USB Library

Waspmote Libraries

Waspmote USB Files

WaspUSB.h ; WaspUSB.cpp


To start using Waspmote USB library, an object from class 'WaspUSB' must be created. This object, called USB, is created inside the Waspmote USB library and it is public to all libraries. It is used through the guide to show how the Waspmote USB library works.

When creating this constructor, one variable is initialized. This variable specifies the number of the UART that USB is going to use (UART0 in this case).

Pre-Defined Constants

There are some constants defined in 'WaspUSB .h' related with the different kind of numbers that can be printed on the screen.


Two functions have been created to open and close the UART used to communicate via USB.

Example of use:

    USB.ON(); // Opens the UART at 115200 bps by default
    USB.OFF(); // Closes the UART

Reading data

Two functions have been developed for reading data or checking if data is available in the UART. One more function has been developed to free the UART buffer.

Example of use:

    int data_read=0;
        // If data is available '1' is returned; // Reads data from UART0
    USB.flush(); // Frees the UART buffer. All the data unread are lost.

Printing data

Some functions have been created to write data to the UART.

Example of use:

Print a character

    char charac='a';
    USB.print(charac); // Writes the char 'a' to the UART
    USB.println(charac); // Writes the char 'a' to the UART adding an EOL
    USB.println(); // Writes an EOL

Print a string

    char string[] = "Hello";
    USB.print(string); // Writes a string to the UART
    USB.println(string); // Writes a string to the UART adding an EOL

Print uint8_t (1 byte)

    uint8_t unsigned=3;
    USB.print(unsigned); // Writes the number '3' to the UART
    USB.println(unsigned); // Writes the number '3' to the UART adding an EOL

Print int (2 bytes)

    int integer=54345;
    USB.print(integer); // Writes the number '54345' to the UART
    USB.println(integer); // Writes the number '54345' to the UART adding an EOL

Print long (4 bytes)

    long long_int=1234567;
    USB.print(long_int); //Writes the number '1234567' to the UART
    USB.println(long_int); //Writes the number '1234567' to the UART adding an EOL

Print float (4 bytes)

    float float_num=1.23456;
    USB.print(float_num); //Writes the number '1.23456' to the UART
    USB.println(float_num); //Writes the number '1.23456' to the UART adding an EOL

Print hexadecimal number (1 byte)

    uint8_t num = 0x14;
    USB.printHex(num); // Writes the number 0x14 in base 16

Print arrays:

    uint8_t array[5] = { 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35 };
    USB.print( array, 5 );
    USB.println( array, 5 ); // adding EOL

Print arrays in HEX format:

    uint8_t array[5] = { 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34, 0x35 };
    USB.printHex( array, 5 );
    USB.printHexln( array, 5 ); // adding EOL

Print numbers in different formats

    USB.println(78); // Writes 78 in integer format: \'78\'
    USB.println(78, BIN); // Writes 78 in binary format: \'1001110\'
    USB.println(78, OCT); // Writes 78 in octal format: \'116\'
    USB.println(78, DEC); // Writes 78 in integer format: \'78\'
    USB.println(78, HEX); // Writes 78 in hexadecimal format: \'4E\'

Print formatted data

    int var1=0xABCD;
    int var2=3.1416;
    int var3=32767; //max signed int
    int var4=32768; //overflows signed int range
    long var5=2147483647; //max signed long int
    long var6=2147483648; //overflows signed long range
    unsigned long var7=4294967295; //max unsigned long
    USB.printf(\"%s\n\", \"Hello world\"); // Writes "Hello World" with EOL
    USB.printf(\"millis: %lu\n\",millis()); // Writes "millis: 356" with EOL
    USB.printf(\"hexadecimal: %x\n\", var1); // Writes "hexadecimal: abcd" with EOL
    USB.printf(\"decimal: %d\n\", var1); // Writes "decimal: -21555" with EOL
    USB.printf(\"unsigned int: %u\n\", var1);// Writes "unsigned int: 43981" with EOL
    USB.printf(\"float: %f\n\", var2); // It is not possible to print floats this way
    USB.printf(\"int: %d\n\", var3); // Writes "int: 32767" with EOL
    USB.printf(\"\'32768\' overflows: %d\n\", var4); // Writes "\'32768\' overflows: -32768"
    USB.printf(\"signed long: %ld\n\", var5);// Writes "signed long: 2147483647" with EOL
    USB.printf(\"\'2147483648\' overflows: %ld\n\", var6);Writes "\'2147483648\' overflows: -2147483648"
    USB.printf(\"unsigned long: %lu\n\", var7); // Writes "unsigned long: 4294967295"

USB function example:

Formatted print function example:

Last updated

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