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Many of the sensors available for Smart Cities PRO are actually migrated from the Gases PRO sensor board, where they were integrated initially. For a better understanding of the characteristics of sensors, its calibration and performance, it is highly advised to read the Gases PRO Technical Guide, specially the chapters "Gases PRO sensor board", "Hardware" and "Sensors".
The BME280 is a digital temperature, humidity and atmospheric pressure sensor developed by Bosch Sensortec.
Electrical characteristics
Supply voltage: 3.3 V Sleep current typical: 0.1 μA Sleep current maximum: 0.3 μA
Temperature sensor
Operational range: -40 ~ +85 ºC Full accuracy range: 0 ~ +65 ºC Accuracy: ±1 ºC (range 0 ºC ~ +65 ºC) Response time: 1.65 seconds (63% response from +30 to +125 °C). Typical consumption: 1 μA measuring
Humidity sensor
Measurement range: 0 ~ 100% of relative humidity (for temperatures < 0 °C and > 60 °C see figure below) Accuracy: < ±3% RH (at 25 ºC, range 20 ~ 80%) Hysteresis: ±1% RH Operating temperature: -40 ~ +85 ºC Response time (63% of step 90% to 0% or 0% to 90%): 1 second Typical consumption: 1.8 μA measuring Maximum consumption: 2.8 μA measuring
Pressure sensor
Measurement range: 30 ~ 110 kPa Operational temperature range: -40 ~ +85 ºC Full accuracy temperature range: 0 ~ +65 ºC Absolute accuracy: ±0.1 kPa (0 ~ 65 ºC) Typical consumption: 2.8 μA measuring Maximum consumption: 4.2 μA measuring
The BME280 is as combined digital humidity, pressure and temperature sensor based on proven sensing principles. The humidity sensor provides an extremely fast response time for fast context awareness applications and high overall accuracy over a wide temperature range.
The pressure sensor is an absolute barometric pressure sensor with extremely high accuracy and resolution and drastically lower noise.
The integrated temperature sensor has been optimized for lowest noise and highest resolution.
Its output is used for temperature compensation of the pressure and humidity sensors and can also be used for estimation of the ambient temperature.
When the sensor is disabled, current consumption drops to 0.1 μA.
You can find a complete example code for reading the BME280 sensor in the following link:
This sensor can be connected in sockets 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 in Waspmote OEM and sockets A, B, C, E and F in Plug & Sense!.
In the image above we can see highlighted the four pins of the terminal block where the sensor must be connected to the board. The white dot on the BME280 must match the white mark on the Smart Cities PRO Sensor Board. Please mind that each socket has 3 rows, but only 2 are used for that sensor, because it only has 2x2 pins. A bad connection can cause malfunction or even hardware damage.
Operation frequency: 42 kHz Maximum detection distance: 765 cm Interface: Digital bu Power supply: 3.3 V Consumption (average): 2.1 mA Consumption (peak): 50 mA Usage: Indoors and outdoors (IP-67)
In the figure below we can see a diagram of the detection range of the sensor developed using different detection patterns (a 0.63 cm diameter dowel for diagram A, a 2.54 cm diameter dowel for diagram B, an 8.25cm diameter rod for diagram C and a 28 cm wide board for diagram D):
Operation frequency: 42 kHz Maximum detection distance: 765 cm Consumption (average): 2 mA Consumption (peak): 50 mA Usage: Indoors only
In the figure below we can see a diagram of the detection range of the sensor developed using different detection patterns (a 0.63 cm diameter dowel for diagram A, a 2.54 cm diameter dowel for diagram B, an 8.25 cm diameter rod for diagram C and a 28 cm wide board for diagram D):
The MaxSonar® sensors from MaxBotix can be connected through the digital bus interface.
In the next figure, we can see a drawing of two example applications for the ultrasonic sensors, such as liquid level monitoring or presence detection.
The MB7040 sensor is endowed with an IP-67 casing, so it can be used in outdoors applications, such as liquid level monitoring in storage tanks.
You can find a complete example code for reading the distance in the following link:
These sensors can be connected in socket 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 in Waspmote OEM and sockets A, B, C, E and F in Plug & Sense!.
Electrical characteristics ****Dynamic range: 0.1 to 40000 lux Spectral range: 300 ~ 1100 nm Voltage range: 2.7 ~ 3.6 V Supply current typical: 0.24 mA Sleep current maximum: 0.3 μA Operating temperature: -30 ~ 70 ºC
This is a light-to-digital converter that transforms light intensity into a digital signal output. This device combines one broadband photo-diode (visible plus infrared) and one infrared-responding photo-diode on a single CMOS integrated circuit capable of providing a near-photopic response over an effective 20-bit dynamic range (16-bit resolution). Two integrating ADCs convert the photo-diode currents to a digital output that represents the irradiance measured on each channel. This digital output in lux is derived using an empirical formula to approximate the human eye response.
You can find a complete example code for reading the luminosity in the following link:
This sensor can be connected in socket 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 in Waspmote OEM and sockets A, B, C, E and F in Plug & Sense!
In the image above we can see highlighted the four pins of the terminal block where the sensor must be connected to the board. The white dot on the luxes board, must match the mark of the Smart Cities PRO Sensor Board. Please mind that each socket has 3 rows, but only 2 are used for that sensor, because it only has 2x2 pins. A bad connection can cause malfunction or even hardware damage.
Since February 2019, the OPC-N3 sensor is supplied instead of the OPC-N2. The OPC-N3 has taken the success of the older OPC-N2 unit and has improved it further. With the same dimensions and power/ interface as the N2, the OPC-N3 now measures from 0.35 μm to 40 μm, sorting into 24 size bins. Features include improved aerodynamics with reduction of particle deposition, better low end performance, extended upper size measurements and high/low flow rate digital selection. The OPC-N3 can measure from clean rooms to pollution levels to 2,000 μg/m3 with the unique feature of being able to size classify pollen.
Sensor: OPC-N3
Performance characteristics ****Laser classification: Class 1 as enclosed housing Particle range (μm): 0.35 to 40 spherical equivalent size (based on RI of 1.5, S of 1.65) Size categorization (standard): 24 software bins Sampling interval (seconds): 1 to 30 histogram period Total flow rate: 5.5 L/min Sample flow rate: 280 mL/min Max particle count rate: 10000 particles/second Max coincidence probability: 0.84% at 10,000,000 particles/L, 0.24% at 500 particles/L
Power characteristics ****Measurement mode (laser and fan on): 270 mA @ 5 V (typical) Voltage range: 4.8 to 5.2 V DC
Enclosure ****Waterproof Dimensions: 122 x 82 x 85 mm (without fixing lugs) Material: Polycarbonate Cable length: 0.6 m
Operation conditions ****Temperature range: -10 ºC to 50 ºC Operating humidity: 0 to 95% RH non-condensing
This sensor has a high current consumption. It is very important to turn on the sensor to perform a measure and then, turn it off to save battery. Also, it is advised to operate with a minimum battery level of 40%, just to avoid voltage drops (due to high current peaks) which could lead to resets in the system.
