));    

  // 4. Switch OFF
  USB.println(F("4. WiFi switched OFF"));



Start program
Once the module is set with one or more
AP settings, it attempts to join the AP
automatically once it is powered on
Refer to example 'WIFI_PRO_01' to configure
the WiFi module with proper settings
1. WiFi switched ON
2. WiFi is connected OK Time(ms):5146
3.1. Open FTP session OK
3.2. File size: 2200
3.3. Downloading file: OK
Show file contents:

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3.4. Close FTP session OK
Time from OFF state (ms):14517
4. WiFi switched OFF

Last updated

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