WiFi PRO V3 module

The WiFi PRO V3 module supports a large variety of features:

  • TCP/UDP connection

  • DHCP client/server

  • DNS client

  • HTTP client

  • HTTPS client

  • Multiple SSIDs

The WiFi PRO V3 module supports the SSL3/TLS1 protocol for secure sockets. On the WLAN interface it supports WEP, WPA and WPA2 WiFi encryption.

The WiFi PRO V3 module may connect to any standard router which is configured as Access Point (AP) and then send data to other devices in the same network such as laptops and smart phones. Besides, they can send data directly to a web server located on the Internet.

Instead of using a standard WiFi router as AP, the connection may be performed using a Meshlium device as AP. Meshlium is the multiprotocol router designed by Libelium which is specially recommended for outdoor applications as it is designed to resist the hardest conditions in real field deployments. For more information about Meshlium go to: https://development.libelium.com/meshlium/.

Related API libraries: WaspWIFI_PRO_V3.h, WaspWIFI_PRO_V3.cpp

All information about their programming and operation can be found in the WiFi PRO v3 Networking Guide.

All the documentation is located in the Development section in the Libelium website.

Last updated