Rebooting a Network

Network Reset

Resets network layer parameters on one or more modules within the PAN. Possible values are:

• 0 : Resets network layer parameters on the node issuing the reset • 1 : Resets network layer parameters on the entire network. It sends a broadcast message to all the nodes to reset.

When a node resets itself, it leaves the PAN and starts the process of finding a PAN to join.

When a node resets the network, it sends a broadcast transmission to all the nodes within the PAN. When the Coordinator receives the message leaves the PAN and starts a new PAN. The rest of the nodes leave the PAN too, and start a process for joining a PAN. The time to reset the network depends on the hops the broadcast reset message needs to reach its destination.

Our tests for a network with 3 hops discovered that time was around 3-4 seconds.

Example of use:

    xbeeZB.resetNetwork(0); // Reset itself
    xbeeZB.resetNetwork(1); // Reset the entire network

• Coordinator resets network example:

Last updated