Dust, dirt or pollen may be accumulated inside the dust sensor structure, especially when the sensor is close to possible solid particle sources: parks, construction works, deserts. That is why it is highly recommended to perform maintenance/cleaning tasks in order to have accurate measures. This maintenance/cleaning frequency may vary depending on the environment conditions or amount of obstructing dust. In clean atmospheres or with low particle concentrations, the maintenance/cleaning period will be longer than a place with a high particle concentrations.
Do not handle the sticker seals of the enclosure (Warranty stickers). Their integrity is the proof that the sensor enclosure has not been opened. If they have been handled, damaged or broken, the warranty is automatically void.
DO NOT remove the external housing: this not only ensures the required airflow, also protects the user from the laser light. Removal of the casing may expose the user to Class 3B laser radiation. You must avoid exposure to the laser beam. Do not use if the outer casing is damaged. Return to Libelium. Removal of the external housing exposes the OPC circuitry which contains components that are sensitive to static discharge damage.
The Particle Matter (PM1 / PM2.5 / PM10) -- Dust Sensor is available only for the Plug & Sense! line (socket D).
Particle matter is composed of small solid or liquid particles floating in the air. The origin of these particles can be the industrial activity, exhaust fumes from diesel motors, building heating, pollen, etc. This tiny particles enter our bodies when we breath. High concentrations of particle matter can be harmful for humans or animals, leading to respiratory and coronary diseases, and even lung cancer. That is why this is a key parameter for the Air Quality Index.
Some examples:
Cat allergens: 0.1-5 μm
Pollen: 10-100 μm
Germs: 0.5-10 μm
Oil smoke: 1-10 μm
Cement dust: 5-100 μm
Tobacco smoke: 0.01-1 μm
The smaller the particles are, the more dangerous, because they can penetrate more in our lungs. Many times, particles are classified:
PM1: Mass (in μg) of all particles smaller than 1 μm, in 1 m3
PM2.5: Mass (in μg) of all particles smaller than 2.5 μm, in 1 m3
PM10: Mass (in μg) of all particles smaller than 10 μm, in 1 m3
Many countries and health organizations have studied the effect of the particle matter in humans, and they have set maximum thresholds. As a reference, the maximum allowed concentrations are about 20 μm/m3 for PM2.5 and about 50 μm/m3 for PM10.
High humidity or foggy environments could affect the measures of the sensor. The particles can be swollen by or coated by water. This results in measures higher than in dry environments.
If high humidity, fog or mist are present, then the OPC will actually measure the water droplets in the air, causing very high readings.
Like conventional optical particle counters, the OPC-N3 measures the light scattered by individual particles carried in a sample air stream through a laser beam. These measurements are used to determine the particle size (related to the intensity of light scattered via a calibration based on Mie scattering theory) and particle number concentration. Particle mass loading- PM2.5 or PM10, are then calculated from the particle size spectra and concentration data, assuming density and refractive index. To generate the air stream, the OPC-N3 uses only a miniature low-power fan.
The OPC-N3 classifies each particle size, at rates up to ~10,000 particles per second, adding the particle diameter to one of 24 "bins" covering the size range from ~0.35 to 40 μm. The resulting particle size histograms can be evaluated over user-defined sampling times from 1 to 30 seconds duration, the histogram data being transmitted along with other diagnostic and environmental data (air temperature and air humidity). When the histogram is read, the variables in the library are updated automatically. See the API section to know how to manage and read this sensor.
You can find a complete example code for reading the Particle Matter Sensor in the following link:
Target parameter: LeqA
Microphone sensitivity: 12.7 mV/Pa
Range of the sensor: 50 dBA to 100 dBA
Accuracy: ±0.5 dBA (1 kHz)
Frequency range: 20 Hz -- 20 kHz
Omni-directional microphone
A-weighting measure
Sound pressure level measurement (no weighting filter)
FAST mode (125 ms) and SLOW mode (1 second), software configurable
Dimensions: 124 x 122 x 55 mm
Material: polycarbonate
Sealing: polyurethane
Cover screws: stainless steel
Ingress protection: IP65
Impact resistance: IK08
Rated insulation voltage AC: 690 V
Rated insulation voltage DC: 1000 V
Heavy metals-free
Weatherproof: true - nach UL 746 C
Ambient temperature (min.): -10 °C
Ambient temperature (max.): 50 °C
Approximated weight: 400 g
Data cable length: 0.6 m (cable from Noise Level Sensor to Plug & Sense!)
The sound pressure level or acoustic pressure level is a measure of the effective pressure of a sound relative to a reference value, normally referenced to pressure in air (20 µPa), which is considered as the threshold of the human hearing. The expression of the sound pressure level is defined by:
Where p is the root mean square sound pressure and p~0~ is the reference sound pressure (20 µPa). The next table shows some examples of different sound pressure measurements:
The sound pressure level parameter, explained in the previous section, is not much used in noise measurements. Instead, an average value called Leq, is used. Equivalent Continuous Sound Level (Leq) is the average of the sound pressure level during a period of time. This value is very used when the noise level is varying quickly. Below the equation to calculate the Leq value in decibels.
The Leq is the most used parameter by most countries for measuring the exposure to noise levels and earing damage risk. A better approximation to the human ear response is the LAeq (equivalent continuous A-weighted sound pressure level). The A-weighting filter is described in the next section of this guide.
The A-weighting is the most used curve of the family of curves defined by the IEC 61672 standard. It is very used for measuring environmental and industrial noise, due to the fact that the curve follows the frequency sensitivity of the human ear. Noise measurements made with the A-weighting scale are designated dBA. The A-weighting also predicts quite well the damage risk of the ear. The next graph shows the response of the A-weighting across the frequency range 10 Hz -- 20 kHz.
The new Noise / Sound Level Sensor has been designed following the specifications of the IEC 61672 standard for sound meters. Specifically with an accuracy of ±2 dBA similar to the Class 2 type devices. The value given is the LeqA (Equivalent continuous sound level, with A weighting) that allows to calculate the average sound pressure level during a period of time. Leq is often described as the average noise level during a noise measurement and it is the magnitude used for many regulations of noise control at work places and the street.
As mentioned previously, the Sound Level Sensor can only be used in combination with a Plug & Sense! Smart Cities PRO device. Once the sensor is connected following the previous steps, the Waspmote Plug & Sense! unit must be programmed for reading the sound pressure values.
You can find a complete example code for reading the temperature sensor in the following link:
In order to ensure the high quality of the Noise / Sound Level Sensor, each device is verified in an independent test laboratory.
