Starting a network

To create a network it is only necessary to set 2 parameters in LoRa: channel and mode. These parameters are the base of a network and we need to be careful choosing them.

Encryption is optional. There are more parameters used to create a network like security parameters, which are not necessary but recommended (see chapter "Security and Data Encryption").

Two nodes are in the same LoRa network if they are using the same channel and mode.

Choosing a channel

As explained in chapter "Node Parameters", there are different channels to choose. Depends on the frequency band used, a random value between CH_10_868 - CH_17_868 or CH_00_900 - CH_12_900 should be chosen. This value will be used as the input parameter in the API function responsible for setting the channel.

Example of use:

    sx1272.setChannel(CH_04_900); // Set channel

SX1272 configuration example:

Choosing a mode

This parameter is only intended for LoRa. Mode is different depending on the BW, CR and SF parameters chosen. There are 10 different modes in the Waspmote API, shown in the figure, but it is possible to add any other combination of BW, CR and SF values.

Example of use:

    sx1272.setMode(3); // Set LoRa mode

SX1272 configuration example:

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