Documentation changelog
From v7.6 to v7.5
Added some new sensor possibilities to Manta: temperature, ph/ORP,
turbidity, conductivity and DO.
From v7.5 to v7.4
Added references to the new Radar level VEGAPULS C21 sensor probe
From v7.3 to v7.4
Added references to the new Total coliform bacteria, TLF, turbidity
and temperature Proteus sensor probe
From v7.2 to v7.3
Added references to the new StacSense sensor probe
Added references to the new sensors for the Manta probe: Rhodamine, Crude Oil, Refined Oil, Fluorescein, Tryptophan, Optical Brighteners, Bromide and Total Dissolved Gas (TGD)
From v7.1 to v7.2
Added comment: Ion Selective Electrode probes are not recommended for seawater
Added references to the new LoRaWAN JP / KR radio
Updated information for the new 4G EU/BR radio, v2 version
From v7.0 to v7.1
Added the safety guide for the Turbidity calibration solution, 4000 NTU
Added the safety guide for the storage solution (KCl)
Corrected the salinity range of the sensor CTZN
Added references to the new Bridge service
Added references to the new XBee ZigBee 3 radio
Updated information for the new 4G US radio, v2 version
The turbidity sensor was discontinued for Smart Water; now only available for the Smart Water Xtreme line
Deleted references to the discontinued RS-232 module
Last updated
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