Tests are performed inside an isolated anechoic chamber. The sound sensor probes are exposed to 5 different levels of white noise, created by a specialized sound generator and a cutting-edge, omni-directional speaker: 55, 65, 75, 85 and 95 dBA. The exact level is confirmed by the technician with a certified IEC 61672 soundmeter, placed at the same distance from the sound source than the 16 sensors. For each noise level, the output of each one of the 16 sensors is captured by a software system.
After those tests, an official test report is issued by the laboratory for every Noise / Sound Level Sensor, so the customer can verify the accuracy in dBA at different frequencies for each sound level probe. See below an example of this document.
Libelium ships every Noise / Sound Level Sensor with its test report. It takes some weeks to the laboratory to issue the test reports, so a Noise / Sound Level Sensor may be sent without the test report; in this case, the customer can to ask for the test report to their Sales agent.
The Noise Level Sensor has been designed to be used with the Waspmote Plug & Sense! Smart Cities PRO and it cannot be used independently. This sensor cannot be used on a Waspmote OEM with a Smart Cities PRO board, for example.
The Sound Level Sensor consists of the next items shown in the figure below:
The images below show the different sockets of the Noise Level Sensor.
To connect the Sound Level Sensor probe to the enclosure, It should be taken into account that the sensor probe connector has only one matching position. The user should align the sensor probe connector looking at the little notch of the connector (see image below). Notice that the sensor connector is male-type and the enclosure sensor connector is female-type.
Besides, there is a locking nut which should be screwed till the connector is completely fixed to the enclosure.
After connecting the sensor, connect the power supply cable to the USB connector, as shown in the picture below and the Noise Level Sensor will power up. Then, connect one end of data cable to the Sound Level Sensor and the other one to the associated Plug & Sense! Smart Cities PRO device.
Finally, the Noise Level Sensor can be installed outdoors in a streetlight or directly on a wall. The protection cover should be placed like the pictures below, to protect the Sound Level Sensor probe from the rain.
Notice that the power supply cable has a waterproof end, suitable for outdoor applications. But, on the other side, it has a non-waterproof end thought to be connected to a USB charger (AC/DC, 5 V /2.5A output). Bear in mind that this end is not waterproof so it cannot be used outdoors. Please protect it accordingly.
A typical application is to power a node placed on the facade of a building; the power supply cables go indoors through a nearby window and the USB ends remain indoors, connected to a wall adapter. Many lampposts also have a 220 V output inside.
Target parameter: LAS / LAF / LAEq
Frequency Weighting IEC 61672-1 A Filter
Time Weighting IEC 61672-1 Slow (S) and Fast (F)
Range of the sensor: 40 dBA to 115 dBA
Accuracy: ±0.5 dBA (1 kHz)
Frequency range: 20 Hz -- 20 kHz
Omni-directional microphone
FAST mode (125 ms), SLOW mode (1 second) and CONTINOUS mode.
Dimensions: 151 x 80 x 90 mm
Material: ABS o PC V-0
Sealing: polyurethane
Ingress protection: IP66
Rated insulation voltage AC: 690 V
Rated insulation voltage DC: 1000 V
Ambient temperature (min.): -10 °C
Ambient temperature (max.): 50 °C
Approximated weight: 313 g
Data cable length: 0.6 m (cable from Noise Level Sensor to Plug & Sense!)
The sound pressure level or acoustic pressure level is a measure of the effective pressure of a sound relative to a reference value, normally referenced to pressure in air (20 µPa), which is considered as the threshold of human hearing. The expression of the sound pressure level is defined by:
Where p is the root mean square sound pressure and p~0~ is the reference sound pressure (20 µPa). The next table shows some examples of different sound pressure measurements:
The sound pressure level parameter, explained in the previous section, is not much used in noise measurements. Instead, an average value called Leq, is used. Equivalent Continuous Sound Level (Leq) is the average sound pressure level during a period of time. This value is very used when the noise level is varying quickly. Below is the equation to calculate the Leq value in decibels.
The Leq is the most used parameter by most countries for measuring exposure to noise levels and hearing damage risk. A better approximation to the human ear response is the LAeq (equivalent continuous A-weighted sound pressure level). The A-weighting filter is described in the next section of this guide.
The maximum sampling time in LAeq mode is 24h, if a higher sampling time is set, the calculation will restart will after 24 hours.
The A-weighting is the most used curve of the family of curves defined by the IEC 61672 standard. It is very used for measuring environmental and industrial noise, due to the fact that the curve follows the frequency sensitivity of the human ear. Noise measurements made with the A-weighting scale are designated dBA. The A-weighting also predicts quite well the damage risk of the ear. The next graph shows the response of the A-weighting across the frequency range 10 Hz -- 20 kHz.
The new Noise / Sound Level Sensor has been designed following the specifications of the IEC 61672 standard for sound meters. Specifically with an accuracy of ±2 dBA similar to the Class 2 type devices. The value given is the LeqA (Equivalent continuous sound level, with A weighting) that allows to the calculation of the average sound pressure level during a period of time. Leq is often described as the average noise level during a noise measurement and it is the magnitude used for many regulations of noise control at workplaces and the street.
As mentioned previously, the Sound Level Sensor can only be used in combination with a Plug & Sense! Smart Cities PRO device. Once the sensor is connected following the previous steps, the Waspmote Plug & Sense! unit must be programmed for reading the sound pressure values.
You can find a complete example code for reading the temperature sensor in the following link:
In order to ensure the high quality of the Noise / Sound Level Sensor, each device is verified in a test laboratory.
Tests are performed inside an isolated anechoic chamber. The sound sensor probes are exposed to 5 different levels of white noise, created by a specialized sound generator and a cutting-edge, omnidirectional speaker: 55, 65, 75, 85 and 95 dBA. The exact level is confirmed by the technician and compared with a certified IEC 61672 sound meter.
The Noise Level Sensor PRO has been designed to be used with the Waspmote Plug & Sense! Smart Cities PRO, cannot be used independently. This sensor cannot be used on a Waspmote OEM with a Smart Cities PRO board.
The Sound Level Sensor consists of the next items shown in the figure below:
The images below show the different sockets of the Noise Level Sensor.
To connect the Sound Level Sensor probe to the enclosure, It should be taken into account that the sensor probe connector has only one matching position. The user should align the sensor probe connector by looking at the little notch of the connector (see image below). Notice that the sensor connector is male-type and the enclosure sensor connector is female-type.
Besides, there is a locking nut which should be screwed till the connector is completely fixed to the enclosure.
After connecting the sensor, connect the power supply cable to the USB connector, as shown in the last picture and the Noise Level Sensor will power up. Then, connect one end of data cable to the Sound Level Sensor and the other one to the associated Plug & Sense! Smart Cities PRO device in Socket A.
Notice that the power supply cable has a waterproof end, suitable for outdoor applications. But, on the other side, it has a non-waterproof end thought to be connected to a USB charger (AC/DC, 5 V /2.5A output). Bear in mind that this end is not waterproof so it cannot be used outdoors. Please protect it accordingly.
