Input/Output pins

Waspmote can communicate with other external devices using different input/output ports.

Reading ANALOG inputs

It gets the value read by the corresponding analog input. Waspmote has 7 analog inputs in the sensor connector. Each input is directly connected to the microcontroller. The microcontroller uses a 10-bit analog to digital converter (ADC). The reference voltage value for the inputs is 0 V (GND). The maximum value of input voltage is 3.3 V. To obtain input values, the function analogRead() is used. The value read from this function will be an integer number between 0 and 1023 bits, where 0 corresponds to 0 V and 1023 to 3.3 V.

Example of use:

    int val1 = analogRead(ANALOG1); // Read the input ANALOG1 and store its value in val1
    int val2 = analogRead(ANALOG2); // Read the input ANALOG2 and store its value in val2
    int val3 = analogRead(ANALOG3); // Read the input ANALOG3 and store its value in val3
    int val4 = analogRead(ANALOG4); // Read the input ANALOG4 and store its value in val4
    int val5 = analogRead(ANALOG5); // Read the input ANALOG5 and store its value in val5
    int val6 = analogRead(ANALOG6); // Read the input ANALOG6 and store its value in val6
    int val7 = analogRead(ANALOG7); // Read the input ANALOG7 and store its value in val7

Digital I/O

Setting DIGITAL pin mode

The pinMode() function configures the specified pin as an input or an output.

It returns nothing.

Example of use:

    pinMode(DIGITAL1, INPUT); // Sets DIGITAL1 as an input
    pinMode(DIGITAL4,OUTPUT); // Sets DIGITAL4 as an output

Reading DIGITAL Inputs

The digitalRead() function reads the value from the specified digital pin.

It returns '0' or '1'.

Example of use:

    int val=0;
    pinMode(DIGITAL1, INPUT); // Sets DIGITAL1 as an input
    val=digitalRead(DIGITAL1); // Reads the value from Digital 1

Writing DIGITAL Outputs

The digitalWrite() function writes a HIGH or LOW value to a digital pin. The pin voltage will be set to 3.3 V for a 'HIGH' value, and 0 V for a 'LOW' value.

Example of use:

    pinMode(DIGITAL4, OUTPUT); // Sets DIGITAL4 as an output
    digitalWrite(DIGITAL4, HIGH); // Writes 'High' to Digital 4

DIGITAL1 pin as PWM output

There is one pin that can be used as an analog or digital pin.

This pin is called DIGITAL1.

It returns nothing.

Example of use:

    analogWrite(DIGITAL1, 128); // Writes a value comprised between [0-255] in DIGITAL1

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