Tables of consumption
In the following table the consumption of the board is shown, the constant minimum consumption (fixed by the permanently active components), the minimum consumption of the electronics included in each group formed by the switches (without sensors) and the individual consumptions of each of the sensors connected alone to the board (the total consumption of the board with a determined sensor will be calculated as the sum of the constant minimum consumption of the board, plus the minimum consumption of the group to whom the sensor belongs, plus the consumption of the sensor).
Remember that the board's power can be completely disconnected, reducing the consumption to zero, using the 3.3 V and the 5 V main switches disconnection command included in the library.
Minimum (constant)
0 μA
Weather station WS-3000 group
0 μA
Watermark sensors group
1.4 mA
Low consumption group
1.8 mA
Watermark (1 sensor)
<0.8 mA
Watermark (2 sensors)
<1.5 mA
Watermark (3 sensors)
<2.2 mA
<400 μA
Wind vane
<300 μA
0 μA (330 μA in on pulse -10 ms approximately-)
<2.8 μA
<1.5 mA
Ultrasound sensor
2.1 mA
0.24 mA
Solar radiation, SQ-110
0 μA
1.5 mA
160 μA
Leaf wetness
<240 μA
Low consumption mode
The Waspmote Agriculture v3.0 Board has been designed to have the least consumption possible. For this, the only recommendations which the user must try to follow are the following:
Use the Waspmote low consumption mode
This board's library includes a command to put the mote into a low consumption mode. Use it during the time in which the mote is not carrying out any measurement and try to space them as much as your application allows you.
Do not connect sensors that are not going to be used
Since several sensors share the same power line, a sensor that is not going to be used connected to the board will entail an additional consumption, and so a shorter life of the battery.
Last updated
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