A typical application is to power a node placed on the facade of a building; the power supply cables go indoors through a nearby window and the USB ends remain indoors, connected to a wall adapter. Many lampposts also have a 220 V output inside.
Target parameters: LeqA, LeqB, LeqC, LeqZ Microphone sensitivity: 40 mV/Pa Range of the sensor: 25 dBA to 136 dBA Accuracy: Class 2 Standards: GB/T 3785.1-2010, GB/T 3785.2-2010, IEC 60651:1979, IEC 60804:2000, IEC 61672-1:2013, ANSI S1.4-1983, ANSI S1.43-1997 Frequency range: 20 Hz -- 12.5 kHz Omni-directional microphone: it comes in two different hardware versions for indoor and outdoor applications (Noise Level Sensor Class 2 Indoor and Noise Level Sensor Class 2 Outdoor) Frequency weighting: A, B, C, Z
Dimensions: 320 x 100 x 81 mm Material: Glass fiber reinforced thermoset polyester Sealing: Silicone Cover screws: Stainless steel Ingress protection: IP66 Impact resistance: 7 Joule in reference to EN 60079-0 Heavy metals-free Ambient temperature (min.): -50 °C Ambient temperature (max.): +100 °C Approximated weight: 2070 g Data cable length: 0.6 m (cable from Noise Level Sensor Class 2 to Plug & Sense!)
The sound pressure level parameter, is not much used in noise measurements. Instead, an average value called Leq, is used. Equivalent Continuous Sound Level ("Leq") is the average of the sound pressure level during a period of time. This value is very used when the noise level is varying quickly.
The Libelium's Noise Level Sensor Class 2 sensor is an optimal sound level meter for measurements at workplaces, construction sites, in traffic, airports, etc. The NLS Class 2 meter is a class 2 device and is equipped with an octave band frequency filter.
The sensor makes use of several weighting curves, defined in the International standard IEC 61672:2003, to read the equivalent continuous noise level providing the LeqA, LeqB, LeqC and LeqZ values.
Besides the equivalent continuous noise level, the sensor provides some other different values such as:
LN values (percentiles)
Fast, slow and impulse noise level pressure for A, B, C and Z weighting curves
Maximum and minimum values amongst the previous ones
Sound exposure level for A, B, C and Z weighting curves
Peak values
The Noise Level Sensor has been designed to be used with the Waspmote Plug & Sense! Smart Cities PRO and cannot be used independently. This sensor cannot be used on a Waspmote OEM with a Smart Cities PRO board, for example.
The Sound Level Sensor consists of the next items shown in the figure below:
The images below show the different sockets of the Noise Level Sensor.
Before using the Noise Level Sensor Class 2 the microphone must be connected to the microphone socket.
Data cable must be plugged into the data socket. It should be taken into account that the data cable connector has only one matching position. The user should align the data cable connector looking at the little notch of the connector. Notice that the data cable connector is male-type and the enclosure sensor connector is female-type.
After connecting the sensor to the Plug & Sense!, connect the power supply cable to the USB connector, as shown in the picture below and then connect the cable to the wall adapter to power up the sensor.
Finally, the Noise Level Sensor can be installed outdoors in a streetlight or directly on a wall. As mentioned in the specification there are two different microphone probes for the specific application indoors or outdoors.
It must be taken into account that only the outdoors probe seen below should be used for outdoor applications.
It must be taken into account that installing the sensor on a wall may affect the sensor's measurement if the microphone is close to the wall. Check the image below to see how to properly install the sensor outdoors.
Notice that the power supply cable has a waterproof end, suitable for outdoor applications. But, on the other side, it has a non-waterproof end thought to be connected to a USB charger (AC/DC, 5 V /2.5A output). Bear in mind that this end is not waterproof so it cannot be used outdoors. Please protect it accordingly.
A typical application is to power a node placed on the facade of a building; the power supply cables go indoors through a nearby window and the USB ends remain indoors, connected to a wall adapter. Many lampposts also have a 220 V output inside.
The Sound Level Sensor Class 2 allows changing the integral period of the sensor.
This varying line represents the continuously changing sound pressure which is measured by the microphone of the sound level meter and is measured in Pascals.
Converting it into a dB value the Sound Pressure Level ("SPL") is obtained.
To get a Leq value, or Equivalent Continuous Sound Level, the sound exposure is divided by the duration of the measurement (integral period). This averages the sound exposure over the measurement time and provides the Leq.
The setIntegralPeriod() function requires a parameter which is a value from 0 to 142 that represents time as shown below:
0 = infinite
1 to 59 = 1 to 59 seconds
60 to 118 = 1 to 59 minutes
119 to 142 = 1 to 24 hours
You can find a complete example code for reading the temperature sensor in the following link:
The Sound Level Sensor Class 2 can only be used in combination with a Plug & Sense! Smart Cities PRO device. Once the sensor is connected following the previous steps, the Waspmote Plug & Sense! unit must be programmed for reading the sound pressure values.
You can find a complete example code for reading the temperature sensor in the following link:
Gas: CO Sensor: CO-A4
Performance Characteristics Nominal Range: 0 to 25 ppm Maximum Overload: 2000 ppm Long Term Sensitivity Drift: < 10% change/year in lab air, monthly test Long Term zero Drift: < ±100 ppb equivalent change/year in lab air Response Time (T90): ≤ 20 seconds Sensitivity: 220 to 375 nA/ppm Accuracy: as good as ±0.1 ppm* (ideal conditions) H2S filter capacity: 250000 ppm·hrs
Operation Conditions Temperature Range: -30 ºC to 50 ºC Operating Humidity: 15 to 90% RH non-condensing Pressure Range: 80 to 120 kPa Storage Temperature: 0 ºC to 20 ºC Expected Operating Life: 3 years in air
Sockets for Waspmote OEM:
Sockets for Plug & Sense!:
Average consumption: less than 1 mA
Accuracy values are only given for the optimum case. See the "Calibration" chapter in the Gases PRO Technical Guide for more detail.*
The electrochemical sensors must be always powered on in order to get optimum measurements. This implies a power consumption, however it improves the performance of the sensor. This should also be applied when entering sleep modes so the sensor is not powered off selecting the proper sleep option.
Calibrated gas sensors are manufactured once the order has been placed to ensure maximum durability of the calibration feature. The manufacturing process and delivery may take from 4 to 6 weeks. The lifetime of calibrated gas sensors is 6 months working at maximum accuracy. We strongly encourage our customers to buy extra gas sensors to replace the original ones after that time to ensure maximum accuracy and performance.
