Plug&Sense! details
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Last updated
Users can see here the last data received on the Cloud. It is very useful to check if the device is working or not.
Plug&Sense! nodes cannot be configured remotely from the Cloud. But, users can program it using the Plug&Sense! Programmer by clicking the button displayed on this section.
Only subscribed nodes can use the Plug&Sense! Programmer. See the subscription section for more information.
We want to provide you the most information possible about what is happening with your devices.
In this tab you can see the registered activity for the device. The filter area lets you choose between different option so you can look for specific type of messages logs: -Between dates and time -Deppending on specific message level (see the Logs section for further information) -Free text search
If you want to use LoRaWAN you must provide the LoraWAN EUI: "Extended Unique Identifier". A globally-unique identifier (64 bits) for your device.
Encryption key. We use the AES-256. It is possible to create a random key by clicking the "GENERATE RANDOM KEY".
If you want to use the Sigfox network, you must provide the device id for this kind of network.
Because we do some different parsing operations to the received data frames from your device, please, let us know if it belongs to the Agriculture Xtreme series or not.