Hydrogen Sulfide
< 0.1
Sulfur Dioxide
< -2
< 0.1
Nitric Oxide
< -2
Sulfur Dioxide
< 0.1
< 10
< 0.5
NH 3
< 0.1
Figure: Cross-sensitivity data for the CO Sensor for low concentrations
You can find a complete example code for reading the CO Sensor for low concentrations in the following link:
Gas: CO2 Sensor: INE20-CO2P-NCVSP
Performance Characteristics Nominal Range: 0 to 5000 ppm Long Term Output Drift: < ± 250 ppm/year Warm up time: 60 seconds @ 25 ºC At least 30 min for full specification @ 25 °C Response Time (T90): ≤ 60 seconds Resolution: 25 ppm Accuracy: as good as ±50 ppm*, from 0 to 2500 ppm range (ideal conditions) as good as ±200 ppm*, from 2500 to 5000 ppm range (ideal conditions)
Operation Conditions Temperature Range: -40 ºC to 60 ºC Operating Humidity: 0 to 95% RH non-condensing Storage Temperature: -40 ºC to 85 ºC MTBF: ≥ 5 years
Sockets for Waspmote OEM:
Sockets for Plug & Sense!:
Average consumption: 80 mA
The CO2 Sensor and the Methane (CH4) and Combustible Gas Sensor have high power requirements and cannot work together in the same Smart Cities PRO Sensor Board. The user must choose one or the other, but not both.
Accuracy values are only given for the optimum case. See the "Calibration" chapter in the Gases PRO Technical Guide for more detail.*
Calibrated gas sensors are manufactured once the order has been placed to ensure maximum durability of the calibration feature. The manufacturing process and delivery may take from 4 to 6 weeks. The lifetime of calibrated gas sensors is 6 months working at maximum accuracy. We strongly encourage our customers to buy extra gas sensors to replace the original ones after that time to ensure maximum accuracy and performance.
You can find a complete example code for reading the CO2 Sensor in the following link:
Gas: O2 Sensor: LFO2-A4
Performance Characteristics ****Long Term Output Drift: < 1% signal/3 months Response Time (T90): ≤ 17 seconds Sensitivity: 80-130 μA @ 20.9% O2 Accuracy: as good as ±0.1% (ideal conditions)
Operation Conditions ****Temperature Range: -30 ºC to 50 ºC Operating Humidity: 5 to 95% RH non-condensing Pressure Range: 80 to 120 kPa Storage Temperature: 3 ºC to 20 ºC, 6 months Expected Operating Life: 2 years until 85% original output of 20.9% O2
Note: Previously, Libelium offered the equivalent O2 sensor 4-OL, by Eurogas.
Sockets for Waspmote OEM:
Sockets for Plug & Sense!:
Average consumption: less than 1 mA
Accuracy values are only given for the optimum case. See the "Calibration" chapter in the Gases PRO Technical Guide for more detail.*
The electrochemical sensors must be always powered on in order to get optimum measurements. This implies a power consumption, however it improves the performance of the sensor. This should also be applied when entering sleep modes so the sensor is not powered off selecting the proper sleep option.
Calibrated gas sensors are manufactured once the order has been placed to ensure maximum durability of the calibration feature. The manufacturing process and delivery may take from 4 to 6 weeks. The lifetime of calibrated gas sensors is 6 months working at maximum accuracy. We strongly encourage our customers to buy extra gas sensors to replace the original ones after that time to ensure maximum accuracy and performance.
You can find a complete example code for reading the O2 Sensor in the following link:
Gas: O3 Sensor: OX-A431
Performance Characteristics Nominal Range: 0 to 18 ppm Maximum Overload: 50 ppm Long Term sensitivity Drift: -20 to -40% change/year Response Time (T90): ≤ 45 seconds Sensitivity: -200 to -550 nA/ppm Accuracy: as good as ±0.2 ppm* (ideal conditions) High cross-sensitivity with NO2 gas. Correction could be necessary in ambients with NO2.
Operation Conditions Temperature Range: -30 ºC to 40 ºC Operating Humidity: 15 to 85% RH non-condensing Pressure Range: 80 to 120 kPa Storage Temperature: 3 ºC to 20 ºC Expected Operating Life: > 24 months in air
Sockets for Waspmote OEM:
Sockets for Plug & Sense!:
Average consumption: less than 1 mA
Accuracy values are only given for the optimum case. See the "Calibration" chapter in the Gases PRO Technical Guide for more detail.*
The electrochemical sensors must be always powered on in order to get optimum measurements. This implies a power consumption, however it improves the performance of the sensor. This should also be applied when entering sleep modes so the sensor is not powered off selecting the proper sleep option.
Calibrated gas sensors are manufactured once the order has been placed to ensure maximum durability of the calibration feature. The manufacturing process and delivery may take from 4 to 6 weeks. The lifetime of calibrated gas sensors is 6 months working at maximum accuracy. We strongly encourage our customers to buy extra gas sensors to replace the original ones after that time to ensure maximum accuracy and performance.
Hydrogen Sulfide
< 10
Nitric Dioxide
70 to 120
< 30
Nitric Oxide
< 3
Sulfur Dioxide
< -6
Carbon Monoxide
< 0.1
< 0.1
< 0.1
< 0.1
Carbon Dioxide
< 0.1
This sensor has a very high cross-sensitivity with NO2 gas. So, the output in ambients with NO2 will be a mix of O3 and NO2. A simple way to correct this effect is to subtract NO2 concentration from O3 concentration with an NO2 gas sensor. The measure from the NO2 sensor must be accurate in order to subtract the right value. See the related section in the "Board configuration and programming" chapter to use the right function.
You can find a complete example code for reading the O3 Sensor in the following link:
Gas: NO Sensor: NO-A4
Performance Characteristics Nominal Range: 0 to 18 ppm Maximum Overload: 50 ppm Long Term Sensitivity Drift: < 20% change/year in lab air, monthly test Long Term zero Drift: 0 to 50 ppb equivalent change/year in lab air Response Time (T90): ≤ 25 seconds Sensitivity: 350 to 550 nA/ppm Accuracy: as good as ±0.2 ppm* (ideal conditions)
Operation Conditions Temperature Range: -30 ºC to 50 ºC Operating Humidity: 15 to 85% RH non-condensing Pressure Range: 80 to 120 kPa Storage Temperature: 0 ºC to 20 ºC Expected Operating Life: 2 years in air
Sockets for Waspmote OEM:
Sockets for Plug & Sense!:
Average consumption: less than 1 mA
Accuracy values are only given for the optimum case. See the "Calibration" chapter in the Gases PRO Technical Guide for more detail.*
The electrochemical sensors must be always powered on in order to get optimum measurements. This implies a power consumption, however it improves the performance of the sensor. This should also be applied when entering sleep modes so the sensor is not powered off selecting the proper sleep option.
Calibrated gas sensors are manufactured once the order has been placed to ensure maximum durability of the calibration feature. The manufacturing process and delivery may take from 4 to 6 weeks. The lifetime of calibrated gas sensors is 6 months working at maximum accuracy. We strongly encourage our customers to buy extra gas sensors to replace the original ones after that time to ensure maximum accuracy and performance.
Hydrogen Sulfide
Sulfur Dioxide
Carbon Monoxide
You can find a complete example code for reading the NO Sensor for low concentrations in the following link:
Gas: NO2 Sensor: NO2-A43F
Performance Characteristics Nominal Range: 0 to 20 ppm Maximum Overload: 50 ppm Long Term Sensitivity Drift: < -20 to -40% change/year in lab air, monthly test Long Term zero Drift: < 20 ppb equivalent change/year in lab air Response Time (T90): ≤ 60 seconds Sensitivity: -175 to -450 nA/ppm Accuracy: as good as ±0.1 ppm* (ideal conditions) O3 filter capacity @ 2 ppm: > 500 ppm·hrs
Operation Conditions Temperature Range: -30 ºC to 40 ºC Operating Humidity: 15 to 85% RH non-condensing Pressure Range: 80 to 120 kPa Storage Temperature: 0 ºC to 20 ºC Expected Operating Life: 2 years in air
Sockets for Waspmote OEM:
Sockets for Plug & Sense!:
Average consumption: less than 1 mA
Accuracy values are only given for the optimum case. See the "Calibration" chapter in the Gases PRO Technical Guide for more detail.*
The electrochemical sensors must be always powered on in order to get optimum measurements. This implies a power consumption, however it improves the performance of the sensor. This should also be applied when entering sleep modes so the sensor is not powered off selecting the proper sleep option.
Calibrated gas sensors are manufactured once the order has been placed to ensure maximum durability of the calibration feature. The manufacturing process and delivery may take from 4 to 6 weeks. The lifetime of calibrated gas sensors is 6 months working at maximum accuracy. We strongly encourage our customers to buy extra gas sensors to replace the original ones after that time to ensure maximum accuracy and performance.
Hydrogen Sulfide
< -80
< 75
Nitric Oxide
< 5
Sulfur Dioxide
< -5
Carbon Monoxide
< -5
< 0.1
< 1
< 0.2
Carbon Dioxide
5% vol
You can find a complete example code for reading the high accuracy NO2 Sensor in the following link:
Gas: SO2 Sensor: SO2-A4
Performance Characteristics Nominal Range: 0 to 20 ppm Maximum Overload: 100 ppm Long Term Sensitivity Drift: < ±15% change/year in lab air, monthly test Long Term zero Drift: <±20 ppb equivalent change/year in lab air Response Time (T90): ≤ 20 seconds Sensitivity: 320 to 480 nA/ppm Accuracy: as good as ±0.1 ppm* (ideal conditions)
Operation Conditions Temperature Range: -30 ºC to 50 ºC Operating Humidity: 15 to 90% RH non-condensing Pressure Range: 80 to 120 kPa Storage Temperature: 0 ºC to 20 ºC Expected Operating Life: 2 years in air
Sockets for Waspmote OEM:
Sockets for Plug & Sense!:
Average consumption: less than 1 mA
Accuracy values are only given for the optimum case. See the "Calibration" chapter in the Gases PRO Technical Guide for more detail.*
The electrochemical sensors must be always powered on in order to get optimum measurements. This implies a power consumption, however it improves the performance of the sensor. This should also be applied when entering sleep modes so the sensor is not powered off selecting the proper sleep option.
Calibrated gas sensors are manufactured once the order has been placed to ensure maximum durability of the calibration feature. The manufacturing process and delivery may take from 4 to 6 weeks. The lifetime of calibrated gas sensors is 6 months working at maximum accuracy. We strongly encourage our customers to buy extra gas sensors to replace the original ones after that time to ensure maximum accuracy and performance.
Hydrogen Sulfide
< 40
< -70
Nitric Oxide
< -160
Sulfur Dioxide
< 1.5
Carbon Monoxide
< 2
< 1
< 1
< 0.1
Carbon Dioxide
5% vol
< 0.1
You can find a complete example code for reading the high accuracy SO2 Sensor in the following link:
Gas: NH3 Sensor: 4-NH3-100
Performance Characteristics Nominal Range: 0 to 100 ppm Long Term Output Drift: < 2% signal/month Response Time (T90): ≤ 90 seconds Sensitivity: 135 ± 35 nA/ppm Accuracy: as good as ±0.5 ppm* (ideal conditions)
Operation Conditions
Temperature Range: -20 ºC to 50 ºC Operating Humidity: 15 to 90% RH non-condensing Pressure Range: 90 to 110 kPa Storage Temperature: 0 ºC to 20 ºC Expected Operating Life: ≥1 year in air
Sockets for Waspmote OEM:
Sockets for Plug & Sense!:
Average consumption: less than 1 mA
Accuracy values are only given for the optimum case. See the "Calibration" chapter in the Gases PRO Technical Guide for more detail.*
The electrochemical sensors must be always powered on in order to get optimum measurements. This implies a power consumption, however it improves the performance of the sensor. This should also be applied when entering sleep modes so the sensor is not powered off selecting the proper sleep option.
Calibrated gas sensors are manufactured once the order has been placed to ensure maximum durability of the calibration feature. The manufacturing process and delivery may take from 4 to 6 weeks. The lifetime of calibrated gas sensors is 6 months working at maximum accuracy. We strongly encourage our customers to buy extra gas sensors to replace the original ones after that time to ensure maximum accuracy and performance.
Carbon Monoxide
Hydrogen Sulfide
Carbon Dioxide
You can find a complete example code for reading the NH3 Sensor for low concentrations in the following link:
Gas: NH3 Sensor: 4-NH3-100
Performance Characteristics Nominal Range: 0 to 500 ppm Long Term Output Drift: < 10% per 6 months Response Time (T90): ≤ 90 seconds Sensitivity: 135 ± 35 nA/ppm Accuracy: as good as ±3 ppm* (ideal conditions)
Operation Conditions
Temperature Range: -20 ºC to 40 ºC Operating Humidity: 15 to 90% RH non-condensing Pressure Range: 90 to 110 kPa Storage Temperature: 0 ºC to 20 ºC Expected Operating Life: ≥1 year in air
Sockets for Waspmote OEM:
Sockets for Plug & Sense!:
Average consumption: less than 1 mA
Accuracy values are only given for the optimum case. See the "Calibration" chapter in the Gases PRO Technical Guide for more detail.*
The electrochemical sensors must be always powered on in order to get optimum measurements. This implies a power consumption, however it improves the performance of the sensor. This should also be applied when entering sleep modes so the sensor is not powered off selecting the proper sleep option.
Calibrated gas sensors are manufactured once the order has been placed to ensure maximum durability of the calibration feature. The manufacturing process and delivery may take from 4 to 6 weeks. The lifetime of calibrated gas sensors is 6 months working at maximum accuracy. We strongly encourage our customers to buy extra gas sensors to replace the original ones after that time to ensure maximum accuracy and performance.
Carbon Monoxide
Hydrogen Sulfide
Carbon Dioxide
Sulphur Dioxide
Nitric Oxide
Nitric Dioxide
You can find a complete example code for reading the NH3 Sensor for high concentrations in the following link:
Main gas: Methane CH4 Sensor: CH-A3
Performance Characteristics Nominal Range: 0 to 100% LEL methane Long Term Output Drift: < 2% signal/month Response Time (T90): ≤ 30 seconds Accuracy: as good as ±0.15% LEL* (ideal conditions)
Operation Conditions Temperature Range: -40 ºC to 55 ºC Expected Operating Life: 2 years in air
2hrs 20ppm Cl 2 , 50 % sensitivity loss, 2 day recovery
< 10% loss
Hydrogen Sulfide
12hrs 40ppm H 2 S, 50 % sensitivity loss, 2 day recovery
< 50% loss
9 hrs @ 10ppm HMDS
50% activity loss
Sockets for Waspmote OEM:
Sockets for Plug & Sense!:
Average consumption: 68 mA
The Methane (CH4) and Combustible Gas Sensor and the CO2 Sensor have high power requirements and cannot work together in the same Smart Cities PRO Sensor Board. The user must choose one or the other, but not both.
Accuracy values are only given for the optimum case. See the "Calibration" chapter in the Gases PRO Technical Guide for more detail.*
Calibrated gas sensors are manufactured once the order has been placed to ensure maximum durability of the calibration feature. The manufacturing process and delivery may take from 4 to 6 weeks. The lifetime of calibrated gas sensors is 6 months working at maximum accuracy. We strongly encourage our customers to buy extra gas sensors to replace the original ones after that time to ensure maximum accuracy and performance.
130 to 140
160 to 175
150 to 190
350 to 450
150 to 180
420 to 500
180 to 200
600 to 670
150 to 170
800 to 950
Carbon Monoxide
42 to 44
17 to 18
150 to 170
300 to 340
150 to 170
270 to 320
180 to 200
450 to 500
The exact values of combustible gases cannot be obtained directly. However, it is possible to obtain the other combustible gases values by activating the debug mode in the WaspSensorGas_Pro.h library: take the following data that will be printed by serial monitor (SENSITIVITY: mV/% LEL
) and use it along with the sensitivity values of the table above to calculate them.
You can find a complete example code for reading the Methane (CH4) and Combustible Gases Sensor in the following link:
This sensor was discontinued in 2019.
Gas: H2 Sensor: 4-H2-1000
Performance Characteristics ****Nominal Range: 0 to 1000 ppm Maximum Overload: 2000 ppm Long Term Output Drift: < 2% signal/month Response Time (T90): ≤ 70 seconds Sensitivity: 20 ± 10 nA/ppm Accuracy: as good as ±10 ppm* (ideal conditions)
Operation Conditions ****Temperature Range: -20 ºC to 50 ºC Operating Humidity: 15 to 90% RH non-condensing Pressure Range: 90 to 110 kPa Storage Temperature: 0 ºC to 20 ºC Expected Operating Life: 2 years in air
Sockets for Waspmote OEM:
Sockets for Plug & Sense!:
Average consumption: less than 1 mA
Accuracy values are only given for the optimum case. See the "Calibration" chapter in the Gases PRO Technical Guide for more detail.*
The electrochemical sensors must be always powered on in order to get optimum measurements. This implies a power consumption, however it improves the performance of the sensor. This should also be applied when entering sleep modes so the sensor is not powered off selecting the proper sleep option.
Calibrated gas sensors are manufactured once the order has been placed to ensure maximum durability of the calibration feature. The manufacturing process and delivery may take from 4 to 6 weeks. The lifetime of calibrated gas sensors is 6 months working at maximum accuracy. We strongly encourage our customers to buy extra gas sensors to replace the original ones after that time to ensure maximum accuracy and performance.
Hydrogen Sulfide
Nitric Oxide
Sulfur Dioxide
Carbon Monoxide
Nitric Dioxide
You can find a complete example code for reading the H2 Sensor in the following link:
Gas: H2S Sensor: 4-H2S-100
Performance Characteristics ****Nominal Range: 0 to 100 ppm Maximum Overload: 500 ppm Long Term Output Drift: < 2% signal/month Response Time (T90): ≤ 20 seconds Sensitivity: 800 ± 200 nA/ppm Accuracy: as good as ±0.1 ppm* (ideal conditions)
Operation Conditions ****Temperature Range: -20 ºC to 50 ºC Operating Humidity: 15 to 90% RH non-condensing Pressure Range: 90 to 110 kPa Storage Temperature: 0 ºC to 20 ºC Expected Operating Life: 2 years in air
Sockets for Waspmote OEM:
Sockets for Plug & Sense!:
Average consumption: less than 1 mA
Accuracy values are only given for the optimum case. See the "Calibration" chapter in the Gases PRO Technical Guide for more detail.*
The electrochemical sensors must be always powered on in order to get optimum measurements. This implies a power consumption, however it improves the performance of the sensor. This should also be applied when entering sleep modes so the sensor is not powered off selecting the proper sleep option.
Calibrated gas sensors are manufactured once the order has been placed to ensure maximum durability of the calibration feature. The manufacturing process and delivery may take from 4 to 6 weeks. The lifetime of calibrated gas sensors is 6 months working at maximum accuracy. We strongly encourage our customers to buy extra gas sensors to replace the original ones after that time to ensure maximum accuracy and performance.
+/- 1.5
Nitric Dioxide
Nitric Oxide
Sulfur Dioxide
Carbon Monoxide
< 6
You can find a complete example code for reading the H2S Sensor in the following link:
This sensor was discontinued in 2019.
Gas: HCl Sensor: 4-HCl-50
Performance Characteristics ****Nominal Range: 0 to 50 ppm Maximum Overload: 100 ppm Long Term Output Drift: < 2% signal/month Response Time (T90): ≤ 70 seconds Sensitivity: 300 ± 100 nA/ppm Accuracy: as good as ±1 ppm* (ideal conditions)
Operation Conditions ****Temperature Range: -20 ºC to 50 ºC Operating Humidity: 15 to 90% RH non-condensing Pressure Range: 90 to 110 kPa Storage Temperature: 0 ºC to 20 ºC Expected Operating Life: 2 years in air
Sockets for Waspmote OEM:
Sockets for Plug & Sense!:
Average consumption: less than 1 mA
Accuracy values are only given for the optimum case. See the "Calibration" chapter in the Gases PRO Technical Guide for more detail.*
The electrochemical sensors must be always powered on in order to get optimum measurements. This implies a power consumption, however it improves the performance of the sensor. This should also be applied when entering sleep modes so the sensor is not powered off selecting the proper sleep option.
Calibrated gas sensors are manufactured once the order has been placed to ensure maximum durability of the calibration feature. The manufacturing process and delivery may take from 4 to 6 weeks. The lifetime of calibrated gas sensors is 6 months working at maximum accuracy. We strongly encourage our customers to buy extra gas sensors to replace the original ones after that time to ensure maximum accuracy and performance.
Hydrogen Sulfide
Nitric Oxide
Nitric Dioxide
Sulfur Dioxide
Carbon Monoxide
You can find a complete example code for reading the HCl Sensor in the following link:
This sensor was discontinued in 2019.
Gas: HCN Sensor: 4-HCN-50
Performance Characteristics ****Nominal Range: 0 to 50 ppm Maximum Overload: 100 ppm Long Term Output Drift: < 2% signal/month Response Time (T90): ≤ 120 seconds Sensitivity: 100 ± 20 nA/ppm Accuracy: as good as ±0.2 ppm* (ideal conditions)
Operation Conditions ****Temperature Range: -20 ºC to 50 ºC Operating Humidity: 15 to 90% RH non-condensing Pressure Range: 90 to 110 kPa Storage Temperature: 0 ºC to 20 ºC Expected Operating Life: 2 years in air
Sockets for Waspmote OEM:
Sockets for Plug & Sense!:
Average consumption: less than 1 mA
Accuracy values are only given for the optimum case. See the "Calibration" chapter in the Gases PRO Technical Guide for more detail.*
The electrochemical sensors must be always powered on in order to get optimum measurements. This implies a power consumption, however it improves the performance of the sensor. This should also be applied when entering sleep modes so the sensor is not powered off selecting the proper sleep option.
Calibrated gas sensors are manufactured once the order has been placed to ensure maximum durability of the calibration feature. The manufacturing process and delivery may take from 4 to 6 weeks. The lifetime of calibrated gas sensors is 6 months working at maximum accuracy. We strongly encourage our customers to buy extra gas sensors to replace the original ones after that time to ensure maximum accuracy and performance.
Nitric Dioxide
Nitric Oxide
Sulfur Dioxide
Carbon Monoxide
Hydrogen Sulfide
You can find a complete example code for reading the HCN Sensor in the following link:
This sensor was discontinued in 2019.
Gas: PH3 Sensor: 4-PH3-20
Performance Characteristics ****Nominal Range: 0 to 20 ppm Maximum Overload: 100 ppm Long Term Output Drift: < 2% signal/month Response Time (T90): ≤ 60 seconds Sensitivity: 1400 ± 600 nA/ppm Accuracy: as good as ±0.1 ppm* (ideal conditions)
Operation Conditions ****Temperature Range: -20 ºC to 50 ºC Operating Humidity: 15 to 90% RH non-condensing Pressure Range: 90 to 110 kPa Storage Temperature: 0 ºC to 20 ºC Expected Operating Life: 2 years in air
Sockets for Waspmote OEM:
Sockets for Plug & Sense!:
Average consumption: less than 1 mA
Accuracy values are only given for the optimum case. See the "Calibration" chapter in the Gases PRO Technical Guide for more detail.*
The electrochemical sensors must be always powered on in order to get optimum measurements. This implies a power consumption, however it improves the performance of the sensor. This should also be applied when entering sleep modes so the sensor is not powered off selecting the proper sleep option.
Calibrated gas sensors are manufactured once the order has been placed to ensure maximum durability of the calibration feature. The manufacturing process and delivery may take from 4 to 6 weeks. The lifetime of calibrated gas sensors is 6 months working at maximum accuracy. We strongly encourage our customers to buy extra gas sensors to replace the original ones after that time to ensure maximum accuracy and performance.
Sulfur Dioxide
Carbon Monoxide
Hydrogen Sulfide
You can find a complete example code for reading the PH3 Sensor in the following link:
This sensor was discontinued in 2019.
Gas: ETO Sensor: 4-ETO-100
Performance characteristics ****Nominal Range: 0 to 100 ppm Long Term Sensitivity Drift: < 2% signal/month Response Time (T90): ≤ 120 seconds Sensitivity: 250 ± 125 nA/ppm Accuracy: as good as ±1 ppm* (ideal conditions)
Operation conditions
Temperature Range: -20 ºC to 50 ºC Operating Humidity: 15 to 90% RH non-condensing Pressure Range: 90 to 110 kPa Storage Temperature: 0 ºC to 20 ºC Expected Operating Life: 5 years in air
Sockets for Waspmote OEM:
Sockets for Plug & Sense!:
Average consumption: less than 1 mA
Accuracy values are only given for the optimum case. See the "Calibration" chapter in the Gases PRO Technical Guide for more detail.*
The electrochemical sensors must be always powered on in order to get optimum measurements. This implies a power consumption, however it improves the performance of the sensor. This should also be applied when entering sleep modes so the sensor is not powered off selecting the proper sleep option.
Calibrated gas sensors are manufactured once the order has been placed to ensure maximum durability of the calibration feature. The manufacturing process and delivery may take from 4 to 6 weeks. The lifetime of calibrated gas sensors is 6 months working at maximum accuracy. We strongly encourage our customers to buy extra gas sensors to replace the original ones after that time to ensure maximum accuracy and performance.
Ethylene Oxide
Carbon Monoxide
Vinyl Chloride
Vinyl Acetate
Formic Acid
Ethyl ether
(C2H5 ) 2O
You can find a complete example code for reading the ETO Sensor in the following link:
This sensor was discontinued in 2019.
Gas: Cl2 Sensor: 4-Cl2-50
Performance Characteristics ****Nominal Range: 0 to 50 ppm Maximum Overload: 100 ppm Long Term Output Drift: < 2% signal/month Response Time (T90): ≤ 30 seconds Sensitivity: 450 ± 200 nA/ppm Accuracy: as good as ±0.1 ppm* (ideal conditions)
Operation Conditions ****Temperature Range: -20 ºC to 50 ºC Operating Humidity: 15 to 90% RH non-condensing Pressure Range: 90 to 110 kPa Storage Temperature: 0 ºC to 20 ºC Expected Operating Life: 2 years in air
Sockets for Waspmote OEM:
Sockets for Plug & Sense!:
Average consumption: less than 1 mA
Accuracy values are only given for the optimum case. See the "Calibration" chapter in the Gases PRO Technical Guide for more detail.*
The electrochemical sensors must be always powered on in order to get optimum measurements. This implies a power consumption, however it improves the performance of the sensor. This should also be applied when entering sleep modes so the sensor is not powered off selecting the proper sleep option.
Calibrated gas sensors are manufactured once the order has been placed to ensure maximum durability of the calibration feature. The manufacturing process and delivery may take from 4 to 6 weeks. The lifetime of calibrated gas sensors is 6 months working at maximum accuracy. We strongly encourage our customers to buy extra gas sensors to replace the original ones after that time to ensure maximum accuracy and performance.
Hydrogen Sulfide
Nitric Oxide